外研版(三起点)小学英语六年级上册Module 2单元测试卷(含听力音频)

试卷更新日期:2020-08-25 类型:单元试卷






  • 17. — Do you go to the park every day?

    — No, I don't. S(有时) I go to the zoo with my family.

  • 18. Jim can't fly kites with us, t (既然这样), we are going to stay at home with him.
  • 19. The wall is very s (坚固的). It's made of stones.
  • 20. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Let's go to the shoe s.

  • 21. — Is there Chinese d

    — Yes, there is.


  • 22. There ________some books on the desk.
    A、are B、is C、have
  • 23. There________some water in the West Lake.
    A、is B、are C、be
  • 24. Let's________to Chinatown now.
    A、to go B、go C、going
  • 25. I think the Chinatown is in________.
    A、the Great Wall B、New York C、the Tian'anmen Square
  • 26. Look, there are many________, we can have dinner there.
    A、the Great Wall B、lakes C、restaurants


  • 27. 给问句选出合适的答语。

    ⑴What are you doing?                                           A. Great!

    ⑵Do you miss China?                                             B. Yes, there are.

    ⑶Are there lots of Chinese restaurants?                C. I am writing a letter.

    ⑷Let's go to Chinatown.                                        D. It is in Beijing. It's strong.

    ⑸Can you tell me more about the Great Wall?     E. Yes, I do.


  • 28. 这里有很多的中国商店。
    A、I have lots of Chinese shops. B、There are lots of Chinese shops. C、There are lots of Chinese restaurants.
  • 29. 我们去唐人街吧。
    A、Let's go to Chinatown. B、Let's go to Chinese shop. C、Let's go to the Huangshan Mountain.
  • 30. 这些是来自中国的明信片。
    A、These are some postcards from China. B、I do like these postcards. C、Are there any postcards?
  • 31. 这里有很多面馆。
    A、I have noodles. B、There are lots of noodle shops. C、There are some noodles.



  • 37. 选择合适的句子补全对话。

    A. Let's go to Chinatown.

    B. Who is she?

    C. Let's ask Mary to go with us.

    D. Is she sending an email?

    E. Where is she from?


    B: She is my friend, Mary.


    B: She is from China.


    B: Yes, she is. She does miss China and her parents.


    B: Great. There are many Chinese shops.

    A: Yes, sometimes there is Chinese dancing.


    A: OK.I think she will like it.