外研版(三起点)小学英语六年级上册Module 2 Unit 1同步练习

试卷更新日期:2020-08-25 类型:同步测试



三、用 is或are填空。

  • 11. 用 is或are填空。
    (1)、There many children in the park.
    (2)、There twenty desks in the classroom.
    (3)、There a book, two pens and three pencils on the desk.
    (4)、There a tall tree in front of our classroom.
    (5)、There some meat on the table.


  • 12. —What ______ Linda doing?

    —She ______ a book.

    A、is; is reading B、does; is reading C、does; reads
  • 13. Let's ______ to the park tomorrow.
    A、going B、to go C、go
  • 14. Do you want to send an email ______ your friend?
    A、in B、to C、at
  • 15. There are many ______ in Beijing.
    A、shop B、shops C、shopes
  • 16. ______ there any books on the desk?
    A、Do B、Is C、Are


  • 17. 阅读理解。

        It's a sunny day today. My mother and I will have a picnic in the park. There are many people in the park.

        There are some women flying kites. And there are some Young Pioneers(少先队员). Two boys are playing with a ball. A girl is drawing.

        Look at the big tree. There are many birds in it. They are singing. There is a man under the tree. He is sleeping.

    (1)、It's a ______ day today.
    A、sunny B、cloudy C、windy
    (2)、What are the women doing?
    A、They are playing cards. B、They are singing a song. C、They are flying kites.
    (3)、Two boys are ______ .
    A、playing with a cat B、playing cards C、playing with a ball
    (4)、What's in the tree?
    A、A cat. B、Many birds. C、A boy.
    (5)、Who is under the tree?
    A、A boy. B、A man. C、A girl.