
试卷更新日期:2020-08-20 类型:高考真卷


  • 1. —Next time you visit Bob, remember to give him a call in advance.

    —______. I will.

    A、My pleasure B、No wonder C、Good point D、Never mind
  • 2. —Shall I order a taxi for Sarah to go to the airport tonight?

    —______. I'll drive her there.

    A、Have a try B、Don't mention it C、Don't bother D、Go ahead
  • 3. Building such a bridge over the bay was ______ but the local government made it within two years.
    A、a wet blanket B、a piece of cake C、a dark horse D、a hard nut to crack
  • 4. —Do you know anything about Zhang Zhongjing?

    —______ He has been honored as a master doctor since the Eastern Han Dynasty.

    A、How come? B、So what? C、By all means. D、With pleasure.