
试卷更新日期:2020-08-20 类型:高考真卷


  • 1. For my fifth birthday, my mother baked me a cake ______ a monkey.
    A、in the shape of B、beyond the reach of C、at the mercy of D、on the side of
  • 2. The dancer's incredible performance had the audience on its feet ______ for 10 minutes at the end of the show.
    A、being clapped B、clap C、clapped D、clapping
  • 3. Jim says we ______ stay in his house as long as we leave it clean and tidy.
    A、must B、can C、need D、should
  • 4. ______ us prepare for the exam, the teacher suggested reading through our notes.
    A、To help B、Helped C、Helping D、Being helped
  • 5. According to Professor Johnson, we don't have to read the book if we don't want to, as it is ______.
    A、worthwhile B、necessary C、optional D、serious
  • 6. The number of medical schools reached 18 in the early 1990s and ______ around that level since.
    A、are remaining B、have remained C、is remaining D、has remained
  • 7. We can't ______ buying a new printer for our company. The one we have doesn't work.
    A、take up B、carry out C、keep on D、put off
  • 8. We offered to give Sharon a ride home, but she ______, saying that she felt like walking.
    A、understood B、accepted C、compromised D、declined
  • 9. —You are a great swimmer.

    —Thanks. It's because I ______ a lot these days.

    A、have been practising B、was practising C、would practise D、had practised
  • 10. I never worried about my son while I was away because my mother ______ him.
    A、drank a toast to B、played a joke on C、kept an eye on D、made an apology to
  • 11. Instead of getting down to a new task as I _____, he examined the previous work again.
    A、had expected B、have expected C、would expect D、expect
  • 12. Technological innovations, ____ good marketing, will promote the sales of these products.
    A、combined with B、combining with C、having combined with D、to be combined with
  • 13. The outbreak of Covid-19 has meant an _____ change in our life and work.
    A、absurd B、abrupt C、allergic D、authentic
  • 14. If you look at all sides of the situation, you'll find probably a solution that ______ everyone.
    A、suit B、suited C、suits D、has suited
  • 15. There will still be lots of challenges if we are to _____ garbage in a short time.
    A、clarify B、justify C、satisfy D、classify
  • 16. If I hadn't been faced with so many barriers, I _____where I am.
    A、won't be B、wouldn't have been C、wouldn't be D、shouldn't have been
  • 17. This actor often has the first two tricks planned before performing, and then goes for ______.
    A、whichever B、whenever C、wherever D、whatever
  • 18. The health security systems of many countries are undergoing considerable ______.
    A、reservation B、transformation C、distinction D、submission
  • 19. Taking on this challenge will bring you _____ someone who shares your interests.
    A、in exchange for B、in answer to C、in contact with D、in memory of
  • 20. The speed of 6G will exceed 125 GB/s, ______ a new generation of virtual reality.
    A、allowing for B、accounting for C、calling for D、compensating for