外研版英语五年级下Module 7 Unit 1 My father goes to work at eight o'clock every morning.同步测试

试卷更新日期:2016-05-19 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 找出划线部分读音不同的一个。

    ①A. road   B. photo   C. holiday

    ②A. about     B.window   C. south

    ③A. climb   B. dictionary  C. find

    ④A. easy     B. meat     C. heavy

    ⑤A. office   B. house   C. bus


  • 2. What's ______ email?                

    A、an B、a C、the
  • 3. Let's send a letter _______ Dad.        

    A、on B、in C、to
  • 4. Thank you ______ your email.         

    A、for B、to C、from
  • 5. I am working very hard _____ the office. 

    A、in B、at C、be
  • 6. The message will go to Dad's computer _____ work.

    A、in B、at C、to


  • 7. 在横线上填上合适的单词完成对话。

    work  send   message   click  idea   email

    Amy: Let's send an to Dad.

    Tom: Yes, that's a good !

    Amy: on “Email”. Now click on “Write”. Good boy, Tom!

    Tom: Hello Dad, I can emails now. From Tom.

    Amy: Click on “send”. The messagewill go to Dad's computer at.


  • 8. 给问句选择合适的答语。

    ①Where is Shandong?                                                               A. Of course. Here you are.

    ②Can I see them?                                                                       B. In July.

    ③Are you OK, Lingling?                                                              C. I bought some vegetables and milk.

    ④What did you buy in the supermarket, Mum? D.Yes, I'm fine. Thank you.

    ⑤When did you go to Jinan?                                                      E. In the east of China.


  • 9. 它是一个电脑信息。

    A、It's a computer message. B、It's a Chinese message.
  • 10. 信息将会进入爸爸工作着的电脑。 

    A、The message will go to Dad's computer at work. B、The message will went to Dad computer at work.
  • 11. 我能发送电子邮件了。

    A、I can sent emails. B、I can send emails.


  • 12. 将发电子邮件的正确步骤按1、2、3、4、的顺序排列。

    ①Click on "Email" with the mouse.

    ②Click on "send"

    ③Swith(开启) on your computer.

    ④Click on "write" and write your message.


  • 13. 连词成句。

    (1)、working, I, am, hard, at the office, very(.)

    (2)、from, one computer, another computer, goes, it, to(.)

    (3)、The message, at work, Dad's computer, go to, will(.)

    (4)、an E-mail, little Tom, I've got, from(.)