新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期中卷

试卷更新日期:2020-07-30 类型:期中考试


  • 1. _______girl under _____table is my cousin Gina.
    A、The; the B、A; the C、The; a D、A; a
  • 2. Five and two ______seven.
    A、are B、is C、am D、be
  • 3. Can you say it ______English?
    A、on B、in C、to D、about
  • 4. —_______?

    —It's purple.

    A、What's this B、How do you spell it C、What's your phone number D、What color is the box
  • 5. —________is your mom?

    —She is in the kitchen.

    A、What B、How C、Where D、Who
  • 6. Jim and Anna are ______and _______.
    A、brother; sister B、brothers; sisters C、brothers; sister D、brother; sisters
  • 7. Cindy isn't _______. Her pictures are everywhere.
    A、middle B、tidy C、nice D、fine
  • 8. —This schoolbag is red. ________that one?

    —It's yellow.

    A、What color B、Where's C、What about D、What's
  • 9. —Is this dictionary yours, Tim?

    —No, is in my desk.

    A、yours B、mine C、his D、hers
  • 10. Caroline _______I are in the classroom, ________Bill is not.
    A、and; and B、and; but C、but; but D、but; and
  • 11. This isn't ______eraser. _______is in the bag.
    A、her; Her B、hers; Her C、her; Hers D、hers; Hers
  • 12. —Are those your books?

    —You can ask Lily. She lost her books.

    A、Yes, those are B、No, those aren't C、Yes, they are D、No, they aren't
  • 13. —Who is the girl?
    A、She is my friend B、He is my brother C、That is my sister D、This is my cousin
  • 14. —You are a nice girl.


    A、No, I'm not B、Thank you C、You are nice, too D、You're welcome
  • 15. —______, Lucy. Is this your ruler?

    —Yes, thank you.

    A、Excuse me B、Nice to meet you C、Oh, thank you D、Come on


  • 16. 完形填空

        My name is Jenny. I am1English girl. I am twelve. I2a cousin. Her3is Sally. She is my aunt and uncle's4. Sally is a nice girl and she is five. Her favorite5is green. Her jacket, her schoolbag and cup are6, too. My aunt, my uncle and I like her.

        My aunt buys (买) two7for Sally and me: A white one for me and a green one for her. This morning,Sally and I are8my room, "Sally, my jacket is9the sofa. Please give (给) it to me," I say.

        "It's not10T-shirt. It's mine," She says.

        "Oh? Your jacket is green and11is white. The jacket is12. It's mine, not yours!" I say.

        "Are you my sister?" She13. "Yes. I am your14Jenny." "You are 'my' sister, so (因此) your jacket is mine,15." "OK. Please give 'your' sister 'your' white jacket." "OK. Here you are!"

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
    A、have B、find C、spell D、see
    A、plane B、head C、name D、clock
    A、mother B、aunt C、teacher D、daughter
    A、color B、book C、pen D、ring
    A、red B、blue C、green D、black
    A、pens B、watches C、dictionaries D、jackets
    A、at B、in C、about D、under
    A、on B、for C、of D、to
    A、his B、her C、my D、your
    A、his B、mine C、hers D、yours
    A、yellow B、purple C、white D、brown
    A、asks B、thinks C、meets D、calls
    A、friend B、son C、sister D、brother
    A、everywhere B、no C、too D、always


  • 17. 阅读理解。


        A blue watch is in the classroom. Is it yours? E-mail me at johnbrown@gmail.com.



        I lost my key in the school library. I must find it. Call me at 785-6371. Thanks!



        I found a dictionary on a desk in the classroom. Please ask the teacher for it.



        I lost my school ID card. 1 don't know where it is.

    Please help me. Call me at 989-9762.


    (1)、What color is the watch?
    A、Yellow. B、Blue. C、White. D、Purple.
    (2)、__________lost the key in the school library.
    A、Dale B、John C、Mike D、Cathy
    (3)、The dictionary is Peter's. He can ask _______for it.
    A、John B、the teacher C、Dale D、Cathy.
    (4)、Cathy lost _________.
    A、her watch B、a set of keys C、a dictionary D、her school ID card
    A、Cathy's telephone number is 989-9762. B、Mike found a dictionary in the school library. C、Dale's e mail address (地址) is johnbrown@gmail.com. D、John and Mike are brothers.
  • 18. 阅读理解

        Hello, my name is Deng Xue. My English name is Karen. I am from (来自) Shanghai. But I'm a student in Zhixing Middle School in Shenzhen now. My telephone number is 987-88686.This is my dad. His English name is Edward and my mom's English name is Ruby. My dad and 1 are in Shenzhen. He is a math (数学) teacher in my school. He is nice to his students. But my mom is in Beijing. She is an English teacher.

        Gilbert and Tammy are my good friends in Shenzhen. Gilbert is a good boy. He is a student in my school. He is from Nanjing. He is nice to me. He is good at English. He likes to watch English movies. What's his telephone number? It's 678-59685. Tammy is a clever (聪明的) girl. Is she from Nanjing, too? No, she is from Beijing. Tammy is her first name and Brown is her last name. And 687-57898 is her phone number.

    (1)、What's Deng Xue's English name?
    A、Karen. B、Ruby. C、Tammy. D、Gina.
    (2)、Who is a math teacher?
    A、Karen's mother. B、Gilbert's father. C、Karen's father. D、Gilbert's mother.
    (3)、Gilbert is from _______.
    A、Beijing B、Nanjing C、Shenzhen D、Shanghai
    A、Ruby is an English teacher in a middle school. B、Tammy likes to watch English movies. C、Gilbert and Karen are in the same (相同的) school. D、Tammy and Ruby are from the same city (城市)。
    A、Karen's school B、Karen's school and teachers C、Karen's friends D、Karen's family and friends
  • 19. 阅读理解

        Hello, I'm Wendy. I'm in the classroom now. What's that? It is a schoolbag. It's blue. It's Jack's schoolbag. Blue is his favorite color. I can see a box. And a jacket is in it. It's nice. It's yellow. Oh! These are notebooks. The purple one is Jenny's. The blue one is mine. Those are dictionaries. They are Lynn's. Lynn is my good friend. She's in the library now. Oh, a book is under the chair. It's Lynn's, too. Her things are always everywhere.

    (1)、The schoolbag is ________.
    A、Wendy's B、Jack's C、Jenny's D、Lynn's
    (2)、Where is the jacket?
    A、On the desk. B、In the box. C、In the schoolbag. D、Under the chair.
    (3)、Wendy's notebook is ________.
    A、blue B、yellow C、purple D、red
    A、jackets B、boxes C、notebooks D、dictionaries
    A、Jenny is Lynn's sister. B、Lynn's things are always everywhere. C、The jacket is blue. D、Wendy is in the library now.


  • 20. 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。选项中有一项为多余项。

        Hi, my name is David. I'm a boy. I like green. I am in Class Four. Nine boys and eight girls are in my class. Li Ming and Wang Fang are my classmates My English teacher is Ms. Gao. She is very nice

        This is my desk. It is in the middle of my classroom. You can see two pens, three pencils, an English book, a key and a pencil box on it. This is my dictionary. It is in my schoolbag. But I can't find my schoolbag. It is green. My phone number is 236-5698. Thanks!

    A. Please help me find it.

    B. Where is my schoolbag?

    C. They are my good friends, too.

    D. My ruler and erasers are in my pencil box.

    E. The students in my class all like her.

    F. I have three green erasers and two green pencils.




  • 31. 在横线上填写适当的句子,补全对话。

    A: Hi, Bob!

    B: Hi, Mary!


    B: It's a pencil.


    B: P-E-N-C-I-I.


    B: It's yellow.

    A: Is this yours?

    B: It's hers. Mine is in my pencil box.

    A: Where is your pencil box?

    B: I don't know.

    A: Is it in your schoolbag?

    B: Oh, yes, it is.

    A: You're welcome.


  • 32. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其适当形式填空(有两词多余)。

    an   computer   I   in   sister   some   telephone   this    tidy   welcome   where   yellow

        Hi, friends! I'm Mary. to my room. My room is . You can see a desk. On it, you can see a tape player and tapes. You can see a chair, too. On the chair, you can see a game. It's not . It's my brother's. is my schoolbag? Oh, it's under the chair. What's my schoolbag? ID card, a pencil box and some books are in it. What are ? Oh, they are my CDs. They're in the schoolbag, too.


  • 33. 假如你是迈克,是美国某中学的一名学生。今天早上你不慎丢失了心爱的文具盒。请你根据以下提示信息,拟一则寻物启事,贴在学校的公告栏里。













