新目标(Go forit)版初中英语七年级下册Unit 7 It's raining!第3课时 Self Check

试卷更新日期:2020-07-21 类型:同步测试




  • 11. In _____________ summer, ____________ weather here is sunny and hot.
    A、a; a B、the; the C、a; the. D、/; the.
  • 12. I'm very happy ___________________ you here in London.
    A、to see B、sees C、seeing D、see
  • 13. — When can I ___________________ my grandparents? I miss them now.

    — How about this weekend?

    A、visit B、leave C、save D、miss
  • 14. The weather is warm and sunny, just right ________________ exercising.
    A、to B、at C、for D、on
  • 15. It's not too ___________________ or too ___________________ in Kunming all year round. So people call it "Spring City".
    A、cold; warm B、cool; warm C、cold; hot D、cool; hot
  • 16. Tom and his friends ___________________ in the river right now.
    A、swim B、swimming C、swims D、are swimming
  • 17. — ___________________ ?

    — It's sunny and warm.

    A、How is the weather B、Do you like the weather C、What weather do you like D、Are you having good weather
  • 18. — Hello, may I ___________________ to Jack?

    — Sorry, he isn't at home.

    A、call B、speak C、talk D、tell
  • 19. Dad, don't work too ___________________. Think of your health.
    A、often B、hard C、quickly D、early
  • 20. — I'm going on a trip to Europe next week.

    — ___________________

    A、No problem. B、That's right. C、It doesn't matter. D、Have a good time!



  • 26. 完形填空

        It's a fine Sunday afternoon. The Browns are on vacation in the mountain. They are enjoying the1. Mr. Brown isn't doing anything. He's only2. Mrs. Brown is3their son Jack and daughter Julie playing games. "Look!4is that?" asks Julie.

        "That's a chipmunk(金花鼠),"says Mom.

        "Can I5him home, Mom?" says Julie.

        "Look! He is so small. He6his mom," says Mom.

        "That's7. He's too small," says Jack." And his mom will not come when she sees8. Let's hide(隐藏) behind the tree."

        The Browns are9the tree. After about ten minutes, they see a big chipmunk run to the small chipmunk and take him away. Julie is very10. She says, "Great! The chipmunk finds his mom."

    A、wind B、sunshine C、snow D、rain
    A、working B、swimming C、drawing D、relaxing
    A、watching B、looking C、listening D、missing
    A、How B、What C、Who D、Where
    A、walk B、feed C、bring D、teach
    A、calls B、needs C、knows D、helps
    A、great B、dirty C、clean D、right
    A、we B、us C、they D、them
    A、in front of B、next to C、behind D、across from
    A、sorry B、funny C、happy D、busy


  • 27. 根据短文内容,完成下列句子。

        It's 10:00 on Sunday morning. There are no classes for students today. What are they doing? Let's come and see!

        Alan is cleaning the house with his brother. He is a tidy boy and he does some cleaning every week. He wants to make his home clean and beautiful. Jeff is playing soccer with friends. It's his favorite sport. He thinks it's interesting and relaxing. He usually plays soccer on weekends. Sarah is shopping with her mother in the supermarket. She buys some apples for her father. They are his favorite fruit. She also buys some carrots for her brother. He likes carrots very much. Jenny is talking with her friend. on the phone. She is asking her friend about some math problems. Jenny thinks they are very difficult. Her friend is happy to help her.

    (1)、Alan is doing some at home.
    (2)、Jeff thinks playing soccer is .
    (3)、Sarah and her mother are in the supermarket.
    (4)、Sarah's father likes best.
    (5)、Jenny is asking her friend about on the phone.