
试卷更新日期:2020-07-14 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. —Has your sister finished reading ________?

    —Yes. She has ________ finished it.

    A、yet; yet B、yet; already C、already; yet
  • 2. He has ______ been to Shanghai, has he?
    A、already B、never C、ever
  • 3. Have you met Mr Li ______?
    A、just B、ago C、before
  • 4. — Have you heard about Shenzhen International Magic Festival?

    — _______________. It is a big event for Magic lovers like me.

    A、Well B、Certainly C、Exactly
  • 5. — Has the girl had her dinner?

    — Yes, she has had it __________.

    A、already B、ever C、never
  • 6. Have you __________ heard of Disneyland?
    A、always B、ever C、never
  • 7. — Have you had your breakfast, Nick!

    — Yes, I have had it    .

    A、already B、ever C、never
  • 8. I can't find _______ to sit on the crowded bus.
    A、nowhere B、somewhere C、anywhere
  • 9. Tom can do ____ much work in ____ a short time.
    A、so; so B、such; so C、so; such
  • 10. I ____ see her in the supermarket.
    A、sometime B、some time C、sometimes
  • 11. Who draws ____ Jack?
    A、as well as B、so well as C、so better than
  • 12. Who jumps ____ in your class?
    A、farest B、farther C、the farthest
  • 13. John jumped _________ of all, so he won the game.
    A、far B、farther C、the farthest
  • 14. Tom is terribly ill. We'd better send him to hospital as _________ as we can.
    A、slowly B、quickly C、quietly
  • 15. — With the card, you can take money out of the machine __________.

    — So it's convenient. I can go __________ to buy things with the card.

    A、anytime; anywhere B、anytime; somewhere C、sometime; somewhere
