
试卷更新日期:2020-07-14 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. A new school ___________ last year in my home town.
    A、set up B、sets up C、was set up
  • 2. — Mr. Wang, I didn't see you this morning. Where did you go?

    — Oh, I         to give a speech.

    A、invited B、will invite C、was invited
  • 3. Paper            first            about 2,000 years ago in China.
    A、is; creating B、is; created C、was; created
  • 4. — Lots of trees and flowers          in Zhangzhou every year.

    — You're right. They make our city more and more beautiful.

    A、are planted B、were planted C、will plant
  • 5. Chinese New Year          the Spring Festival. People often eat dumplings.
    A、is called B、was called C、calls
  • 6. —         beautiful painting!

    —Yes. It        by Lucy last year.

    A、What; painted B、How; is painted C、What a; was painted
  • 7. — A new play.          at the theatre tomorrow evening.

    — Really? Good news!

    A、is put on B、will be put on C、was put on
  • 8. A story,       by Granny yesterday.
    A、was told us to B、was told to us C、is told us
  • 9. It's not your turn yet. Please wait on the chair over there until you      .
    A、are calling B、have called C、are called
  • 10. — What did you do yesterday evening?

    — I          to a birthday party and had a good time with my friends.

    A、invited B、am invited C、was invited
  • 11. The singer           while still at school.
    A、has discovered B、was discovered C、discovered
  • 12. — Waiter, a glass of orange juice, please.

    —Sorry. Orange juice           only for breakfast.

    A、will serve B、serves C、is served
  • 13. Eleven Chinese films     during the 7th Chinese Film Festival in France last month.
    A、showed B、are shown C、were shown
  • 14. It is said that BRT(快速公交系统)          in Yongzhou soon.
    A、was used B、will be used C、is used
  • 15. He          some pieces of advice, but he         to them.
    A、gave; didn't listen B、was given; wasn't listened C、was given; didn't listen
