
试卷更新日期:2020-07-07 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. — Have you seen _____________ TV play called In the Name of People?

    — Yes, it's quite _____________ excellent play!

    A、a; the B、the; an C、/; an.
  • 2. Tom is one of ________ most popular ________ in our school.
    A、the; students B、a; students C、the; student
  • 3. — Do you know _______ girl over there?

    — Yes, she is my best friend.

    A、the B、a C、an
  • 4. I guess      hat with flowers belongs to Kate.
    A、a B、an C、the
  • 5. —Who is ________ girl behind the tree?

    —Which one? The one with ________ umbrella?

    A、a; the B、the; an C、the; a
  • 6. —Kate is ________ American girl, right?

    —Yes. She is from ________ United States.

    A、an; the B、an; a C、a; a
  • 7. —Do you know __________ boy over there?

    —Yes. He likes playing ________ basketball very much.

    A、the;/ B、a; the C、a; /
  • 8. — Do you often play         piano?

    — Yes. I want to be           musician like Lang Lang.

    A、the; a B、a; the C、the; an
  • 9. — Do you know    boy over there?

    —Yes, he is my brother, Li Lei.

    A、the B、an C、a
  • 10. There is          book in my backpack.         book is very heavy.
    A、a; The B、a; A C、the; A
  • 11. Would you like to pay a visit to      Louvre Museum in Paris,     capital of France?
    A、the; the B、the; / C、/; /
  • 12.      Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean in the world.
    A、The B、/ C、a
  • 13.       is a highly developed capitalist country
    A、The United Kingdom B、United Kingdom C、UK
  • 14. The length of       Alps is 1200 Km.
    A、the B、/ C、a
  • 15. This is ______ English book and        book is blue.        
    A、a; a B、an; the C、the; an
