新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级下册期末复习—词汇与句子4

试卷更新日期:2020-06-30 类型:复习试卷



  • 11. 公交车停下来之前不要下车。它是危险的。

    Don't   the bus before it stops. It's dangerous.

  • 12. 为了得到一个好座位,罗丝早早去了教室。

       get a good seat, Rose went lo the classroom early.

  • 13. 人类应该与动物相处融治。

    Humans should    animals.

  • 14. 台湾属于中国。

    Taiwan  China.

  • 15. 我担心我们将来会用完地球上的水。

    I'm afraid we will   water on the earth.

  • 16. 说实话,你必须沉默。

       , you must be  .

  • 17. 现在他渐渐习惯了在国外的生活。

    Now, he is    abroad.

  • 18. 迈克,你要多做户外运动而不是整天在网上聊天。

    Mike, you should do more outdoor activities  chatting online all day.

  • 19. 请整理好你的铺,好吗?

     you please your bed?

  • 20. 直到完成工作,他才离开.

    He leave he finished his work.

  • 21. 不要总拿我与其他人比较。我是我自己。

    Don't always me others. I'm myself.

  • 22. 我一完成作业就出去和你一起打篮球。

    I will play basketball with you   I finish my homework.

  • 23. 你练得越多,它就变得越容易。

      you practice, the it becomes.

  • 24. 上海比湖北任何一个城市都大。

    Shanghai is than   in Hubei.

  • 25. 他以前读过那本书。

    He  that book before.

  • 26. 无论你什么时候来,我们都等你。

     you come, we'll  you.

  • 27. 他不再住在这里了。

    He  lives here.

  • 28. 谁听说过那件事呢?

    Who's ever  that?

  • 29. 她父亲差不多6年没有回来了。

    Her father  back for about six years.


  • 30. You talk too much in class.(用shouldn't改写)

    You  too much in class.

  • 31. Did you hurt yourself just now?(作否定回答)

    , I  .

  • 32. Mike spent ten minutes reading the report.(改为同义句)

    It  Mike ten minutes  the report.

  • 33. Mary has to compete with her classmates at school.(改为一般疑问句)

     Mary to compete with her classmates at school?

  • 34. My mother did the housework yesterday afternoon.(用at five yesterday afternoon改写句子)

    My mother  the housework at five yesterday afternoon.

  • 35. He began to cry. He saw his mother,(用as soon as改写为一句话)

    He began to cry   he saw his mother.

  • 36. The Internet can provide the latest news for us.(改为同义句)

    The Internet can us the latest news.

  • 37. Mike bought the ruler three days ago.(改为同义句)

    Mike  the ruler for three days.

  • 38. Why don't you get some flowers for Jane?(改为同义句)

      get some flowers for Jane?

  • 39. The movie has been on for half an hour.(对划线部分提问)

      has the movie been on?