新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级下册期末复习——词汇与句子2

试卷更新日期:2020-06-30 类型:复习试卷



  • 31. 让我吃惊的是,他竟然又迟到了。(surprise)

       , he was late again.

  • 32. 我可以给你提供一些有用的信息。(provide)

    I can  some useful information  you.

  • 33. 我们不应该总是依赖父母。(depend)

    We shouldn't always   our parents.

  • 34. 北京以许多旅游胜地而闻名。(famous)

    Beijing   many places of interest.

  • 35. 对学生们来说,每天花一个小时做运动是很重要的。(important)

        for students to play sports for an hour every day.

  • 36. 你为什么不忘掉此事呢?尽管她错了,但那不是一件大事。(deal)

       you forget about it? Although she s wrong, it's not a   .

  • 37. 我将自愿打扫城市公园。(volunteer)

    I will     the city park.

  • 38. 香港的驾驶方式与我们的相反。(opposite)

    The driving way in Hong Kong     from ours.

  • 39. 莉莉穿的鞋和她的双胞胎姐姐的一样大。(size)

    Lily's shoes are     her twin sisters.

  • 40. 大多数学生习惯在空余时间去图书馆借书。(used)

    Most students     books from libraries in their free time.

  • 41. 我们不能推迟制订计划。(put off)

    We can't      a plan.

  • 42. 你可以把垃圾倒了吗?(take out)

    Could you please    ?

  • 43. 他们默默地吃完了饭。(silent)

    They finished their meal   .

  • 44. 小时候,我父母总是把我和别的孩子进行比较。(compare)

    My parents always  me  other children when I was young.

  • 45. 我们原计划外出。结果却是在家看录像。(result)

    We meant to go out.    , we watched the videos at home instead.

  • 46. 你们城市的人口是多少?(population)

       of your city?

  • 47. 你曾去过一个说英语的国家吗?(ever)

       been to an country.

  • 48. 你看见那个装满大米的袋子了吗?(full)

    Have you seen the bag   rice?

  • 49. 海伦非常伤心。她不停地哭。(keep on)

    Helen was very sad. She    .

  • 50. 不管成功与否,我们应该尽我们最大努力。(whether)

      we can succeed   , we should try our best.


  • 51. 昨晚直到我父亲回来我才睡觉。

    I  go to bed  my father came back last night.

  • 52. 南希曾经讨厌做家务。

    Nancy   doing chores.

  • 53. 依我看,学生没必要上学带手机。

       , it is unnecessary for students to take their mobile phones to school.

  • 54. 我可以邀请我的朋友参加晚会吗?

    Could I  my friends  the party?

  • 55. 罗丝不想和她的表兄吵架,因为他是她最好的朋友。

    Rose doesn't want to   her cousin, because he is her best friend.

  • 56. 和别人相处不太容易。

    It's not easy to    others.

  • 57. 你可以借点钱给他。

    You can  some money him.

  • 58. 请你不要插队好吗?我们都在排队等候。

    Could you please not    ? We are all    .

  • 59. 我曾去过北京,并在那里待了七天。

    I have ever   Beijing and  for 7 days.

  • 60. 尽管是一件小事,但它对环境有影响。

    Although it is a small thing, it   to the environment.

  • 61. 父母应好好照顾孩子。

    Parents  take good  their kids.

  • 62. 我从没去过上海。

    I     Shanghai.

  • 63. 多亏了这位医生,琳达的妈妈得救了。

      the doctor, Linda's mother was saved.

  • 64. 为了不招致麻烦,他假装对此事一无所知。

    He pretended not to know about the thing in order not to    .

  • 65. 虽然艾伦经历了很多次失败,但他仍没有放弃。

    Alan didn't   although he experienced many failures.

  • 66. 杰克总能想出好办法去解决问题。

    Jack can always    good ways to solve problems.

  • 67. 我的电脑坏了。你能帮我修理一下吗?

    My computer is broken. Could you please help me  it  ?

  • 68. 昨天下午我刚到家,电话就响了。

       I got home yesterday afternoon, the telephone rang.

  • 69. 保护环境,人人有责。

    Everyone should   in protecting our environment.

  • 70. 父母应该减少孩子的课外培训,给他们一些自由的时间.

    Parents should   the after—school training for children and give them some free time.