新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级下册期末复习——单项选择1

试卷更新日期:2020-06-30 类型:复习试卷

一、新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级下册期末复习——单项选择

  • 1. —Have you seen         film Where Are We Going, Daddy?

    —Yes, it's quite         interesting film so that I have seen it twice.

    A、a; the B、the; an C、a; an D、the; the
  • 2. —My mother is ill today.


    A、Really? B、What? C、I'm sorry to hear that. D、Nothing serious.
  • 3. —Where is your mother, Jack?

    —She is busy         a cake. I will have a birthday party tonight.

    A、make B、made C、making D、to make
  • 4. I don't know what made them         so angry yesterday.
    A、feeling B、felt C、to feel D、feel
  • 5. —Why not go and play football outside?


    A、Yes, I think so B、It's a good game C、That's a good idea D、Of course we do
  • 6. How old         you when you         learning English?
    A、was; start B、were; start C、were; started D、was; started
  • 7.          should get the job, Ruth or Rose?
    A、Who do you think B、Do you think who C、Do you think whom D、Whom do you think
  • 8. Flying to the moon for vacation will         one day.
    A、come on B、come over C、come up D、come true
  • 9. Annie has a         , and she is going to see her dentist today.

    A、cold B、fever C、cough D、toothache
  • 10. Could you please         the window? I feel a little cold.
    A、not to open B、not open C、not to close D、not close
  • 11. Of all the performers, I think he is the         one.
    A、success B、most successful C、more success D、successful
  • 12. The boy found         hard to get along with the other classmates.
    A、this B、that C、it D、/
  • 13. There are         students playing on the playground.
    A、two hundreds B、hundred of C、hundreds of D、hundreds
  • 14. People           drive after drinking alcohol(酒). It's against the law.
    A、mustn't B、needn't C、couldn't D、wouldn't
  • 15. —         ?

    ——It doesn't work.

    A、How are you B、Where is your watch C、What's wrong with your watch D、How much is your watch
  • 16. I       some money      my brother last week. I'll       it        him next week.
    A、lent; from; return; / B、borrowed; to; return; to C、borrowed; from; return; to D、lent; to; return; to
  • 17. —It seems that my friends don't understand me.

    —Don't worry. I'm sure you will         them if you are really friendly to them.

    A、agree with B、catch up with C、get along well with D、end up with
  • 18. They         start to play football         seven o'clock this morning.
    A、didn't; until B、didn't; in C、/; at D、don't; till
  • 19. The bus was empty. There was         on it.
    A、somebody B、anybody C、nobody D、everybody
  • 20. She with her parents         supper when I went to see her yesterday.
    A、was having B、were having C、are having D、had
  • 21. He was watching TV         his mother was cleaning his room.
    A、while B、since C、after D、because
  • 22. —Were you at home at 9 o'clock last night?

    —Yes, I          a shower at that time.

    A、took B、was taking C、was taken D、am taking
  • 23. —Liz got the first prize in the speech contest.

             .She's so shy that she even can't speak in front of her friends.

    A、You're kidding B、You're welcome C、Thank you D、That's nothing
  • 24. —Don't be a phubber (低头族). Technology helps us a lot,         we shouldn't allow it to control our lives.

    —We should take more activities outside to keep healthy.

    A、but B、because C、unless D、until
  • 25. — Have they made any kites         ?

    —Yes. They have         made some.

    A、yet; yet B、already; already C、yet; already D、already; yet
  • 26. I         the day before yesterday. I've         for 2 days.
    A、arrived; come back B、reached; returned C、got; returned back D、arrived; been back
  • 27. When you see some rubbish on the ground, please         it         .
    A、take; away B、pick; up C、put; on D、put; up
  • 28. —I have too much housework to do at home!

             ask your husband for help.

    A、Shall you B、Why don't C、Why not D、How about
  • 29. Bob is very happy because he will have a         holiday.
    A、three-month B、three-months C、three months D、three month's
  • 30. He         the dictionary for twenty years, but it is still new. What a careful man!
    A、has bought B、has borrowed C、has had D、bought
  • 31. Why not order some flowers online         for the shop everywhere?
    A、instead of looking B、instead looking C、instead of look D、instead look
  • 32. —How did the accident happen?

    —You know, it         difficult to see the road clearly because it         .

    A、will be; will rain B、is; has rained C、is; is raining D、was; was raining
  • 33. —Sally is really sad now. She didn't pass the exam yesterday.

    —Let's        .

    A、put her up B、wake her up C、cheer her up D、pick her up
  • 34. —Henry, can you help me         the papers? We'll have a test.

    —I'd love to Miss Liu.

    A、hand in B、hand out C、put down D、put on
  • 35. —Whether you can enter the best high school in our city         yourself.

    —I'll try my best, Mom.

    A、pays for B、depends on C、agrees with D、believes in
  • 36. —         our plan, there will be a meeting next Wednesday.

    —I see. thanks. I'll be there on time.

    A、According to B、In fact C、Thanks to D、At last
  • 37. —I'm very tired. Can I do my homework tomorrow, Mom?

    —I think you'd better not         your work tomorrow.

    A、put away B、put off C、put out D、put on
  • 38. —Do you have Kate's number?

    —Yes, but I can't find it now. I'm afraid I         it.

    A、lose B、have lost C、lost D、have been lost
  • 39. Over fifty countries        the AIIB(亚投行) so far.
    A、joined B、was joining C、had joined D、have joined