
试卷更新日期:2020-06-03 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

        Several weeks ago, our headmaster, Mr. Brown, told us that our school had a chance to take part in Smart Aleck—a wonderful game show. My best friend Nancy and I both1 it. Nancy has a good imagination and I know a lot of history, so we thought we'd be good 2 for the team.

        A few days later, Mr. Brown held a meeting with everyone who was 3 the show. He told us that Smart Aleck used a five-member team and three more people would be needed as backup(替补). Mr. Brown said we would have a(n) 4 among all the students at the meeting and the top 5 students would become the team and the backup. Everybody agreed that this was a 6 way to decide.

        Yesterday, all of the 7 got together. Mr. Brown acted as the host. After a couple of hours, all the positions on the team were set 8 one. Nancy and I tied(打成平手) for that last position. We had to hold a one-on-one competition. The winner would be on the team and the loser would be the 9.

        Midway through our two-person competition, I was starting to perform better than Nancy. Then I saw the look on Nancy's face. I waited for a second and knew 10 I had to do. I wanted to be on Smart Aleck, 11 Nancy wanted it even more. So, starting with my next question, I held back and let Nancy 12, just by a little bit. When she realized she would be on the show, she felt sorry for my not being on the team. 13, as a backup, I would still be able to see the show up close.

        Was I 14 by not trying as hard as I could? I don't think so. No one noticed, and Nancy and I didn't say it. It wouldn't influence the team because Nancy would be a very good competitor on the real show. I think making my best friend happy was the 15 thing to do.

    A、love B、forget C、question D、create
    A、fans B、choices C、leaders D、coaches
    A、interested in B、worried about C、afraid of D、thankful to
    A、interview B、class C、competition D、conversation
    A、seven B、eight C、nine D、ten
    A、special B、hard C、funny D、fair
    A、hopefuls B、teachers C、artists D、musicians
    A、besides B、against C、except D、opposite
    A、backup B、host C、guide D、volunteer
    A、when B、who C、where D、what
    A、because B、then C、so D、but  
    A、cry B、laugh C、win D、lose
    A、Unluckily B、Suddenly C、However D、Instead
    A、cheating B、winning C、helping D、performing
    A、interesting B、right C、safe D、easy


  • 2. 阅读理解

        Tired of traditional celebrations? Have a look at the four special days.

    Earth Day

        "Earth Day" is on April 22nd. Many people all over the world try to do something green on this day. In Italy, people don't use plastic bags. In Canada, people ride bicycles and don't use their cars. In the USA, people dress up like plants and animals and dance in Times Square, New York.

    Car Free Day

        "Car Free Day" is on September 22nd. It encourages drivers to give up their cars for a day to protect the environment. People get together in the streets to remind the world that we don't need to use cars so much. In Brussels, the public transportation is free on that day.

    Buy Nothing Day

        "Buy Nothing Day" is usually on the fourth Friday in November. On this day, many people don't buy anything. "Buy nothing" means "make no rubbish". When you make less rubbish, you can make a cleaner earth.

    Meatout Day

        "Meatout Day" is on March 20th. Many people around the world don't eat any meat for one day. They think diet change was important because of the huge greenhouse gas emission(排放) and other emissions and other environmental problems. Also, join this day, you'll get healthier.

    (1)、"Buy Nothing Day" might be on _______.
    A、March 20th B、April 22nd C、September 22nd D、November 20th
    (2)、Which of the following is True according to the passage?
    A、In Italy, people dress up to celebrate the Earth Day. B、In Brussels, taking the bus is free on September 22nd. C、All the stores are closed on "Buy Nothing Day". D、Many people wouldn't eat any meat on "Earth Day".
    (3)、The passage above might be from the _______ column(栏目) in a magazine.
    A、Healthy Eating B、Green Earth C、Traditional Arts D、Fantastic Sports
  • 3. 阅读理解

    My First Marathon (马拉松)

        A month before my first marathon, one of my knees was hurt and this meant not running for two weeks, leaving me only two weeks to train. Yet, I decided to go ahead.

        I remember back to my 7th year in school. In my first P.E. class, the teacher asked us to run laps and then hit a ball. I didn't do either well. He later told me that I was "not athletic(运动的)".

        The idea that I was "not athletic" stuck with me for years. When I started running in my 30s, I realized running was a fight against myself, not about competition or whether or not I was athletic. It was all about the fight against my own body and mind.

        The night before my marathon, I dreamt that I couldn't even find the finish line. I woke up sweating (流汗) all over, but ready to face the challenge.

        Shortly after crossing the start line, my shoe laces became undone. So I stopped to tie them again. Not the start I wanted!

        At mile 3, I passed a sign: "GO FOR IT, RUNNERS!"

        By mile 17, I became out of breath and my knee hurt badly. Though feeling very painful, I stayed the course walking a bit and then running again.

        By mile 21, I was quite hungry and thirsty!

        As I drew closer to mile 23, I could see my wife waving a sign. She is my biggest fan. She never minded the alarm clock sounding at 4 a.m. or questioned my cost on running.

        I was one of the final runners to finish. But I finished! And I got a medal. In fact, I got the same medal as the one that the guy who came in the first place had.

        Decide to be myself, move forward, free of shame and worldly labels(标签), I can now call myself a "marathon winner".

    (1)、The writer started running in his 30s because ________.
    A、he would like to show he was good at sports B、he hoped to change his P.E. teacher's opinion C、he wanted to challenge his own body and mind D、he wished to become the winner of marathon   
    (2)、It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that the writer was ________ before marathon.
    A、proud and excited B、scared and hopeless C、tired but hopeful D、nervous but strong-minded
    (3)、How was the writer's first marathon?
    A、He gave up halfway. B、He made it in the end. C、He got the first prize. D、He walked to the end.
    (4)、What is the right order of the following events according to the passage?

    a. My wife cheered for me.

    b. I hurt my knee and stopped training.

    c. I stopped to tie my shoe laces.

    d. I went on running though my knee hurt badly.

    A、d-a-b-c B、b-a-c-d C、b-c-d-a D、d-c-b-a
  • 4.     阅读理解

        According to a University of Michigan study, kids spent two fewer hours each week on outdoor activities in the early 2000s than kids did in the early 1980s. Indoor activities without moving are more popular. Most people in the study spend most of their free time watching TV (85%) or playing computer games(81%). "This causes over-weight, greater stress and more physical and emotional(情绪的) illnesses," says Richard Louv, a nature writer.

        In fact, outdoor activities such as taking a friend along, kicking around a ball and taking photos can help. It is important for kids to play outside.

        Firstly, outdoor activities open up your senses. You will feel better after spending time outside. "Surfing, camping and fishing help bring all of your senses to life," says Betsy Keller, a professor at Ithaca College in New York. "Smell, sight ... they're all active when you're outside." With your senses get stronger, you'll feel free and more creative.

        Playing outside helps your body. When playing outside, you can be on hills, beaches or lakes instead of a flat floor. Different areas offer special fun and challenge your strength and balance(平衡). It also helps keep your body's clock on track so that you sleep better at night and feel less sleepy during the day.

        Outdoor play also makes your mind relax. Too much time indoors, such as watching TV or activities in non-green areas, may make it hard for kids to focus their attention and easy to feel stressed out. But staying in the nature helps them concentrate(全神贯注) and lowers their stress levels.

        Besides, spending time outdoors brings you closer to the environment. Hearing the leaves crackle underfoot, breathing in fresh air, walking through the woods in search of cool birds remind you of the beauty of the nature. You needn't go to the countryside.     ▲    . It can be your own backyard or that block of trees at the end of the street.

        So the next time you sit down to spend time with a TV, consider treating yourself to a little outdoor play instead.

    (1)、The first paragraph mainly tells us ________.
    A、kids spend more time playing video games now B、kids can take part in different kinds of activities C、too many indoor activities are not good for kids' health D、outdoor activities will become more popular in the future
    (2)、How many advantages of outdoor activities are mentioned?
    A、Three. B、Four. C、Five. D、Six.
    (3)、Which of the following is the best to fill in "    ▲    " in the passage?
    A、There are bits of nature everywhere. B、You can enjoy yourself in the countryside. C、There are more and more parks today. D、You should protect the beautiful nature.
    (4)、The purpose of the passage is to ________.
    A、tell kids ways how to deal with stress B、remind people of the happy old times C、introduce different kinds of outdoor activities D、encourage kids to spend more time outdoors
  • 5. 阅读理解

        Their cheerful song brightens a winter's day. But robins(知更鸟) are in danger of killing themselves by singing too much. They are singing all night—as well as during the day, British-based researchers say.

        David Dominoni, of Glasgow University, said that light from street lights, takeaway signs and homes is influencing the birds' biological(生物的) clocks, making them keep awake when they should be asleep.

        Dr. Dominoni put cameras inside the birds' house to record sleeping patterns. He found that being short of sleep could put the birds' health at risk. His study shows that when robins are exposed to(暴露于) light at night in the lab, they become active at the wrong time of day. And the more birds are exposed to light, the more active they are at night.

        He said, "A couple of studies showed robins are singing more songs at night. And during the day, they are still singing. And singing takes energy."

        And it is not just robins that are being kept awake by man-made light. Some blackbirds and seagulls are also being more nocturnal. Dr. Dominion said, "In Glasgow where I live, seabirds are a serious problem. People often come to me saying, 'You are the bird expert. Can you help us kill these seabirds?'. During the breeding(繁殖) season, between April and June, they are very active at night and very noisy and people can't sleep."

        Although Dr. Dominoni has only studied light pollution, other researches show that robins living in noisy cities have started to sing at night to make themselves heard over loud noise.

        However, some birds grow actively in noisy environments. A study from California Polytechnic University found more hummingbirds in areas with heavy industry. It is thought that the number of them increases because their natural enemies fly to quieter areas.

    (1)、According to Dr. Dominoni's study, ________ causes robins to sing so much.
    A、the air pollution B、the breeding season C、the light pollution D、the noise in industrial areas
    (2)、When robins are increasing their singing, ________.
    A、they might be full of energy B、they might be in danger C、people might keep more of them D、people might sleep better
    (3)、What does the underlined word "nocturnal" in Paragraph 5 probably mean?
    A、Active at night. B、Inactive at night. C、Active during the day. D、Inactive during the day.
    (4)、Why do some birds grow actively in noisy environments?
    A、Because there are fewer dangers. B、Because there is more food to eat. C、Because there is less light pollution. D、Because there are more places to hide.


  • 6. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次。

    they,    manage,   through,   neither,  nine

    (1)、 you nor your brother can blow out the candles. It's dad's birthday.
    (2)、You can find more information about Covid-19 on the page of the book.
    (3)、Schools should do something to help students protect .
    (4)、Doctors and nurses have saved lots of lives their hard work.
    (5)、It is really important for us to our time in this busy world.
  • 7. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。

        Nobody surprised with mobile payment? China is by far the most successful country on mobile payment. It is (广泛地) used in Chinese people's daily life. But for foreigners who don't know this method, it may (似乎) strange.

        At least, this was the true case for Lim, Manpower Minister of Singapore. He  (访问) China in 2017. When he was waiting in line to buy chestnuts at a street store in Shanghai, he saw other (顾客) show their phones and take the chestnuts (没有) giving any cash. Soon, he realized that they were using WeChat Pay. It was his first experience with mobile payment. He was really surprised. After he came back, Lim pointed out that Singapore falls (在后面) in mobile payment.

        And while mobile payment is now a (正常的) part of life in China, it's also becoming popular in other nations. They really (欣赏) this paying method. It was reported that mobile payments in the United States rose by 29 % in 2016. And they were (几乎) fifty times more than those last year. This may be mainly because western mobile payment services require stores to buy expensive tools.

        However, there's no (疑惑,疑问) that mobile payment will become more and more popular all over the world.


  • 8. 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(每空不多于3个单词)。

        A few days ago, I ran into a man as he passed by. I said sorry to  man and he said "Excuse me", too. We were both very polite. We didn't go on our way  we said goodbye.

        Later as I was cooking the meal in the kitchen, my daughter Betty walked up to me. When I turned around, I almost knocked her down. "Get out of the way!" I shouted (angry). She ran away, crying. That night, while I (lie) in bed, my husband said to me, "You were so rude to Betty. Go and look around on the kitchen floor. The flowers (buy) by Betty for you."

        While meeting with (stranger), I was polite to them; but with my kids, I was always not patient. I began to feel sorry.

        So I went to Betty's room. She was ready (sleep). "My dear," I said, "Are these flowers you picked for me?" She smiled, "Yes, I knew you'd like them." I said, "I am so sorry." And she whispered(悄声说)," Mom, that's okay. I still love you anyway." I kissed (she) and said, "I love you too and I do love the flowers."

        That day, Betty gave me a lesson on how to get along  each other in the family. I spent much time on work before and didn't realize how important family life was. I decided to do (good) than before.

五、任务型阅读 (本题有5小题,每小题1分,共计5分)

  • 9. 下面是一则关于塞卡病毒(Zika virus)的图解,请阅读并补全介绍该病毒的短文。

        The Zika virus(塞卡病毒) is mainly spread by mosquito bites. About 1 in 5 infected people will become ill. That means if 500 people get the virus, about  people will probably get sick. The symptoms include , rash, joint pain and red eyes. It will last for several days, up to  days. Once you have the illness, there is no treatment or vaccine. But thankfully the illness is not very serious and it won't cause much . The best and simplest to slow the spread of the virus is to wear long shirts or  and avoid from being bitten by mosquitoes.

六、书面表达 (本题有1小题, 共计20分)

  • 10. 在你的英语学习中,哪种学习工具对你帮助最大?你是怎么使用它的?它是怎么帮助你提高英语能力的?请根据下面的提示,写一篇英文短文,向你校英语报投稿。


    ⑵词数: 80-100;



    ▲Which tool is the most helpful to you?

    ▲How do you use it?

    ▲How can it help you with your English?
