
试卷更新日期:2020-05-28 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. —_______?

    —It's eleven o'clock now.

    A、When do you go home B、What time do you go home C、What time is it
  • 2. —What will you see?

    — _______

    A、No, I don't know. B、No, I don't. C、I don't know.
  • 3. —I feel hungry.


    A、so hungry B、so do I C、I hopes so
  • 4. — What is Amy's hobby?

    — __________________

    A、I like drawing. B、She likes drawing. C、She lives in Canberra.
  • 5. — What does Miss Liu do?


    A、She likes English. B、She's a teacher. C、At a school.
  • 6. —I'm going to take a trip tomorrow.

    — _______________

    A、Sure. B、I see. C、Have a good time.
  • 7. — Did you go to school yesterday?

    — _________

    A、Yes, I do. B、No, I can't. C、Yes, I did.
  • 8. — ______________

    — I'm from China.

    A、Where are you from? B、Where are you going?   C、Where are you going to play?
  • 9. — Can you speak Chinese?

    —______ I am a Chinese people.

    A、Not at all. B、Sorry, I don't know. C、Of course.
  • 10. — Can I come in?

    — ______

    A、Sue! B、Sorry, I don't know. C、You are great.
  • 11. —It's going to rain, dad.

    —________ Look! The sun is shining.

    A、Yes, it is! B、I don't think so. C、Great!
  • 12. —________, Daming.

    —Thank you.

    A、Here you are B、Happy birthday to you C、How old are you
  • 13. —I am sorry I made a mistake in English class.


    A、Don't worry! B、Yes, you did. C、Don't do it.
  • 14. —Here's your present.



    A、Sorry, I can't. B、Thank you. C、It's mine.
  • 15. —My books are heavy. Who can help me?

    —_________. I'm talking on the phone.

    A、Sorry, I can't. B、I will help you. C、Yes, I can.
  • 16. —Can I help you?


    A、I want a sandwich. B、I will help you. C、Enjoy your meal.
  • 17. — Here's your food.


    A、Thank you. B、That's right. C、Yes, it is.
  • 18. —Tell me about your old school, please.


    A、The bank is on the first floor. B、There was no gym in my time. C、There was a new library in our city.
  • 19. — How did Mary go to the zoo?


    A、On foot. B、She went to Wuhan. C、At 4:00.
  • 20. —What did you do last night?


    A、I watch TV. B、I watched TV. C、I wash the clothes.
  • 21. — During summer holiday, what did Ben do in the UK?

    — _______________

    A、He visited Big Ben. B、He saw the Great Wall. C、He visited the Palace Museum.
  • 22. — What are you going to do this Sunday?

    — _______________

    A、I did my homework. B、I'm doing my homework. C、I'm going to see animals at the zoo.
  • 23. — What did you do with Sam yesterday?

    — _______________

    A、We can play chess. B、We played chess. C、We like playing chess.
  • 24. — What would you like to know about your e-friend?

    — _______________

    A、I like to know about his family. B、I'd like to know about his hobby. C、I want to know about his school life.
  • 25. — What is the film about?

    — _______________

    A、It's about a brave policeman. B、It's interesting. C、It's fun.
  • 26. —______________

    — I like pandas.

    A、What's your favourite food? B、What's your favourite animals? C、What's your favourite fruit?
  • 27. — ______________

    — I went to Beijing.

    A、Where did you go? B、What did you do? C、What did you come back?
  • 28. — What's Mr. Green?

    — ______________

    A、He's a writer. B、He's my neighbour. C、He is tall and kind.
  • 29. — What do we get from trees?

    — ________________

    A、We get stones. B、We get meat. C、We get fruit.
  • 30. — How do trees help us?

    — ________________

    A、They're useful. B、They keep air clean. C、They're important.
  • 31. — Where is the Palace Museum?

    — _______________

    A、It's in the UK. B、It's in the US. C、It's in China.
  • 32. — Shall we go and have a big dinner tomorrow?

    — _______________

    A、Sure. B、Thank you. C、It doesn't matter.
  • 33. — How old is your new neighbour?

    — ________________

    A、She likes apples. B、She is 11 years old. C、She's from the UK.
  • 34. — ________________

    — No, thanks.

    A、What do you like? B、Would you like some cola? C、Do you like pandas?
  • 35. — What do you usually have for dinner?

    — ________________

    A、I watched TV. B、I had some rice and meat. C、I have some rice and meat.
  • 36. — What would you like to know about your neighbour?

    — ________________

    A、I want to know about his or her hobbies. B、Yes, I do. C、I'd like to know about his or her family.
  • 37. — What do you want to see?

    — _____________

    A、I'm going to the UK. B、I want to see Big Ben. C、I went to the UK.
  • 38. — What is your favourite season?

    — _____________

    A、I like hamburgers. B、I like green. C、I like spring.
  • 39. —_____________, Tom?

    — He is a reporter.

    A、What do you do B、What does your uncle do C、What is he doing
  • 40. — Excuse me. Where is the zoo? I want to see the animals.

    — It's ________________.

    A、by bus B、10:00 C、next to the park


  • 41. 当朋友找不到铅笔时,你会对他说:
    A、Watch out! B、Don't worry!
  • 42. 你想告诉路人:在人民公园左转,你可以说:
    A、Turn left. B、Turn left at the Renmin Park.
  • 43. 你想说:科学博物馆在书店隔壁。你可以说:
    A、The science museum is next to the bookstore. B、The science museum is in front of the bookstore.
  • 44. 你想问:动物园远吗?你可以问:
    A、Is the zoo far from here? B、Where is the zoo?
  • 45. 你想问:电影院怎么走?你可以问:
    A、Where is it? B、How can I get to the cinema?
  • 46. 当别人问你Lily会说哪种语言时,你应该回答:
    A、He can speak English. B、She can speak English.
  • 47. 你要问路,就要先对对方说:
    A、Excuse me. B、What can I do for you?
  • 48. 你要问:意大利餐馆在哪里?你可以问:
    A、What's this? B、Where is the Italian restaurant?
  • 49. 当别人问你来自哪里时,你应该回答:
    A、I'm Lucy. B、I'm from China.
  • 50. 当你问朋友能否给你写信时,应该问:
    A、Can you write to me? B、Can I write to you?