
试卷更新日期:2020-05-28 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. We are going to ______________ our primary school.
    A、leave B、leaves C、leaving
  • 2. I'll _______ it forever.
    A、keep B、keeps C、kept
  • 3. I will _____________ you.
    A、missing B、misses C、miss
  • 4. We _______ have a baseball team.
    A、be going to B、are going to C、is going to
  • 5. When are you going to _______ the park?
    A、going to B、go C、go to
  • 6. Lingling is going to __________ a birthday party.
    A、has B、have C、having
  • 7. I'm going to watch TV _______.
    A、tonight B、in tonight C、at tonight
  • 8. Are you going to _______ after dinner?
    A、play chess B、playing chess C、paly the chess
  • 9. It's going to _______ soon.
    A、rainy B、rain C、rains
  • 10. We _______ have a picnic this Sunday.
    A、am going to B、is going to C、are going to
  • 11. (   )Look! It's going to _________ soon.     
    A、rainy B、rain C、raining
  • 12. Maybe we'll _______ to the zoo.
    A、going B、go C、go to
  • 13. I _______ visit London.
    A、will B、to C、am
  • 14. In the year 2050 we       life on Mars.
    A、find B、will find C、found
  • 15. John __________________ going to Xinhua Bookstore tomorrow.
    A、are B、am C、is
  • 16. They ________ goodbye to their primary school soon.
    A、are going to say B、says C、said
  • 17. We ________ goodbye to our childhood soon.
    A、are going to say B、if C、said
  • 18. We        visit the science museum next week.
    A、is going to B、are going C、will
  • 19. What are we _________ to talk about?
    A、going B、go C、went
  • 20. Next weekend, we ______ a bike.
    A、will ride B、rides C、are riding
  • 21. — What will you do?

    — I_________ go to school.

    A、will B、would C、will be
  • 22. _________ will be more cars in our city.
    A、There B、This C、It
  • 23. I'm going to ________ the next train ________ Shanghai.
    A、take;to B、take;for C、takes;in
  • 24. The boy feels sad. Because he ________ the city.
    A、is leaving B、left C、will leave
  • 25. —Where _______ you going this week?

    —I ________ going to the library.

    A、are; are B、were; was C、are; am
  • 26. Look at the cloud. It ________ rain soon.
    A、will B、is C、was
  • 27. —Are you going to visit Hong Kong _________?

    —Yes, I am.

    A、next year B、yesterday C、every day
  • 28. Lucy will _______to her motherland next year.
    A、to return B、return C、returns
  • 29. —Are you going to ________a haircut?

    —Yes, I am.

    A、get B、got C、getting
  • 30. I will _______ more listening and reading.
    A、do B、does C、doing
  • 31. What are you ______ to do?
    A、going B、go C、goes
  • 32. Please write and I will ________ your questions.
    A、answers B、answer C、to answer
  • 33. I'm going to ________ the room.
    A、clean B、cleaned C、cleans
  • 34. I am ________ to pick some vegetables.
    A、going B、go C、have
  • 35. Li Ming will ______to the shop.
    A、walks B、walk C、walking
  • 36. —Shall we go on a picnic tomorrow?

    —I'm afraid we can't. It _________ tomorrow.

    A、rains B、is raining C、is going to rain
  • 37. My sister and brother _______ buy some word books tonight.
    A、am going to B、is going to C、are going to
  • 38. There           a fashion show tomorrow afternoon.
    A、is going to B、will be C、is going to have D、will have
  • 39. There __________ a strong wind next Monday.
    A、is B、are C、will be
  • 40. There will __________ a light snow next Friday.
    A、be B、being C、is
  • 41. It will __________ tomorrow. But it won't be heavy.
    A、rains B、rain C、raining
  • 42. We are going to __________our primary school soon.
    A、leave B、left C、leaving
  • 43. It ________ Father's Day next week. Let's make cards for our fathers.
    A、is going to B、is going C、is going to be
  • 44. Next week, it _______ in Shenyang.
    A、snows B、is going to snow C、snowed
  • 45. It will ______ sunny in Beijing.
    A、be B、the C、/
  • 46. Mike ________ visit his grandpa tomorrow.
    A、is going B、is going to C、go
  • 47. My brother and I ________ Chinatown in Toronto next summer holiday.
    A、visit B、visited C、will visit
  • 48. It's going to      in Hangzhou tomorrow.
    A、warm B、be warm C、warming
  • 49. Lily         here next month.
    A、isn't working B、aren't work C、isn't going to work
  • 50. I'm going to the park           .
    A、next weekend B、last weekend C、every day