新目标(Go for it)版八年级英语下学期期末综合能力评估试题(Ⅱ)

试卷更新日期:2017-09-19 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 听句子,选择最佳应答语
    A、For a month. B、In a month. C、A month ago.
  • 2. 听句子,选择最佳应答语
    A、By myself B、Once a week. C、Last Sunday.
  • 3. 听句子,选择最佳应答语
    A、I like it very much. B、I've read it many times. C、The Monkey King.
  • 4. 听句子,选择最佳应答语
    A、French. B、From Paris. C、He is Chinese.
  • 5. 听句子,选择最佳应答语
    A、I was lonely. B、I will have a trip. C、I've been to NewYork.


  • 6. What does Ted's mother want him to do?    
    A、To wash his clothes. B、To do the dishes. C、To do his homework.
  • 7. What was Tom doing at eight yesterday evening?
    A、He was reading a newspaper. B、He was doing exercise. C、He was doing his homework.
  • 8. What book has Hunt read?    
    A、Oliver Twist. B、Treasure Island. C、Robinson Crusoe.
  • 9. Where did Ken go last Wednesday?
    A、To the Great Wall. B、To Tian'an men Square. C、To the Summer Palace.
  • 10. When did Alex leave?    
    A、At 7:40 p.m. B、At 7:50 p.m. C、At 8:00 p.m.


  • 11. 听长对话,选择最佳答案
    (1)、How long did Mike stay in Hainan last winter?
    A、For two weeks. B、For four weeks. C、For six weeks.
    (2)、How is Sarah going to Hainan?   
    A、By-ship. B、By plane. C、By train.
    (3)、When is Sarah leaving?    
    A、On the fifth of this month. B、On the fifteenth of next month. C、On the fifth of next month.
    (4)、Where is Mike going during the winter vacation?    
    A、To Dalian. B、To Qingdao. C、To Beijing.
    (5)、Whose house will Mike stay in when he' s on vacation?
    A、His grandpa's. B、His friend's. C、His aunt's.


  • 12. 听短文,完成表格,每空不超过两个单词

    Katy Perry's Concert



    About Katy Perry

    A very famous singer. Born on October 25th.1984

    The place



    From o'clock to eleven o'clock

    Ticket price

    299 dollars

    Telephone number


  • 13. I won't be able to go to the party       I will be on vacation.    
    A、although B、unless C、since D、whenever
  • 14. The two brothers are different in nature.One talks a lot and    is a boy of few words.    
    A、another B、the other C、other D、others
  • 15. I'm not making much        in my French. Can you tell me some ways to learn it well?    
    A、difference B、progress C、action D、training
  • 16. You must      your work more carefully because it is full of mistakes.    
    A、push B、change C、protect D、Check
  • 17. You can go with us or stay here till later.It's         up to you.  
    A、completely B、recently C、suddenly D、luckily
  • 18. When the girl found the dog was friendly, she moved    closer to it and touched it.    
    A、very B、quite C、much too D、a little
  • 19. Today         the Internet,you can do all your shopping from home.    
    A、according to B、thanks to C、instead of D、as for
  • 20. 一Where is Mr.Green?

    一He has      to Dalian.He has       there twice.

    A、been;gone B、gone;been C、been;been D、gone;gone
  • 21. 一Cindy and l went to a concert yesterday morning.

        一What a shame! I      my homework.

    A、have done B、am doing C、was doing D、would do
  • 22. About       of the students in our class        to the plan of having a party this Sunday evening.    
    A、two thirds;agree B、two third;agree C、two third;agrees D、two thirds;agrees
  • 23. The government is planning to build a new school in the village     the learning conditions for the children there.    
    A、to improve B、improved C、improving D、to improving
  • 24. Sam had problems      what job to do after he left school.    
    A、to decide B、deciding C、to worry D、worrying
  • 25. I think this information isn't useful.You can            
    A、cut out it B、cut down it C、cut it out D、cut it down
  • 26. Of all the students in Class 3,Sarah came to school      this morning.    
    A、early B、earlier C、earliest D、the earlier
  • 27. 一I met your father in the street this morning.

        一Ah?        . He flew to Europe yesterday!

    A、That's right B、I'm not sure C、Never mind D、You're kidding


  • 28. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
        Once there was an old woman who liked to make cookies(曲奇饼).She didn't have1to share them with,so she always gave them away to the children in the neighborhood.This continued for several years and the cookies became quite famous,2at Christmas time.The parents began to like the cookies as much as the children did,and the old woman's kitchen became very busy, so the children came to3.
    Then one Christmas the old woman became ill.There were no cookies,and there was no money to pay the doctor.The children were very4.Later they had a(n)5 , that is,to make cookies from the old woman's recipe(食谱).So the children 6a cookie store.Soon they had a very good cookie business and got7money to Pay the doctor.
        After the old woman got well,she was asked to become the manager(经理)of the store,selling special cookies8all the holidays of the year.9the old woman died,the children,now grown up,kept the cookie business alive(有生气的)in her name.
        Maybe life is like a Christmas cookie.The more you10it with your friends, the more you may enjoy it.
    A、somebody B、anybody C、everybody D、nobody
    A、hardly B、finally C、probably D、especially
    A、rest B、help C、ask D、eat
    A、tired B、lazy C、upset D、angry
    A、idea B、symbol C、program D、question
    A、sold B、found C、passed D、started
    A、no B、little C、all D、enough
    A、for B、from C、with D、after
    A、If B、So C、After D、Unless
    A、save B、share C、choose D、accept


  • 29. 阅读理解



        On June 30, my class went to a beautiful nature park about an hour away from our school.I talked to some of mv classmates on the bus.When we got there, we went to the Nature Center and learned about me different animals in our area.Our teacher brought some cameras so we took lots of photos.When we came back to school our teacher put the photos on the classroom wall.We also made a class book about the trip.I was really happy with my photos,and now I hope to be a photographer(摄影师)one day.


        A few weeks ago,my English class went to Althorpe House.The gardens(花园)were very big with a lot of flowers and the house was old and beautiful.We saw a lot of paintings and a nice woman called Cindy told us the history of the house.It had a beautiful library with quite a lot of books.At lunchtime we had a picnic(野餐)outside.Luckily it was a sunny day. This was my first school trip, and I was worried about  my English and understanding Cindy but she spoke slowly and I understood a lot.I would like to go back mere and show this place to my family.Maybe I'll take them next summer.


        This term l went to the aquarium (水族馆) in our city.There I saw many kinds of amazing and colorful fish.I was very excited when my teacher told us that we were going to visit this place.You know, I love fish and I have a lot of fish at home.I'm always borrowing books about fish from the library.At the aquarium.I saw a lot of fish and other creatures(生物) that I had never seen before.We had to answer some questions at the aquarium,and then write about the trip before the next class.

    (1)、Bernadette wants to be a(n)       in the future.    
    A、teacher B、photographer C、nature researcher D、animal doctor
    (2)、From the material,we can know that Eshan           
    A、went on many school trips B、is good at speaking English C、bought a lot of books about fish D、wants to go to Althorpe House again
    (3)、Who needed to write about his or her school trip after it was over?    
    A、Cindy. B、Eshan. C、Ahmed. D、Bernadette.
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?
    A、Cindy was worried about her English. B、Bernadette went to the nature park by bus C、Eshan thinks Althorpe House is quite modern. D、Ahmed goes to his school library every week.
    (5)、Where might we see this material?
    A、In a science book. B、In a tourist map. C、In a school magazine. D、In a park notice.
  • 30. 阅读理解


        Several days ago,Brenda had a car accident.As a result.one of her legs had to be cut off.She became quiet and didn't talk to anyone.

        “I wish I could bring her friends to visit her,” Brenda's mother said to the nurse.“It's just too long a bus trip.”“Don't worry,”the nurse smiled.“I have a plan.”

        Later that day.the nurse told Brenda it was moving day.Before Brenda could refuse,the nurse had taken her to another room filled with colorful flowers.“Here's your new roommate,Annie, ”the nurse told a dark—haired teenager on the other bed.

        Annie smiled.After the nurse left.she hopped(单脚跳) out of her bed and sat at the other end of Brenda's.

        “I lost one of my legs from bone cancer(骨癌),”she said.“What happened to yours?”Brenda was so shocked that she couldn't say a word.“You're  ▲  . ”Annie continued.“You've still got your knee.They had to take mine.”·

        Annie hopped back to her bed.“I'd like to talk with you,but my Mends are coming any time now, so I have to get ready,” Annie said when she reached up and took off her hair! Her head was completely bald(秃的).

        “Oh,I forgot to tell you,the medicine they gave me to kill the cancer also killed my hair,”Annie said.

        When Annie's friends came, she introduced Brenda to them all.Before long.Brenda started talking with Annie and her friends.They didn't make her feel like a freak(怪人)at all! By the time the nurse asked the visitors to leave.Brenda felt great.

        The girls talked into the night and shared their dreams with each other.When it was time to go to bed,Brenda said,“Good night,Annie.Can't wait until morning.''

    (1)、What happened to Brenda?    
    A、She lost a leg. B、She lost all hair. C、She broke her knee. D、She got bone cancer.
    (2)、In order to cheer Brenda up,the nurse    
    A、introduced some healthy kids to her B、moved her to a room filled with music C、let her share the same room with someone great D、showed her some kids that had the same problem as her
    (3)、The best word for“”is“    ”.    
    A、lucky B、smart C、late D、strange
    (4)、Which of the following words CANNOT describe Annie?    
    A、Out going. B、Creative. C、Helpful. D、Strong.
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?    
    A、The nurse's plan worked well. B、Annie thought Brenda was a freak. C、Annie dreamed of being a nurse in the future. D、Brenda didn't want her mother to know that she was ill.
  • 31. 任务型阅读


    Today, we are talking with Fritzi,a great collector of china(瓷制的)elephants.



    Ai Well, it all goes back to when I was a kid.When I was about six or seven,one of my cousins gave me a small china elephant for my birthday, and I like it·so much that I decided to start collecting them.

    Q:So,you've been collecting them ever since?

    A:Yeah, that's right.It's been almost thirty years.


    A:I don't know, really.I like the fact that there are so many different kinds and I also like the fact that some of them are so beautiful. Also, I really like elephants.The're amazing animals.


    A:I've got over five thousand.It's one of the biggest collections in my country ,I think.I'm getting new ones all the time as well.I find them in second—hand shops.I buy them on the Internet and sometimes my friends give them to me as gifts.


    A:Well, I've got a special room for them in my house where I've got them all on display(陈列).I've got shelves(架子)and shelves of them! Actually, one day I'd like to open my own china elephant museum.I'm sure a lot of people would come and see them.


    A:I do, actually.It's one of the oldest ones in my collection.It's from 1897, and it's a big black one with sad eyes.It's so beautiful, and it makes me want to cry—but in a good way.

    A.What is it that interests you about them?

    B.Do you have a favorite one?

    C.How did you get into collecting china elephants?

    D.How many have you got now?

    E.Do you have any friends who also like collecting them?

    F.Where do you keep them all?


  • 32. 根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。

    A:Hello, this is Zhongying Cinema.?

    B:I'd like to book(预订) movie tickets for  tomorrow.



    A:OK.We have Captain America at 1:30,3:40 and 8:00. What time would you like to go?

    B:I'd like to see the movie beginning at 3:40.

    A:All right.?


    A:We have only 12 seats left now.They are in Row(行)one and Row Nine.

    B:Let me see.I'd like the seats in Row Nine.?

    A:How about No.5 Row Nine and No.6 Row Nine?

    B:OK.That's fine.

    A:So, we'll leave the two tickets for you.Please remember to get me tickets half an hour before the movie begins.


    A:Thanks for calling.See you.

    B:See you.



  • 38. 为了提高他的表演水平,吉姆每天训练。

    Jim trained every day  improve his performance.

  • 39. 这本词典是图书馆的。

    That dictionary the library.

  • 40. 说实在的,我觉得这不可能。

       , I don't think it is possible.

  • 41. 那时他想不出一个合适的答案。

      He couldn't  a proper answer at the time.

  • 42. 他们慢慢地前往会面的地方。

    They slowly   the meeting place.


  • 43. 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示填空,使短文完整、通顺。

        Susan was a woman who hated animals very much.She never wto keep any pets at home.To her,all pets were very dirty and boring.Susan could never understand wpeople would like to have pets in the house.“It is so stupid!”she always said.

        Last month Susan's  daughter' Penny, came home from school w a mouse in a box.Susan was very angry. But Penny said that it was her h . Her teacher asked each student to take care of an animal and lto get along with it.Susan had to say v

        It was fun for Penny at the very beginning,but then she got quite lazy and f. to do her homework. It became Susan's homework. She git food and water every day and found that the mouse was in fact not dirty.She e talked to it! It was not boring or stupid! Now Susan is having a good time with “her” mouse.She named it Nini.And she is going to buy aone to make a pair.


  • 44. 假如你是韩斌,请你根据以下提示,给你的英国朋友吉尔(Jill)写一封电子邮件,告诉她你们学校在暑假期间对学生在安全方面的要求。


    要求:①电子邮件内容须包含所有提示信息;②80词左右,可适当发挥。电子邮件的格式 已给出,不计入总词数。

    参考词汇:安全safety 电electricity

    Dear Jill.


