人教版(PEP)小学英语五年级下册第一单元Unit 1 My day 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2017-09-14 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. I often help my mother do the housework _____the weekend.

    A、in B、to C、on
  • 2. That ____like a lot of fun.

    A、a B、sounds C、is
  • 3. We eat lunch ____ 11:50 ____ home.

    A、at; at B、at; in C、on; at
  • 4. —Do you often do morning exercises?

    —__________ That's good exercise.

    A、Yes, I can. B、Yes, I do. C、No, I don't.
  • 5. I often play ______ with my friends after school.

    A、the basketball B、pipa C、sports


  • 6. 当你的房间特别脏乱是,你会:_____________

    A、clean my room B、water flowers
  • 7. 当天气特别寒冷而你没有厚衣服时,你会:_____________

    A、listen to music B、go shopping
  • 8. 当你想邀请他周日一起游泳时,你会问:____________

    A、What do you do on the weekend? B、When do you go to bed?
  • 9. 当你做完运动后特别饿时,你会:___________

    A、eat dinner B、wash clothes
  • 10. 当你想问课什么时候结束时,你会问______________

    A、When do you get up? B、When do you finish our class?
  • 11. —I eat lunch at 12:30. __________ ?  

    —At 12:30, too.

    A、Which about you? B、What about you? C、When about you?
  • 12. You need a robot ____ you.

    A、help B、to help C、helping
  • 13. I can't see the cat. It's _____ the curtains.  

    A、in front of B、near C、behind


  • 14. 读对话,回答问题。

    Zip:What do you do on the weekend?

    Zoom:I often watch TV and clean my room. Sometimes I go shopping. What about you?

    Zip:Usually I play football. Sometimes I go shopping, too.

    Zoom:Let's go shopping together next Sunday.


    (1)、What does Zip do on the weekend?

    (2)、What does Zoom do on the weekend?


  • 15. 选择合适的单词补全短文。

    often,   play,   with,   letter,   clean,   island

    Robin is in a . He is Robinson. Here is a from him.I live on an . I always get up early every day. Sometimes I my cave, too. I go swimming in the water. In the afternoon, I play sports Friday. Friday is good at sports. He often wins.

  • 16. Sam is clever, and he's ( also / too) hard-working.

  • 17. I often go shopping (and / with) my mum on Sundays.

  • 18. Do you do morning (exercise / exercises) every day?

  • 19. I always go to bed at 9 o'clock (at / in) the evening.

  • 20. — ( What time / When ) do you have a football class?

    —On Tuesdays.




  • 42. 阅读对话,判断正误。

    Pedro: Hi, Lily. When do you start class in the morning?

    Lily: Usually at 8:00.

    Pedro: It's early. We start class at 9:00 in Spain.

    Lily: When do you usually eat dinner, Pedro?

    Pedro: At 9:30 or 10:00 p.m.

    Lily: Wow! That's too late. I always go to bed at 9:30. What do you do on the weekend?

    Pedro: I often play sports with my friends. Sometimes I go shopping with my mum.

    Lily: Sounds interesting. I usually clean my room. Sometimes I cook for my family.

    (1)、Pedro starts class at nine o'clock in the morning.

    (2)、Lily usually has dinner at 9:30 p.m.

    (3)、Pedro is from Spain.

    (4)、Pedro often goes shopping on the weekend.

    (5)、Lily is hard-working at home.



  • 53. 选择合适的词补全句子



    A:At 4:30.

    B:Wow!When do you usually do homework?


    B:Good boy!

    A: I often play ping-pong with my father.


    A.Usually at 6:30.

    B.What do you do on Saturdays?

    C.That sounds like a lot of fun.

    D.And then we go for a walk.

    E.When do you finish class in the afternoon?

  • 54. 选择恰当的句子补全下面的对话。

    A: Hi, Jim.

    B: I get up at 6:30.

    A: Usually at 6:00.

    B: I often wash my clothes and clean the windows.

    A: Wow!

    B: Do you do housework (家务活), too?

    A: Yes, sometimes.

    B: Sounds interesting!

    A. You're so hard-working.

    B. When do you get up on Saturdays?

    C. What do you do on the weekend?

    D. But I often play computer games.

    E. What about you?


  • 55.

    选出与图片相符的短语(  )


    A、go hiking   B、go shopping C、go swimming
  • 56.

    选出与图片相符的短语(  )


    A、play basketball  B、play football  C、play ping-pong
  • 57.

    选出与图片相符的短语(  )


    A、have an art class  B、have a math class C、have an English class
  • 58.

    选出与图片相符的短语(  )


    A、eat breakfast  B、do homework  C、wash clothes