外研版(2019)高中英语必修二Unit 2 Period 2同步练习1

试卷更新日期:2020-04-30 类型:同步测试


  • 1. You (must /can) be careful with the camera. It will cost you much money.
  • 2. I've ordered some pizza, so we (wouldn't/needn't) worry about cooking when we get home, tired from work.
  • 3. The police still haven't found the lost child, but they're doing all they(can/may).
  • 4. Anita(could /would) speak three languages before she was six.
  • 5. The restaurant(can't/needn't)be very good It's always empty.
  • 6. You (mustn't/ needn't) put everything on the shelves until the glue has set hard.
  • 7. She(can't/ shouldn't) have left school, for her bike is still here.
  • 8. It (must have been/must be) raining when you arrived there.
  • 9. —When did you go to Beijing?

    —I (might have been/must have been)there in 1994, but I can't remember it clearly.

  • 10. Nobody knows where the jewels have gone and they (might/should) have been stolen.


  • 11. 下面是介绍Lantern Festival celebrations的短文,根据首字母或中文提示,用本单元出现的单词或短语的正确形式填空。

        The Lantern Festival is a Chinese festival con the fifteenth day of the first month in the Chinese calendar. It marks the final day of the tChinese New Year celebrations. During the festival, we d our windows with balloons and posters. We will (举办)lantern riddles c and firework displays with thousands of people taking part in these celebrations. However, it is the busiest times for the traffic police because the lantern(展览会) and the pattract a lot of people. During this time,families (聚会) to enjoy a big dinner. Rice balls are my favourite. This year, I gave some flowers and a scarf to my mother. In return, she gave me a(红包).


  • 12. 用本单元出现的单词或短语的正确形式替换画线部分,保持句意不变。
    (1)、It is OK to be 15 to 30 minutes late in some areas.
    (2)、In foreign countries, we need to respect local traditions.
    (3)、I entered a chess contest and finished third.
    (4)、He brought his chicken to the market.
    (5)、I met a childhood friend at the party.
    (6)、Some often throw a big party to observe Christmas here.
    (7)、Students are required to sit in the front of the conference hall.
    (8)、John, a tough man, cried like a baby when he got his lost son back.
    (9)、Jack, the owner of this house, introduced us to the other guests.
    (10)、Although this idea is very good, not everyone likes it very much.


  • 13. 阅读理解

        Thanksgiving Day is a public vacation. It is a day off for the general population in the US, and schools and most businesses are closed.

        What Do People Do

        Thanksgiving Day is traditionally a day for families and friends to get together for a special meal. The meal often includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin pie and vegetables. Thanksgiving Day is a time for many people to give thanks for what they have.

        Thanksgiving Day parades are held in some cities and towns on or around Thanksgiving Day. Some parades or festivities also mark the opening of the Christmas shopping season. Some people have a four-day weekend so it is a popular time for trips and to visit family and friends.

        Public Life

        Most government offices, businesses, schools and other organizations are closed on Thanksgiving Day. Many offices and businesses allow staff to have a four-day weekend so these offices and businesses are also closed on the Friday after Thanksgiving Day. Public transit systems do not usually operate on their regular timetables.

        Thanksgiving Day is one of the busiest periods for travel in the US. This can cause congestion and overcrowding. Seasonal parades and busy football games can cause disruption to local traffic.

    (1)、What do people usually do on Thanksgiving Day?
    A、All people will have a four-day weekend. B、People usually get together with their family without travelling. C、People in government officials still work on this day. D、People usually go out to parade on this day.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "congestion" in the last paragraph probably mean?
    A、Air pollution. B、Environment damage. C、Too much traffic and too many people. D、Destruction to the road.
    (3)、What can we infer from the passage?
    A、Students usually go to school to celebrate. B、Buses usually serve on the regular timetable. C、You'd better not go shopping because shops are all closed. D、You and your family can get together for a special meal.
  • 14. 阅读理解

        Earth Day falls on 22 April and it began in 1970. It has grown into a global event recognized by over 192 countries. Devoting a special day to helping Earth is a way to demonstrate how much we care about the future of our planet. If you like, there's always a way for you to get involved in Earth Day celebrations. But you don't have to wait for Earth Day to show your love for the planet we call home. The following are what you can do for our mother Earth.

        Learn more about the environment.

        Earth Day is a good time to make a commitment to learning more about the environment and how you can help to protect it. Read articles to get up to date on the current issues affecting the environment, like pollution, water shortage and climate change. Or, learn about a region you've never thought about before, like the Arctic, the deserts or the rainforests. Not sure where to start? Check out your local news sources for information about environmental issues in your own backyard.

        Join an environmental group.

        Think about the issues that concern you the most and if you haven't done so already, join a local group that undertakes activities to help protect the environment in your area. Earth Day is a great day to start getting involved in almost any community, you'll find local groups that do the following.

        Host clean-ups of local rivers, lakes or seashores.

        Plant trees and grow flowers or vegetables in community gardens.

        Protect wildlife habitats under threat.

        Spread the word

        Everyone who has environmental knowledge can share with others. It's a good way to talk about the environment with people who may not think about it that much. Talk to your parents, friends, teachers, siblings, and anyone else you'd like to know about the issues you care about most.

    (1)、The underlined word "demonstrate" in paragraph 1 can be replaced by "______".
    A、display B、make sure C、lead to D、throw light on
    (2)、According to the passage, we can get involved in the following activities EXCEPT______.
    A、checking out local news B、planting trees in community gardens C、sharing environmental knowledge with others D、using public transport like buses
    (3)、The author writes this passage mainly to_______.
    A、tell us what we can do to protect Earth B、inform us of the information about Earth Day C、tell us the background of Earth Day D、tell us the significance of Earth Day


  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        We all love eating out. But, is it bothering you because you are on a diet and have to dine with a friend?Sure, you will be concerned about the amount of calories, fat or salt in a restaurant's menu items.

        Choose the right place.

        Always plan ahead when you know that you have to dine out. Look for the restaurants that serve delicious meals that are low in fat. You're more likely to overeat there. Once you've decided the place, get familiar with their food menu. Decide what you're going to order before you go.

        Start with a soup.

        One easy approach to stick to your diet when eating out is starting with a soup. Order vegetable or bean-based but avoid cream-based soups. This will keep you from sitting hungry and fill you up. .


        Salt improves food's flavour and is often used heavily in restaurant meals. When you dine out, ask the attendant to prepare food without added salt. Ask about the ingredients to see if there are items that may be higher in salt. Moreover, it is better to limit the use of condiments(调料) such as mustard, ketchup, pickle and sauces as they may contain salt that you don' t need. Instead of salty appetisers (开胃小吃), choose fruit and vegetable salad.

        Don't eat it all.

        To avoid overeating, you can split a meal with a companion or put half the meal in a plate and leave the rest.

        Sticking to a healthy diet doesn't mean you have to turn down everyone's offer when asked to eat out.

    A. You have to be very particular about serving sizes when dining out.

    B. Just make sure you make healthier choices.

    C. Avoid eating at places that offer all-you-can-eat buffets(自助餐)

    D. Here are four tips for eating out while you are on a diet.

    E. Cut the salt intake.

    F. Avoid salt.

    G. Soup is the first course that you order when eating out.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

        The Double Ninth Festival (the Chongyang Festival) is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. With a history of more than 2,000 years, It 1in the Warring States period. It developed quickly and had already been quite common 2 the Tang Dynasty. In the 1980s,the Chinese government made it a public holiday also known as" Senior Citizens' Day", trying to3the moral of respect for the elderly. On this day, people are supposed to visit and4the elderly. Here's the customs of this festival.

        Climbing Mountains

        Climbing mountains is a main activity during the festival. Take your families to a mountain to get some exercise and breathe5air in the woods. Take a deep breath on top of a mountain, enjoy the beautiful natural autumn 6 all to yourself, exercise your body and get prepared for the coming 7. This will provide you with mental peace and 8the ill-fortune or diseases as they may say.

        Appreciating Chrysanthemums (菊花)and Drinking Chrysanthemum wine

    Appreciating chrysanthemums and drinking chrysanthemum wine have always been a 9during the Double Ninth Festival. In history it was also called" the Chrysanthemum Festival", as it is the flowering time of chrysanthemums. Poets, celebrities and nobles would 10 a feast to write poems to appreciate the elegance of chrysanthemums. Today, 11 chrysanthemum exhibitions are often held in big cities to 12people during the festivals.

        Appreciating the Falling Autumn

        As the Double Ninth Festival 13the early autumn in China every year, it also is a good time for families to get together for a hiking to 14 the colours of the falling autumn.

        There are other customs 15 visiting the elderly, eating Chongyang cake and wearing cornel(茱萸).

    A、existed B、took form C、took place D、founded
    A、by the time of B、in time C、on time D、the time of
    A、advertise B、advise C、advocate D、improve
    A、take care B、look for C、look out D、care for
    A、fresh B、relaxed C、relaxing D、refresh
    A、site B、view C、sight D、spot
    A、spring B、summer C、autumn D、winter
    A、shake off B、shake out C、shake down D、shake up
    A、practice B、tradition C、celebration D、ceremony
    A、hold B、make C、get D、make up
    A、stable B、spare C、specific D、splendid
    A、amaze B、amuse C、welcome D、astonish
    A、falls against B、takes on C、approaches D、falls on
    A、appreciate B、draw C、remind D、talk
    A、include B、have C、consist D、like