
试卷更新日期:2020-04-29 类型:期中考试


  • 1. What is Jim looking for?
    A、His wallet. B、His watch. C、His bag.
  • 2. What can Linda do?
    A、Play tennis. B、Play the piano. C、Play the guitar.
  • 3. Who is going to go over lessons this afternoon?
    A、Mike. B、Tom. C、Lucy.
  • 4. How will people go to work in the future?
    A、By car. B、By bus. C、By plane.
  • 5. Where are the two speakers?
    A、In a market. B、In a clothes shop. C、In a book shop.


  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What color will the man take?
    A、Brown. B、White. C、Black.
    (2)、How much is the T-shirt now?
    A、$14. B、$40. C、$44.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。
    (1)、What time is it now?
    A、8:30. B、8:15. C、7:45.
    (2)、Where are the two speakers going?
    A、To England. B、To Australia. C、To China.
    (3)、How long does it take?
    A、Seven hours. B、Eight hours. C、Nine hours.


  • 8. 听下面一段独白。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项。
    (1)、How can you get to the museum?
    A、Go along a beach. B、Go along a bridge. C、Go along a shopping street.
    (2)、How many hours will the museum open a day on weekends?
    A、10. B、11. C、12.
    (3)、What should you do before you get into the museum?
    A、Show your ID card. B、Spend some money. C、Come in a group.
    (4)、What can you do when you go into the museum?
    A、Take notes. B、Take pictures. C、Both A and B
    (5)、Who might the speaker probably be?
    A、A teacher. B、A student. C、A guide.


  • 9. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Do you like shopping on the Internet? I like to buy books online. Usually, the price isn't very1. You don't have to pay a lot. When I want to know2about a book, I write an e-mail to the online shop for an answer. I am shy. It is difficult for me to3with the shopkeepers in real shops.

        Sometimes online shops have4of the book. They can show you some pages of the book, too. I think this is very5. I don't like to read books in shops because the shopkeepers6come and talk to me. I don't know7to say to them.

        I can shop at midnight if I want to. Real shops8at nine o'clock in the evening. Some people think they can9things from online shops, but postmen (邮递员) may lose or damage (损坏) their things. But I don't worry about that. I think it is10to damage a book and most of the postmen are very careful.

        Some people say that shopping in real shops is good because they can go with their friends and11many different things. They call this window shopping. I don't have any friends and I don't like to talk too much- it makes me12.

        I am13my grandmother how to shop online. She cannot walk very far14it will make shopping easy for her if she shops online. My brother15wants to learn how to do it. He is very busy most of the time. When he has a little free time, he can shop online.

    A、expensive B、cheap C、high D、much
    A、something B、nothing C、anything D、everything
    A、say B、tell C、speak D、talk
    A、words B、notes C、pictures D、lines
    A、careful B、helpful C、colorful D、beautiful
    A、should B、must C、may D、need
    A、what B、how C、where D、why
    A、open B、opened C、close D、closed
    A、have B、buy C、take D、need
    A、fast B、easy C、simple D、hard
    A、look after B、look like C、look up D、look at
    A、tired B、glad C、happy D、silly
    A、asking B、studying C、teaching D、giving
    A、and B、because C、so D、but
    A、even B、never C、also D、too


  • 10. 阅读理解

    Welcome to our school! Here we have three clubs一Food Club, Book Club and Sports Club. They are really interesting and you can find what you want here. Do you want to join them? Now let me introduce them to you one by one.

    Food Club

        Do you like bread, salad or chicken?

    If you want to learn cooking, you should join us.

        Meet us on Sunday from 9:30 to 12:00.

        If you have any questions, please call 549-7609.

    Book Club

        Do you like reading? If your answer is yes, please come to our club. We usually meet from 2:0 0 to 4:00 in the afternoon.

        Telephone number: 735-6749

    Sports Club

        You want to play basketball, but you don't have one? Don't worry. We have many basketballs, volleyballs, soccer balls, tennis balls and all kinds of bats (球拍). So if you love sports, just come and practise (练习) with us.

        We meet from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. If you want to learn more, please call Mr. Lee at 650-7639.

    (1)、If Kate is interested in American history, what time can she go to the Book Club?
    A、At 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. B、At 8:00 a.m. on Saturday. C、At 2:00 p.m. on Monday. D、At 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday.
    (2)、What can't you learn in the Sports Club?
    A、Basketball. B、Soccer ball. C、Tennis. D、Skating.
    (3)、Where can you read the passage?
    A、In a notebook. B、In a school magazine. C、In a storybook. D、In a textbook.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Dear Henry,

        I'm glad to know you are coming to my house next Sunday. But I have to take an English lesson that afternoon. I can't meet you at the train station. Let me tell you the way to my house.

        When you arrive at the train station, first, go out of the train station, and then go down West Street to the north. Don't turn left at the crossing, and just walk straight on. You can see a bus stop near a movie theatre on your left. Next, take the NO.2 bus there and get off at the fifth stop. Then you are in Garden Street. Go down the street and walk until(直到) you see a park. Walk across the park and you can find a bank on your right. My house is opposite the bank. I will meet you at the gate of my house. Please call me if you have any problems. See you then.

    Your friend,


    (1)、When Henry goes out of the train station, what should he do?
    A、Go up West Street to the south. B、Go down West Street to the north. C、Turn left at the crossing. D、Turn right at the crossing.
    (2)、Where will Kevin meet Henry?
    A、At the bus station. B、At the train station. C、At home. D、At the gate of his house.
    (3)、Why can't Kevin meet Henry at the station?
    A、Because Kevin has to take a maths exam. B、Because Kevin has to take an English lesson. C、Because Henry can find Kevin's home easily. D、Because Kevin has a lot of homework to do.
    (4)、Which of the following is the correct route (路线) to Kevin's house?

    a. Go straight on.

    b. Go down Garden Street and walk until you see a park.

    c. Take the NO.2 bus at the stop and get off at the fifth stop.

    d. Walk across the park and you can find a bank on your right.

    e. Go down West Street to the north.

    A、a-b-c-d-e B、e-d-c-b-a C、e-a-c-b-d D、c-d-a-b-e
  • 12. 阅读理解

        When children are ill in hospital or at home, they're away from their friends and teachers. They may feel lonely. A small robot may help them. Through the robot, the children can hear and see their teachers and friends.

        The robot's name is AV1. Here's about how the robot AV1 works. It sits at the child's desk in the classroom and the child at home uses a tablet(平板电脑) or a phone to start it. At school, the robot becomes his eyes, ears and voice.

        The robot has speakers, microphones (麦克风) and cameras. All these make communication between computers and humans easy.

        AV1 is large and looks like a human. The robot should be a friend to the children. It can't be just a tiny camera. So the other kids can't pick it up and take it with them. And robots are quite simple and cool. AV1 will help some children feel less lonely while they are not in class.

    (1)、What can help children to start the robot?
    A、A ring or a phone. B、ACD or a tablet. C、A tablet or a phone. D、ACD or a ring.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "lonely" mean in Chinese?
    A、沮丧的 B、无能的 C、生气的 D、孤独的
    (3)、Which statement about AV1 is NOT true?
    A、AV1 is large and looks like a human. B、AV1 is just a small camera. C、AV1 is a friend to the children. D、AV1 is simple and cool.
    (4)、What is the main idea of the passage?
    A、The robot helps children feel less lonely. B、The robot helps children learn English. C、The robot helps children talk with parents. D、The robot helps children make friends.
  • 13. 阅读理解

        I'm going to have a great weekend because I'll go across Canada with my parents. We'll drive seven or eight hours a day.

        In Toronto, we'll stay in a big hotel. The food is very delicious. There's a big swimming pool and a lot of game rooms. I think I'll play there happily. But there'll be lots of people in the hotel, so I think we'll sleep in one room. And it's expensive.

        Then we are going to stay in a small cabin (小木屋) in the mountains. I really love it. The cabin is clean and quiet. We'll have two rooms, so I can get up late in the morning. But we have to get up early because we want to go swimming. There is a beautiful lake near the cabin. We also can go fishing and cook food outside.

    (1)、How will the writer travel across Canada?
    A、By boat. B、By bus. C、By car. D、By plane.
    (2)、What's the problem of the hotel?
    A、There's no swimming pool in the hotel. B、The food there is not delicious. C、There are lots of game rooms. D、There aren't enough (足够的) rooms for them.
    (3)、From the passage, we know that _____________.
    A、they will stay in a cabin in the mountains B、the cabin is expensive and beautiful C、there is a big lake near the cabin D、they can go hiking and cook food outside the cabin
    (4)、What do you think is the best title of the passage?
    A、Delicious Food in a Hotel B、A Beautiful Cabin C、A Pleasant Weekend Plan D、Visiting Canada


  • 14. 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。(每词限用一次)

    advantage,    rise,    silly,    one,    they

    (1)、Our school is big, but is small.
    (2)、Online shopping has many . So many people like it.
    (3)、Mike is always the one to get to school.
    (4)、It's very of him to make such a mistake (错误).
    (5)、We all know the sun in the east.
  • 15. 根据短文 内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。(每空限填一词)

        Ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad to be your guide. Now let me tell you something about our (极好的) trip.

        As we all know, London is a city with a long history. That's why (千) of people come here every day. Now we are standing at the Trafalgar Square, and it's the (中间) of London. From this square, you can begin your short tour of London. (穿过) the square, you will get to the National Gallery, a (著名的) museum with lots of amazing paintings. From here, we will walk (沿着) the red street to Buckingham Palace. The queen lives there. Turn left and reach the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. (在.....的对面) them you can see the London Eye. It can take you 135 (米) above the River Thames. You can see most of London on a (晴朗的) day.

        I hope (每个人) can have a good time today.


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

        At the moment, Daming and Lingling (talk) about the year 2050 in the classroom.

        "What will our world be like in the year 2050?" asks Daming.

        " Well, no one knows, but it's (interest) to guess (猜测)," says Lingling. "I think in the year 2050, everyone will carry a small computer. The computer will give people the answers all the questions. We'll have new telephones too. And we'll be able to talk to our friends all over the world and see them at same time."

        "A lot of people (live) and work in the sea. Maybe there will be big towns, (factory) and farms in the sea. Machines will do most of the work, people will have more holidays. Maybe they'll work two or three days a week. They will be able (fly) to the moon and spend (them) holidays there," says Daming." I am looking forward the year 2050. I hope to fly to the moon!"

        "I hope I'll be able to live in the sea," says Lingling," just like a fish!"


  • 17. 阅读下面的短文,完成表格。(每空不超过3个词)

    Plans for the Holiday

        The summer holiday is coming. Students are making plans for it.

        Tony is going to his family party." I can't wait to go home and go to the family party. I also plan to go to New York to see some friends. A lot of friends and I are going to dance at my house," he says.

        Tony's friend, John is going to spend the holiday with his aunt." I really want to go to England to meet my family. I want to have a good time with them. But now I can't. I am going to look after my aunt because she is ill," John says.

    Mike is Tony's friend, too." I want to spend my summer holiday with Jim. We plan to travel around the world. We think we are going to enjoy ourselves," he says.




    He is going to his .

    He also plans to with his friends at his house.


    He has to his aunt because she is .


    He plans to travel with Jim.


  • 18. 请根据下表中的提示信息,以“My Dream School”为题,写一篇短文,描述你心中的理想学校。

    Campus (校园)

    Teachers & classmates

    In class

    After class








    favourite subjects,


    a little homework,





    My Dream School