
试卷更新日期:2016-04-22 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. The government of China has built _______ cheap and good houses for the people in the past two years.

    A、million B、millions C、million of D、millions of
  • 2. —Excuse me, is this _______ bicycle?

    —No, it isn't. _______ is over there under the tree.

    A、your; Mine B、my; Your C、her; Her D、mine; Yours
  • 3. Chinese chess has a history of more than 2, 000 years. Today it still interests _______ the young _______ the old.

    A、both; and B、either; or C、not; but D、neither; nor
  • 4. —Which do you like _______, pop music or classical music?

    —I prefer classical music.

    A、good B、well C、better D、best
  • 5. —Jim,I think you can _______ money by yourself to buy a small present for your friend.

    —OK, mum. I'll spend less money on junk food this week.

    A、pay B、save C、cost D、leave
  • 6. — I feel very tired and thirsty.

    —Why not stop _______ some water?

    A、have B、to have C、having D、had
  • 7. Everyone can make great progress _______ he works hard.

    A、if B、unless C、when D、that
  • 8. —Peter wants to know if you will have the talent show on the square tomorrow.

    —Yes. But if it _______ we'll have it in our classroom instead.

    A、will rain B、rained C、is raining D、rains
  • 9. — I consider buying her an iPad3 for her birthday.

    —_______ Tom brings the same present?

    A、If B、What C、What if D、How about
  • 10. — I get along well with everyone in our group.

    —Really? Could you please tell me _______?

    A、how to do B、how to do that C、how can I do that D、how do you do that
  • 11. —Why did you come late again?

    —Because my alarm clock didn't _______ this morning.

    A、go off B、go out C、go away D、go over
  • 12. —We're going to have a soccer match with Class 2 this afternoon.


    A、Thank you B、Good luck to you C、Not at all D、It doesn't matter
  • 13. — I wonder _______.

    — I'm afraid we'll be late.

    A、how we can be on time B、if we arrive at the meeting on time C、why we get to school late D、if we will arrive at the meeting on time
  • 14. —Look, Jim is talking to his friend under the tree.

    —It _______ be him. He has _______ back to Canada.

    A、can't; gone B、can't; been C、may not; been D、mustn't; gone
  • 15. —Could you please show me another pair of shoes?


    A、Yes, I could B、No, I couldn't C、Sure. Here you are D、No, that's no problem


  • 16. 完形填空

       Two brothers worked together on a farm. One was married and had a large 1 . The other had no wife yet. Although they lived in different houses, they shared everything they got from their farm.

    One day, the single brother said to himself, “It's not 2 that we share all the rice. I'm 3 and I need less than my brother. ”So, every night he took a bag of rice from his store-room and 4 across the field 5 their houses, putting it into his brother's store-room.

    At the same time, the married brother thought, “It's not fair to share all the rice. I'm married and I have my wife and children to 6 me when I am 7 . However, my brother has no one to take care of his 8. ” So, each night he also took a bag of rice and put it into his brother's store-room.

       Several months passed by. They found 9 strange that their rice never became less. Then, one dark night the two brothers ran into each other. Slowly they began to understand what was happening. Their bags fell onto the ground and tears  10 their eyes at once.

    A、group B、family  C、class D、team
    A、right B、popular C、interesting   D、wrong
    A、poor B、happy C、alone D、rich
    A、jumped B、played C、went D、rode
    A、from B、through C、off D、between
    A、look after B、look for C、look out  D、look at
    A、worried B、old  C、healthy D、dead
    A、hope B、children C、farm D、future
    A、them B、this C、it D、that
    A、appeared B、filled C、dropped D、rose


  • 17.













    The Yangtze dolphin is the only kind of dolphin that lives in freshwater all its life. Scientists say that the finless freshwater dolphin that has lived in the Yangtze River for over 20 million years, will die out in 15 years. It's in danger of disappearing forever.


    ■Dredging(挖掘) of their habitat

    ■Heavy boat traffic in the Yangtze River

    ■Insecticide(杀虫剂) and mercury(汞)

    (1)、How long has the Yangtze dolphin lived in the Yangtze River?

    A、For 20 million years. B、For less than 20 million years. C、For more than 20 million years. D、For about 20 million years.
    (2)、What is NOT a danger to the Yangtze dolphin?

    A、Dredging the river bed. B、Boats in the river. C、Insecticide and mercury. D、Swimmers.
    (3)、How heavy is an adult Yangtze dolphin?

    A、30 kg. B、45 kg. C、30 kg~45 kg. D、75 kg.
    (4)、What does the Yangtze dolphin mainly eat?

    A、Fish and shrimp. B、Fish. C、Shrimp. D、Grass.
    (5)、In the first picture, the underlined word “finless” means _______ in Chinese.

    A、有鳍的 B、无鳍的 C、温顺的 D、好看的
  • 18.












    In 1961, a man found a strange cat on his farm in Scotland. The cat's ears were folded, bent forward, on its head. In fact, this was a new kind of cat. People named it the “Scottish Fold(苏格兰折耳猫)”.

    The Scottish Fold has a round head and large eyes. Its neck and legs are short, which makes it look very cute. Interestingly, all the Scottish Folds are born with straight and unfolded ears. And when they are growing up day by day, some cats' ears will begin to fold. So, the Scottish Fold comes in two types: folded ears and straight ears.

    Besides, there is a nickname for the Scottish Fold. It is the “Messenger of Peace(和平使者)”. Why? Because the Folds are sweet and friendly animals. They can get along well with other cats. And unlike some other cats, they can even get along well with dogs! In many different environments, such as at a noisy house, or in a cat show, you can see them playing with other animals happily.

    Well, when you come to a new school, do you think it's difficult to get used to the new environment? Perhaps you can learn from the Scottish Fold. That is: always be sweet and friendly to others.

    (1)、The Scottish Fold _______.

    A、is born with folded ears B、is born with straight ears C、always has folded ears D、always has straight ears
    (2)、What does the Scottish Fold look like?

    A、It has a round head and large eyes. B、Its neck and legs are short. C、It looks very cute. D、All the above.
    (3)、Why are the Scottish Folds named the “Messengers of Peace”?

    A、Because their ears are folded. B、Because they look very cute. C、Because they can get on well with other animals. D、Because they can stay at a noisy house or in a cat show.
    (4)、According to the passage, what is the writer's suggestion to us when we are in a new environment?

    A、We should have a nickname. B、We should learn from the cats. C、We should get along well with dogs. D、We should always be sweet and friendly to others.
    (5)、Which is the best title for the passage?

    A、Scottish Fold         B、Cats C、Cats and Dogs         D、Messenger of Peace
  • 19. 阅读短文,回答问题











    Articles Wanted

    My Story

    ◆Articles should be typewritten (打印的), using only one side of the page.

    ◆Your name, year of birth, school name (and coaching teacher), home address and e-mail address must be included.

    ◆For photos, write the information on the back of each envelope: PLEASE DON'T FOLD(折叠).

    ◆Please keep copies of your texts, pictures or photos.

    ◆The sentence MUST BE WRITTEN with your name at the end of each article, “I promise the above work is completely original (原创的). ”

    ◆If your article is chosen, it will be put on China Daily and you will get a special gift.


    For more information, please contact (联系) us!

    Tel: (010) 92136116

    Fax: (010) 92674363

    E-mail: mydream@chinadaily. com. cn

    Mail: My dream. Box 6161, Beijing, China

    (1)、All the information about the writer must be included except his/her _______.

    A、school name B、e-mail address C、year of birth D、telephone number
    (2)、What is required for the articles wanted according to the passage?

    A、They must be fully created by the writers themselves. B、They must be typed on both sides. C、They must be sent in June. D、They must be sent with the copies of texts and pictures.
    (3)、According to the passage, you can send your articles ________.

    A、within 3 weeks B、all summer C、all the year round D、during the whole term
    (4)、How many ways can you find in the passage to contact My Story?

    A、(1) B、(2) C、(3) D、(4)
    (5)、Who do you think will write articles for My Story?

    A、Students who are interested in writing. B、Teachers who love writing and taking photos. C、Parents who wish their kids to be popular writers. D、Readers who have stories.


  • 20. 根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。

    sleep, nine, win, potato, play

    (1)I often hear him the violin in the next room.

    (2)Teachers' Day comes in the month of the year.

    (3)The teacher was very angry because Jim fell in class.

    (4)—Excuse me, what's the price of these ? —Five yuan a kilo.

    (5)We all believe our monitor will be the of the English Speech Contest.


  • 21. 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。

    a. Can I try it on?

    b. How much is it?

    c. Thank you very much.

    d. What size do you want?

    e. What can I do for you?

    f. What about the pink one?

    g. The white ones in your size are sold out.

    A: Can I help you, madam?

    B: Yes. I am looking for a white skirt.


    B: Size M.

    A: Sorry.

    B: Do you have any other color?

    A: Yes. It is very popular this summer.

    B: Well, it looks nice.

    A: Sure. Look, it fits you very well.


    A: 188 yuan.

    B: I really like it, although it is a little expensive. I'll take it.


  • 22. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词


    Students can to relax themselves in the school yard after school.


    my deskmate I love telling jokes.


    Running is interesting playing basketball.


    Kate  playing the piano.


    It's much if he can himself.


  • 23.


        网络购物这一新的消费模式近一两年在中国迅猛发展, 甚至已经成为我们日常生活的一部分, 相信同学们身边一定有不少同学已经通过网络进行购物了, 但纠结的网络购物让人欢喜让人忧。网络购物究竟有何利弊呢? 请以Shopping Online为题写一篇短文,谈谈你的观点。