人教版(PEP)小学英语四年级下册第五单元Unit 5 My clothes 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2017-09-13 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. ________ are John's shoes.

    A、These B、This C、That
  • 2. — Jenny, can I have your ruler ?


    A、Sure B、Thank you C、You're welcome
  • 3. Wow, you'll       a star!

    A、are B、is C、be
  • 4. — How do I look ?

    —You         like a teacher.

    A、look B、are C、not
  • 5. It's time          pack my clothes.

    A、for B、with C、to
  • 6. I want to buy                 socks.

    A、two B、two pair of C、two pairs of
  • 7. This is        red T-shirt. 

    A、mine B、yours C、my
  • 8. We are going       a trip. What do you        to wear ?

    A、to;want B、on; wolud C、on;want
  • 9. Take            your hat. 

    A、on B、up C、off
  • 10. These are your pants. Put      on, please.

    A、it B、them C、they


  • 11. 阅读理解。

        Today is a sunny day. John is going on a school trip. Now he is packing some clothes. Look, this is John's bule jacket. These are John's black pants and those are his white socks. Whose T-shirt is that? Oh, it's John's brother's.

    (1)、What's the weather like today?

    A、It's warm. B、It's sunny C、It's rainy
    (2)、John's jacket is ________.

    A、blue B、black C、white
    (3)、What colour are John's socks?

    A、Black B、Yellow C、White
    (4)、Whose T-shirt is that?

    A、It's John's. B、It's John's father's. C、It's John's brother's.
    (5)、Is John going home?

    A、Yes. B、No C、I don't know



  • 18. 根据汉语写出相应的英文单词。

    ⒈衬衣    ⒉毛衣   ⒊夹克

    ⒋连衣裙    ⒌裤子     ⒍大衣(外套)

    ⒎袜子    ⒏帽子   ⒐短裙

  • 19. 根据汉语提示,写单词或短语完成句子。

    (1)、It's four o'clock. It's time to  (回家) .

    (2)、My   (连衣裙)is green.

    (3)、Put  (穿上)your skirt.

    (4)、 (洗) your skirt.


  • 20. 读一读,翻译下列句子。

    (1)、Put on your skirt.

    (2)、Hang up your pants.

    (3)、Take off your coat.

    (4)、Wash your shirt.

    (5)、Put away your dress.

  • 21. 选择正确的译文。

    )1.Put on your shirt.                A.收拾好你的裤子。

    )2.Hang up your dress.             B.脱掉你的帽子。

    )3.Take off your hat.                C.穿上你的衬衫。

    )4.Put away your pants.            D.洗你的短裙。

    )5.Wash your skirt.                E.挂起你的连衣裙。




  • 32. 怎么用英语表达“这是约翰的鞋子。”?______________

    A、This is John's shoes. B、These are John's shoes.
  • 33. 你想知道Amy新买的长裤是什么颜色的,你应该这样问:___________

    A、What colour is it? B、What colour are they?
  • 34. 你想告诉朋友你有一件新短裙,你会说:_____________

    A、I have a new skirt B、This skirt is blue.
  • 35. 怎样问价钱?

    A、How many is the car? B、How many cars is there? C、How much is the car?


  • 36. 选择合适的句子补全对话。

    A:Hurry up, Zip. We ‘re late for the party!


    A:It's 5 o'clock now!

    B:Oh dear!          


    B:No, they aren't.                 


    B:They're blue.                   

    A:Look! They're under the bed.

    B:Oh yes!

    A.Thank you!

    B.What time is it?

    C.What colour are they?

    D.Are they under the desk?

    E.Where are my shoes?