人教新目标英语七下Unit 11 How was your school trip Section B同步测试

试卷更新日期:2017-09-12 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。

    (1)、Most foreign visitors are very  (兴趣) in Chinese traditional culture.

    (2)、We went to the science  (博物馆) last weekend.

    (3)、She bought the skirt for ten yuan only. It's quite c.

    (4)、The school trip was very i.

    (5)、We took a s bus. So we arrived late.



  • 12. 选用所给的单词填空。

    paintings, exciting, museum, guide, expensive

    (1)、They had fun at the zoo. They had an  day.

    (2)、Last Sunday, the students went to visit the science . They learned a lot.

    (3)、There are so many people in the park. I can't hear the .

    (4)、She went to an art museum yesterday and saw many .

    (5)、The things were so . And I didn't buy anything.


  • 13. I went          a school trip yesterday.

    A、to B、on C、for D、in
  • 14. Do you know robots can          with people?

    A、play chess B、play the soccer    C、play violin D、play the tennis
  • 15. Our teacher taught us how          a model robot.

    A、make B、makes C、making D、to make
  • 16. Helen           sortie gifts         her brother. He was so happy.

    A、bought; to B、buys; to C、bought; for D、buy; for
  • 17. Wang Yaping gave an           lesson in space.

    A、relaxing B、boring C、difficult D、exciting
  • 18. The boy was interested          science.

    A、in B、on C、at D、for
  • 19. There were           people in the museum last week.  

    A、too much B、too many C、a lot D、a lots of
  • 20. —Did you learn        ?

    —Yes. I did. I learned quite a lot.

    A、something B、nothing C、everything D、anything
  • 21.           , it didn't rain and we could go on the trip.

    A、Lucky B、Luckly C、Luck D、Luckily
  • 22. It rained first, but then            sun came out again.

    A、a B、the C、an D、/


  • 23. 按照要求完成句子改写。

    (1)、The school went to the zoo yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

     the school  to the zoo yesterday?

    (2)、Jim's school trip was great. (对划线部分提问)

      Jim's school trip?

    (3)、I could hear and see the guide. (改为否定句)

    I  hear  see the guide.

    (4)、We went to the countryside this summer. (对划线部分提问)

      you do this summer?

    (5)、I bought nothing in the gift shop. (改为同义句)

    I didn't   in the gift shop.


  • 24.


    (1)、How was the weather yesterday?

    (2)、Did the boy visit a zoo?

    (3)、What did the boy do?

    (4)、Were there different kinds of animals in the picture?


  • 25. 补全对话。

    A: Jack, I went to Beijing with my family last month.

    B: Really?

    A: It was wonderful!

    B: How did you get there?


    B: Did you stay there long?

    A: Hmm, only three days. But I found people there are friendly.


    A: We visited the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and some other well-known places.


    A: Yes. It's very nice and tastes delicious.

    A. I had a great time.       B. By high-speed train.

    C. How was your trip?       D. What places of interest did you visit?

    E. Were you used to the food there?