备战2020年中考英语专题复习——语法填空 短文类2(真题)

试卷更新日期:2020-04-21 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Ernest Hemingway, the son of a doctor and a music teacher, was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. Hemingway's father(teach) him early on how to hunt and fish, two activities Hemingway loved throughout his life. Instead of (go) to college, Hemingway became a reporter for the Kansas City Star.

        Later, in Europe, he worked as a driver  the Italian army until he was wounded and shipped home, where he again wrote for newspapers. Two years , he moved to Paris, where he hoped to improve his writing. There he became friends with other (America) writers, including

        Gertrude Stein and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

        Hemingway developed  style of writing that was simple and direct. He chose words sparingly(俭省地), avoided using adjectives, and trusted the reader to understand (mean) of his writing. As he put it, "I always try (write) on the principle(原则) of the iceberg(冰山). There is seven eighths of it under water for every part that shows. "This style continues to influence Writers today. In his career(生涯), which lasted some 40 years, Hemingway earned the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize. He was one of the finest writers of the(twenty) century.

        For a while Emest Hemingway lived in Key West, Florida, where he had nearly 50 cats. One of them was a cat with six toes(脚趾), which a ship's captain had given him. Today his Key West home is a museum, and many cats still live there. Some of them are (child) of Hemingway's six-toed cat. Hemingway was married four times and had three sons. He died in 1961. 

  • 2. 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(每空不多于三个单词)。

        Anna lost her arms in a car accident when she was a child. What was worse, she lost her parents  the age of twenty. Her elder sister, who was ten years  (old) than her, wanted to take care of her. However, Anna refused  (live) with her sister, saying that she would like to take care of herself. She managed to enter college and  (study) very hard. Four years later, she graduated and found a job. Once she wrote in her diary, "I am quite lucky. I lost my arms,  I still have my legs."

        Anna chose to face her misfortune (不幸) in an active way. Instead of  (feel) sad every day, she decided not to let it hold her back. She has taught us a good lesson. When something bad happens to us, we have two  (choice). One is to complain (抱怨), and  other is to face it bravely. If we choose to run away,  will follow us wherever we go. If we decide to be strong, new hopes will come. So choose  (wise).

  • 3. 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

        Ray was thought to be a strange boy. One day when he was flying his kite, he said to himself, "Did anybody ever try to fly a kite at night? I think it must be very fun. But the kite can't be seen in the dark, what if I tie a light to it? That would be really good. I  (try) it tonight."

        As soon as it was dark, he   (take) his kite and lantern, and went to a large field about a mile from his home. He tied the lantern to the tail of his kite. The lantern  (make) of paper. The kite flew higher and higher. He tied the string( 线) to a tree, then he stood there, staring at his kite. It floated( 飘 ) high up into the air. How wonderful! While Ray  (enjoy) his special kite, some people in the village also saw it.

    "Look! A light (fly) in the sky," one person said. "It can't be a light," said a man.

        "Perhaps it's a big firefly(萤火虫) ," said another.

        "Maybe it's a comet(彗星),"said another man. "How strange!" said a boy.

        "Let's find out what this strange light  (be)." the last one said. Then they went to the field.

        While this was taking place, Ray, who had gotten tired of standing, was sitting behind a tree. He   (see) the men as they came, but they didn't see him. When they reached under the light, and saw what it was, they looked at each other and said while laughing, "There is nothing unusual    (happen)! This is just a trick of some naughty boys', but it (fool) us all, let us keep the secret." Then they laughed again and went back to the village.

        When the men had gone, Ray thought it was time for him  (go), so he went home, too. When his mother heard what he had done, she hardly knew whether to laugh or scold(责备), but just told him to go to bed.

  • 4. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每空一词)。

        When I was in the sixth grade, I joined a piano competition. I practiced for four hours every day and my piano teacher came three times a weekhelp me. Then the big day (final) arrived. I was so (nervous) when they called my name. I went upstarted to play. I was playing, everyone sat still and listened. I played the song without any (mistake). Then I waited for(they) to call out the(win). When I(hear) my name, my heart was beating so quickly I thought I would stop breathing. I couldn't believe it. I won! It was the(happy) day of my life!

  • 5.


        A king had two sons and asked famous teachers to teach them. After a few (year), the king fell badly ill. So he wanted to choose one of his sons as the next king, but which one would be the right person? He thought it over a whole night. At last, he decided (test) his sons.

        One day, he gave a room to each of (they), You must fill the room completely (完全地) with anything you wish. But there should (be)no space left and you can't ask for advice from anyone!"

        The next day the king (visit) his elder son's room. The room was completely filled with grass. The king felt sorry about it. Then he went to other room, but it was closed. His (young) son asked him to get in and closed the door again. It was dark everywhere, so the king shouted at him (angry), But suddenly the second son lighted a candle and the room was full of light. The king felt very excited and hugged him proudly.

        He realized: Wisdom(智慧) is more important than simple answers are easy to get.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Why Short Stories Are Best for English Learning

        You get more time to focus on words. When a text is short, you can have more time to learn how every single word is used and what importance it has intext. This is more useful for thoseare beginners of English.

        You can read a whole story at a time. Attention length is very important for learning. And the ability to finish story gives you more time(understand) it. Short stories are written to give you(much) information with less effort.

        It is best for consistency (一致性). It is much easier to read one story every day than trying to read a big novel that never(seem) to end.

        You can share them easily in a group. Since short stories can(read) in any place, they are perfect for book clubs and learning circles. Most of the time these groups do not work because members have no time to read. Short stories are perfect way for them.

        You can focus more on ideas. Language is less about (word) and more about the meanings behind them. If you spend all your time (learn) vocabulary and grammar, you will never be able to speak a language (smooth) because you will have little to talk about. Short stories give you the chance to understand big ideas in a short text.

    In a word, short stories will not only improve your English reading comprehension (理解力) also open your mind to different worlds.

  • 7. 用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。

        Mr. Lee, the head teacher of Starlight School, (write)an email to all the teachers and students.

    Dear teachers and students,

        We are almost at the end of the second term. It (be)a busy term and you al deserve(应得)a break. But there is still plenty happening at school. Please read the following.

    Classroom change

        We are fixing the windows in Classroom 6. The work (expect)to take a couple of weeks. In the meantime, all lessons which were in Classroom 6 are now in Classroom 15.


        Please (return)all the books and DVDs you've borrowed from the school library before the end of term. You cannot borrow any books during the holiday, but you can read them in the library.

    School play

        This year, the school play is Snowy Days. Students can buy tickets from the entrance of the school. Friends and family are welcome. Pets aren't allowed. If you like, you can hand in your play and we (take)a look. If it is good enough, you can act it out.

    School trip

        Mr. Williams (plan)an exciting school trip. Forty students from Year 7 and 8 will go to South America (visit)a school. The school is on top of a mountain. They will make new friends, and learn about new cultures. If you are interested, talk to your teacher before the end of next week.

        I do hope that all of you have a good break. Remember (bring)your sports clothes with you at the beginning of next term.

    Best wishes

    Jack Lee, Head teacher

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空1个单词。

    Dear Ms. Zhang,

        Last week, my friend Liu Lei came round with a new computer game and asked to play it on my dad's computer. I was worried, (连词)I should ask my dad before I use his computer. He uses it for (he) work, and I can only use it for my homework. The reason is that he thinks something will go wrong if I play (game) on it.

        Well, while my dad was out, we decided to (try) out Liu Lei's game. We copied it to the computer, and after we finished (play), we took it off the computer. However, when I(start) the computer again to check if everything was OK, some of my dad's documents were missing. Then, when my dad used the computer last night, he was  (real) angry. He could no longer find the important documents anywhere.

        I did not tell him about(冠词)computer game because I did not want him to be angry (介词)me. Now I feel terrible. I am not sure whether a computer repair (shop) can get the documents back. Should I tell him about the computer game?

        Should I pay to repair it?

    Your student,

    Feng Guoxing

  • 9. 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。

        She used to sleep on the sidewalk of the Fifth Street Post Office. I could smell her before I came close. She (wear) dirty clothes and her mouth was nearly toothless. If she was not asleep, she talked to (she). What a poor old lady!

        One Thanksgiving, we had lots of food (leave) over. I thought about the old lady. She might be still hungry. So I packed the food up and rode over to the Fifth Street. It was a cold night. There was hardly anyone out. But I knew she would stay at the same place and I would find her (easy). There she was, sitting against a tree near the post office. She (dress) as she always was. I went to her and said, "I've brought you some food. Would you like some turkey and apple pie?"

        However, the old woman didn't seem to be very (excite) about this. She looked at me and said, "Oh, thank you very much, but someone (give) me food earlier and I'm quite full now. Why don't you take it to someone else who (need) it?"

        Her manners were gracious(亲切的). I was the person who didn't know what (say). An old lady whose life was (bad) than most of us still thought others. Why don't more of us do that?

  • 10. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

        Friends are important to everyone, , some people may have trouble (keep) their friendships. Here are some tips on how to make your friendship (deep) and stronger.

        ★Be yourself. A lot of teens try not to lose the friendship once they become friends with some people. Though your identity (身份) is always changing, some of your personality will stay pretty much same. Find out those things are, think hard about who you want to be, and then show yourself (honest) to the people around you.

        ★Avoid gossip (八卦). Friends shouldn't spread rumors (谣言) about other friends. If you've heard something bad about your friends, (find) a proper way of asking them about it by (you). If you're not sure how to talk to them about it, ask a trusted friend for advice.

        ★Protect your friends. Very often, somebody that you're not close to doubts one of your (friend). It's important to find out both sides of the story, but it's also a good chance to show your friend that you trust him by telling him.

        ★Return the care. There are times when a friend will lend you a textbook, or a shoulder to cry on. A good friend will cheer you up when you're in trouble and listen patiently when your friend shares a problem you. Be sure you are as helpful as your friend, because he will take notice and feel good you.