人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级上册第二单元Unit 2 Ways to go to school 单元测试

试卷更新日期:2017-09-07 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. We must ____ for him at home.

    A、wait B、waiting C、to wait
  • 2. Turn left ________ the traffic lights.

    A、on B、of C、at
  • 3. There _____ many cars on the road.

    A、is B、be C、are
  • 4. Let's go there by _____. It's interesting.

    A、ferry B、the ferry C、a ferry
  • 5. Don't ______ late for school!

    A、are B、be C、to be
  • 6. —How does your mother usually come?


    A、She usually walks. B、I often come by bus. C、The bus is coming.
  • 7. Tomorrow I go to Shanghai _____ plane.

    A、on B、by C、in

二、Read and choose. 给问句选择合适的答语。

  • 8. Where is the restaurant?

    A、It's behind the library.        B、You can go there on foot.
  • 9. Where are you going this afternoon?

    A、I'm going to the post office.  B、I'm going with my dad.
  • 10. When are you going?

    A、Next Wednesday.            B、Buy a new comic book.
  • 11. How can I get to the science museum?

    A、It's next to the cinema. B、Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.

三、Look and write.根据图片补全句子.





  • 30. 读句子选出正确答语。

    () 1. Where is your home?             A.Sounds good!

    () 2. How do you get to school?       B.It's on First Street.

    () 3. See you.                         C.Sorry.

    () 4. Let's play outside.                D.I get to school on foot..

    () 5. Don't cross the street.            E.Bye.



  • 42. 你的同学想表达“我通常走路来”,他会说:

    A、  Sometimes I walk to school . B、  Usually , I come on foot .
  • 43. 你朋友每天步行上学,你认为那是好的锻炼,你会说:

    A、  That's good exercise . B、  Good morning .
  • 44. 当你的同学到校很早时,你会说:

    A、 You're late . B、  You're early .


  • 45. 根据答语填疑问词。

    (1)、A: does your brother usually go to bed?

    B: At 9:00.

    (2)、A: do you like best?

    B: Ping-pong.

    (3)、A: do you go to school?

    B: I go to school by bus.

    (4)、A: is your little sister?

    B: Lucy.

    (5)、A: is your house?

    B: It's next to the post office.

  • 46. 选择正确的选项补全对话。

    A. You can find it.

    B. Can I take a taxi?

    C. How can I go to the hospital?

    D. How far is it?

    E. Can I take a bus?

    F. How long can it take me to walk there?

    G. You can take the bus there.

    A: Excuse me, sir.

    B: Go down this street to the end.


    B: It's about three miles from here.


    B: Sorry. There is no bus to go there.


    B: About half an hour. You can go there by taxi.

    A: OK.