人教版(PEP)小学英语四年级下册Unit 6单元测试卷(1)

试卷更新日期:2020-04-02 类型:单元试卷



  • 6. 选出与所给例词划线部分发音相同的一项:water
    A、nurse B、computer C、bird
  • 7. 选出与所给例词划线部分发音相同的一项:hamburger
    A、girl B、tiger C、dinner
  • 8. 选出与所给例词划线部分发音相同的一项:card
    A、ball B、wall C、arm
  • 9. 选出与所给例词划线部分发音相同的一项:horse
    A、fork B、word C、homework
  • 10. 选出与所给例词划线部分发音相同的一项:glove
    A、those B、come C、hot


  • 11. 看图,选择与图片相符的单词。

    A. gloves   B. scarf    C. umbrella   D. sunglasses   E. shoes



  • 12. —_____________________

    —Yes. These shoes are nice.

    A、Can I help you? B、Nice to meet you. C、How are you?
  • 13. Please try the shirt         .
    A、in B、on C、at
  • 14. How          is the coat?
    A、many B、much C、/
  • 15. How do you          this sweater?
    A、like B、do C、have
  • 16. These are         !
    A、just a minute B、just C、just right
  • 17. This shirt is OK, but it's too         .
    A、good B、small C、nice
  • 18. I have a          scarf.
    A、pretty B、tall C、small
  • 19. It's          expensive umbrella.
    A、a B、the C、an
  • 20. —I like it, Dad.

            , Mike. It's too expensive.

    A、Excuse me B、Sorry C、OK
  • 21. I have a pair of (一双)         .
    A、scarf B、scarves C、scarfes


  • 22. 选出各句的正确答语。

    ⑴Can I help you?                          A. Yes, they are.

    ⑵Are the gloves cheap?                B. They are twenty yuan.

    ⑶What size?                                   C. Yes. I want (想要) that dress.

    ⑷How much are they?                   D. It's very nice.

    ⑸How do you like the shirt?           E. Size five.


  • 23. 从方框中选择句子补全下面的对话。

    A. Is that OK?

    B. Can I help you?

    C. That's cheap.

    D. How much is it?

    Mom: Look at the skirt.

    Lily: It's pretty.


    Lily: Can I try on that skirt?

    Assistant: Sure. Here you are.


    Lily: Yes. It's just right.


    Assistant: 30 yuan.

    Mom: We'll take it.


  • 24. 当你到商店买东西时,售货员会说:
    A、What's this? B、What can I do for you? C、Are they nice?
  • 25. 当你想询问某物的价格时,你应该说:
    A、How much is it? B、What is it? C、How is it?
  • 26. 当你决定买下这件连衣裙时,你会说:
    A、I like the dress. B、I want a dress. C、I'll take this dress.
  • 27. 当你觉得某物很贵时,你会说:
    A、It's too nice. B、It's too cheap. C、It's too expensive.
  • 28. 它们太小了的英文表达为:
    A、They are too small. B、It's too small. C、They are too big.


  • 29. nice,   these,   are,   socks,   (.)(连词成句)
  • 30. on,   can,   try,   coat,   the,   I,   (?)(连词成句)
  • 31. dress,   how,   this,   you,   do,   like,   (?)(连词成句)
  • 32. umbrella,   how,   is,   much,   that,   (?)(连词成句)
  • 33. small,   the,   are,   shorts,   too,   (.)(连词成句)


  • 34. 阅读短文,完成下面的表格。

        Hello, I'm Alice. Look! These are my things(东西). This is my umbrella. It's green. It's 40 yuan. It's nice. That is my scarf. It's orange and red. I like the colour very much. It's 180 yuan. It's very expensive. Look at my sunglasses. They're blue. They're only 20 yuan. They're very cheap.


    What colour

    How much




    180 yuan
