人教版(PEP)小学英语四年级下册Unit 5单元测试卷(2)

试卷更新日期:2020-04-02 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 汉译英
  • 2. 汉译英
  • 3. 汉译英




  • 32. 写出下面的正确答语。

    ⑴Whose pants are these?       A. It's on the floor.

    ⑵Are these your dresses?        B. They are green.

    ⑶Whose cat is this?                 C. No, they aren't.

    ⑷What colour are they?          D. It's mine.

    ⑸Where are my socks?            E. They're my mother's.



  • 38. 判断正误。

        Hi, I'm Amy. My mother and I will go to Beijing. It's time to pack my clothes. This is my red skirt.These are my black pants. And those are my white shoes. There are my brown coat and pink dress. But whose yellow hat is this? Oh, it's my baby brother's.

    (1)、Amy is packing her clothes.
    (2)、Amy has blue pants.
    (3)、She has red shirt.
    (4)、The yellow hat is her baby brother's.
    (5)、Those white shoes are Amy's.