人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级下册Unit 1单元测试卷(2)

试卷更新日期:2020-04-02 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 选出不同类的单词(   )
    A、dinosaur B、mouse C、shadow
  • 2. 选出不同类的单词(   )
    A、meter B、crayon C、eraser
  • 3. 选出不同类的单词(   )
    A、watermelon B、kilogram C、grape
  • 4. 选出不同类的单词(   )
    A、orange B、countryside C、pink
  • 5. 选出不同类的单词(   )
    A、hall B、factory C、hospital


  • 6. —           are you?

    —I'm 48kilograms.

    A、How heavy B、How tall C、How old
  • 7. I'd like            a try.
    A、have B、having C、to have
  • 8. This elephant is            than that panda.
    A、big B、small C、bigger
  • 9. My legs are longer than           .
    A、you B、yours C、your
  • 10. I'm            than my brother.
    A、heavy B、heavier C、heavyer
  • 11. It's getting            now.
    A、low and low B、low and lower C、lower and lower
  • 12. —           are you?

    —I'm 1.53 meters.

    A、How many B、How tall C、How old.
  • 13. Both            the girls are very thin.
    A、of B、for C、with
  • 14. There are five pigs over there. They're            very fat.
    A、all B、both C、too
  • 15. My dress is cheaper than            dress.
    A、she B、hers C、her



  • 21. 找出各句的应答语。

    ⑴How old are you?                        A. I often do my homework.

    ⑵What are you going to do tomorrow?     B. I'm 12 years old.

    ⑶What do you often do on Sundays?       C. Because I can go swimming.

    ⑷Whose shoes are bigger?                 D. I'm going shopping.

    ⑸Why do you like summer best?            E. Mike's.


  • 22. Linda is strong. Mike is stronger. (合并为一句)

    Mike is Linda.

  • 23. metres,   my,   friend,   good,   is,   1.53,   (.)  (连词成句)
  • 24. My shoes are size 40.(对划线部分提问)

     are your shoes?

  • 25. The bike under the tree is mine. (对划线部分提问)

    is ?

  • 26. My ruler is 10 centimetres. Your ruler is 20 centimetres.(合成一句)

    Your ruler is 10 centimetres my ruler.


  • 27. 从方框中选择句子补全下面的对话。

    A. He looks taller than you.

    B. Who's that boy?

    C. No. I'm older than him.

    D. Come here, Liu Yun.

    E. How tall is he?


    Liu Yun: OK.


    Liu Yun: He's my brother, Liu Ming.


    Liu Yun: Yes. He's taller than me.


    Liu Yun: He's 1.55 meters tall.

    Sarah: Is he older than you?

    Liu Yun:

    Sarah: Oh! I see.


  • 28. 把下面的句子重新排序组成一段完整的对话:

    A How heavy is your dog/

    B Come here, Amy.

    C Is that your dog?

    D It's 16 kilograms.

    E No, it isn't. My dog is bigger and heavier than that one.

    F OK.


  • 29. 阅读短文,判断下面句子的正误。

        Mary, Jane and May are very good friends. Mary is shorter than May. May is heavier than Jane. Jane is thinner than Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old. And May is 9. They study at Wuhan Primary School. Mary likes English. Jane likes maths and May likes music. They all study hard.

    (1)、There are three children in the story.
    (2)、Mary is taller than May.
    (3)、Mary is heavier than Jane.
    (4)、Jane is the youngest(最小的).
    (5)、They are all good friends.
  • 30. 阅读短文,回答下面的问题。

        Mary, Jane and May are very good friends. Mary is shorter than May. May is heavier than Jane. Jane is thinner than Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old. And May is two years older than Jane. They study at Qinglan Primary School. Mary likes English, Jane likes maths and May likes music. They all study hard.

    (1)、How many children are there in the story?
    (2)、How old is May?
    (3)、Where does Mary study?
    (4)、Does Jane like maths?
    (5)、Who is the youngest(最小的)?


  • 31. 请写一写你与你的好朋友 Wu Binbin的不同。用上以下单词:younger, taller, stronger, heavier, politer 不少于40个单词。