外研版(三起点)小学英语五年级下册Module 8单元测试卷

试卷更新日期:2020-03-30 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 写出单词的相应形式。
    (1)、have (第三人称单数)
    (2)、Chinese (国家)
    (3)、make (过去式)
    (4)、draw (过去式)
    (5)、cut (过去式)
    (6)、can (过去式)
    (7)、piece (复数)
    (8)、long (反义词)
    (9)、drank (原形)
    (10)、cloud (形容词)


  • 2. I'll take a book for him, what _______ you?
    A、of B、about C、on
  • 3. It _______ windy in Beijing tomorrow.
    A、is B、be C、will be
  • 4. I made a cake _______ my brother.
    A、of B、about C、for
  • 5. Daming's mother _______ to work at 7 o'clock every morning.
    A、goes B、go C、went
  • 6. —_______ will they do tomorrow?

    —They'll go to school.

    A、Where B、What C、When


  • 7. 读一读并将下列句子排序。

    I made a kite yesterday.

    I painted it.

    I put sticks on it and tied strings to it.

    I cut the paper.

    I drew a dragon on a piece of paper.

    Then I could fly it.


  • 8. will,   he,   visit,   friend,   in,   UK,   his,   the   (.)(连词成句)
  • 9. is,   great,   that,   a,   present   (!)(连词成句)
  • 10. do,   kite,   you,   a,   dragon,    make,   how   (?)(连词成句)
  • 11. you,   do,   will,   tomorrow,   what   (?)(连词成句)


  • 12. 你打算去美国看望你的朋友,你为他制作了一个中国龙风筝作为礼物,请以“A Present”为题,讲一讲制作过程,不少于45个词。