外研版英语七年级下册Module5 Uni1 What can I do for you 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2016-04-15 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Let's go and ________ the price.

    A、look at B、a look at C、a look D、the look at
  • 2. —________is your T-shirt?

    —It's 80 yuan.

    A、How many B、How big C、How much D、How old
  • 3. Here is a big sale in the shop! Everything is ________ price.

    A、/ B、full C、zero D、half
  • 4. I want to buy a pair of gloves ________ my father.

    A、to B、for C、in D、at
  • 5. —What size do you need?


    A、Little B、Brown C、100 yuan D、Large
  • 6. —The coat is nice. ________?


    A、What time is it B、What can you do for me C、Can I try it on D、May I try them on
  • 7. The price of the skirt is too________. I can't afford(负担)it.

    A、expensive B、cheap C、high D、many
  • 8. The shoes are very nice and cheap. ________.

    A、I'll take it B、I will buy them C、I will take them D、I will have them
  • 9. How much ________ do you want?

    A、biscuit B、sausages C、lemon D、chicken
  • 10. Would you like ________ to buy?

    A、something else B、nothing else C、else something D、else anything


  • 11. 阅读理解

        One Sunday afternoon, Mr. Green and his child, Mary, are in a big supermarket. Mr. Green wants to buy a new dress for her. Mary doesn't like the new dress. She likes something to eat. So her father buys two kilos of apples for her. Mary also wants to buy some picture-books and coloured pencils. There are many things and many people in the supermarket. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy something there. The people in the supermarket are very friendly.

    (1)、It is______.

    A、Saturday B、Monday C、Friday D、Sunday
    (2)、Mary and ______ are in the supermarket.

    A、Mrs. Green B、his father C、her father D、her mother
    (3)、Many people ______ in the supermarket.

    A、buy picture-books B、do nothing C、buy something D、drink something
    (4)、What does the underlined(画线的)word “friendly” mean in Chinese?

    A、友好的 B、生气的 C、朋友关系的 D、可爱的


  • 12. 句型转换

    (1)、Can I help you, please? (改为同义句)

      I for you?

    (2)、What's the price of the meat? (改为同义句)

      is the meat?

    (3)、There are forty-three pupils in our class. (对划线部分提问)

        are there in your class?

    (4)、How much do you want? (改为同义句)

    How much you?

    (5)、I'd like three kilos of lemons. (对划线部分提问)

      lemons would you like?


  • 13. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词

    (1)My grandma likes buying things in the(市场).

    (2)(草莓)are my favourite fruit.

    (3)—What size does your sister(穿)?   —Small.

    (4)Please wait a m.  My father is coming soon.

    (5)Look at the lemons on the table! They look so f.


  • 14. 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。

    a. It costs 8 pounds.

    b. May I help you?

    c. I'm afraid not.

    d. What colour are you looking for?

    e. No, I don't.

    f. What about this one?

    g. What size do you take?

    Clerk:  Madam?

    Anna: Yes, thank you. I'd like to buy a blouse.


    Anna: I need something to go with(搭配)a brown skirt.

    Clerk: Here's a pretty green one.

    Anna: But it has long sleeves(袖子). I'd like a short-sleeved blouse with a high neck, if you have one.

    Clerk: We have this one in yellow. 

    Anna: Middle. Do you have that one in my size?

    Clerk: Yes, here it is.

    Anna: How much is it?


    Anna: Oh, my God. That's too expensive for me. Do you have anything like it for less?


    Anna: Well, I think I'll look around some more. But I may come back for this one. Thank you.

    Clerk: You are welcome.