
试卷更新日期:2020-03-18 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 判断下列各组划线部分的发音是否相同。
    (1)、A. read        B. sweet     C. bread
    (2)、A. happy     B. fly        C. yellow
    (3)、A. black      B. bad       C. apple
    (4)、A. son        B. some     C. come
    (5)、A. tooth      B. then       C. there


  • 2. Kitty's summer holiday was wonderful. She ______________ the Great Wall.
    A、visited B、visit C、visiting
  • 3. What did you have for ______________ last night?
    A、dinner B、lunch C、breakfast
  • 4. Did you ______________ your neighbour last weekend?
    A、play B、play with C、played with
  • 5. Would you like to ______________ an e-friend in Australia?
    A、have B、had C、having
  • 6. Shall we go to the cinema and ______________?
    A、fly kites B、see animals C、see a film
  • 7. I ______________ a lot of animals at the zoo last weekend.
    A、see B、look C、saw
  • 8. ______________ does it take to get to Beijing from Shanghai by train?
    A、How long B、How many C、How old
  • 9. ______________ keeps the plane high in the sky.
    A、Water B、Cloud C、Air
  • 10. Bob is too fat! He should stop ______________ too much sweet food.
    A、eat B、eating C、ate
  • 11. She was two in the photo. Her hair ______________ short and her eyes ______________ big.
    A、was...was B、was...were C、is...are


  • 12. 从短文后每小题的三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

        It is a cold day1winter. A farmer finds a2on the ground. It is nearly dead with cold. The farmer is a3person. He brings it carefully to his house and puts it near a fire. Soon the snake begins to move, but it raises its head and tries to4the farmer. "Oh!" says the farmer, "I save your life, but you shouldn't thank me like this. You must die the sooner the better." Then he5the snake with a stick.

    A、on B、in C、at
    A、snake B、mouse C、frog
    A、bad B、ugly C、kind
    A、bite B、hit C、shout
    A、eat B、kills C、play


  • 13. 判断句子是否符合短文内容。

        David is ten years old. He is a pupil of Green Primary School. He often gets up late. So he is often late for school. Today David gets up at eight. He opens his eyes and looks at the clock, "Oh, it's eight o'clock. I'm late again." He puts on his clothes without breakfast. "David, wait. It's...”His mother says. But David doesn't stop, "I'm late." He begins to run to school.

        On the way to school, David meets his classmates, Joan. She shouts, "Wait, David, don't run. It's...”David doesn't stop running. He says, "I'm late. Joan. You are late, too.” David gets to school at eight fifteen. But the school gate is closed. There aren't any pupils in the school. David asks, "Good morning, Miss Green. Where are the pupils?" Miss Green says, "They are at home, David. Today is Sunday."

    (1)、David studies at Green Primary School.
    (2)、David often gets up late.
    (3)、David eats breakfast and goes to school on foot.
    (4)、David is late for school today.
    (5)、Joan is David's classmate.
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。

        It is morning. Jill wakes up (醒来). She looks at the calendar(日历). It's March 14th.

        "Oh no!" says Jill. "Today is Grandma's birthday. I forgot (忘了) to get her a present. What can I do?"

        Jill puts on her clothes. She goes to the kitchen. She makes tea. Then she makes some toast (吐司、烤面包片). She puts butter and jam on the toast.

        She puts a cup of tea and a plate of toast on a tray (托盘). Then she puts some flowers in a small vase on the tray.

        She knocks (敲) on her grandmother's door.

        "Happy birthday, Grandma," says Jill.

        "Oh, how nice," says Grandma. "Breakfast on bed. What a surprise!"

    (1)、When's Jill's Grandma's birthday?
    A、It's on 14th March. B、It's on 3rd August. C、We don't know.
    (2)、What's the matter with Jill at the beginning of the story (在故事开头)?
    A、She hasn't got a present for Grandma. B、She is tired and doesn't want to get up. C、She is hungry and wants some breakfast.
    (3)、What does Jill do then?
    A、She gives her Grandma a calendar. B、She makes breakfast for her Grandma. C、She goes into the kitchen and eats breakfast.
    (4)、What do you think of Jill?(你觉得Jill怎样?)
    A、She is lazy (懒惰的). B、She is stupid (笨的). C、She is clever.
    (5)、How is Grandma when she sees Jill's present?
    A、She is happy. B、She is sad. C、She is afraid.
  • 15. 阅读理解

        It's Sunday. There are many people in the bus. An old man is looking here and there. He wants to find an empty seat. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small bag is on the seat. And a young man is beside it.

        "Is this seat empty?" asks the old man.

        "No, it's for an old woman. She went to buy some bananas," says the man. "Well, let me sit here, please, I'll leave here when she comes back," says the old man.

        The bus starts, "She hasn't come, but her bag is here. Let me give her the bag." Then the old man was going to throw the bag out.

       The young man shouts, "Don't throw it! It's my bag!"

    (1)、The story happens _______________.
    A、in the park B、in the bus C、at a restaurant
    (2)、An old man is looking for _______________.
    A、an empty seat B、a small bag C、a young man
    (3)、The old man _______________ when the bus starts.
    A、leaves the seat B、tells the bus driver C、throws the bag out
    (4)、The young man is not politeness (礼貌) because _______________.
    A、he throws the bag B、he doesn't like the small bag C、he wants to have the seat
    (5)、The young man says "it's for an old woman'. It is _______________.
    A、true B、a joke (玩笑) C、a lie(谎言)


  • 16. — What did you do with Sam yesterday?

    — _______________

    A、We can play chess. B、We played chess. C、We like playing chess.
  • 17. — What would you like to know about your e-friend?

    — _______________

    A、I like to know about his family. B、I'd like to know about his hobby. C、I want to know about his school life.
  • 18. — What are you going to do this Sunday?

    — _______________

    A、I did my homework. B、I'm doing my homework. C、I'm going to see animals at the zoo.
  • 19. — What is the film about?

    — _______________

    A、It's about a brave policeman. B、It's interesting. C、It's fun.
  • 20. — During summer holiday, what did Ben do in the UK?

    — _______________

    A、He visited Big Ben. B、He saw the Great Wall. C、He visited the Palace Museum.


  • 21. 从所给出的单词中选出合适的选项完成对话。

    A. visit    B. Would    C. Saturday    D. countryside    E. film

    Bob: Good afternoon, Alice.

    Alice: Good afternoon, Bob.

    Bob: Tomorrow is . What are you going to do?

    Alice: I'm going to see a with Kitty.

    Bob: What's the name of the film?

    Alice: It's Snow White. you like to go with us?

    Bob: Sorry. I'm going to my grandparents with my father.

    Alice: Where do they live?

    Bob: They live in the .

    Alice: OK. Have a good day!

    Bob: Have a good day!

  • 22. 从所给出的句子中选出合适的选项完成对话。

    A. I was two years old.

    B. I liked dancing.

    C. It was me.

    D. Did you like listening to stories?

    E. I'm looking at some old photos.

    Kitty: Hi, Alice! What are you doing?


    Kitty: Oh, Who was the little girl in this photo?


    Kitty: How old were you in the photo?


    Kitty: What did you like at that time?

    Alice: I danced every day.


    Alice: Yes, I did. My mum told me stories every night. And I went to sleep quickly.

    Kitty: How nice!


  • 23. 选出适当的短语,完成各组对话。

    A. made...noise  B. in danger  C. Snow White  D. cut down  E. have...for

    (1)、— How many South China tigers are there in the wild?

    — There are only about thirty. They're . We should help them.

    (2)、— Do you have breakfast every day?

    — Sure. It's important. I usually bread, eggs and milk breakfast.

    (3)、— Can we do anything to help the Earth?

    — Yes. We shouldn't so many trees.

    (4)、— What would you like to see?

    — I'd like to see . It's about a beautiful princess.

    (5)、— Why couldn't the rabbits sleep at night?

    —Because their neighbour, the owl a lot of .


  • 24. 以How to save the Earth?为题写一篇英语小短文,谈谈你对如何保护地球的看法,60个单词左右。注意书写规范。