人教版(PEP)小心英语六年级下册Unit 1同步练习2

试卷更新日期:2020-03-13 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. —Did you go fishing ________ Sarah?

    —No, I didn't. I ________ TV at home.

    A、with, watch B、and, watched C、with, watched
  • 2. —How ________ is your ruler?

    —It's 20 centimetres.

    A、long B、longer C、longest
  • 3. Your feet are smaller than ___________.
    A、me B、my C、mine
  • 4. I'm _______ than you.

    A、strong B、thin C、thinner
  • 5. How _______ is your pencil?

    A、tall B、long C、longer



  • 11. 选用下面的单词,并用单词的适当形式填空。每个词只能用一次。

    young      long     tall      old       thin

    (1)、Monkey's tail is than the rabbit's tail.

    (2)、My brother isthan me.

    (3)、Mike is 11 years old .John is 12 years old. Mike is than John.

    (4)、The giraffe is 440 cm.

    (5)、Tom is 40 kg . Jim is 42 kg .  Tom is than Jim.


  • 12. 情景交际

    ⑴How tall are you?           A、It's five tons.

    ⑵How heavy is it?            B、I'm 12 years old.

    ⑶What size are your shoes?   C、I'm 21 metres tall.

    ⑷How old are you?           D、Zhang Peng is taller than me.

    ⑸Who is taller than you?      E、My shoes are size 35.


  • 13. 从方框中为下列各句选择对应的答语。

    A.Because I can't find my pencils.

    B.My shoes are size 34.

    C.We are going to the museum.

    D.Thank you.

    E.It's about four tons.

    (1)、A:How heavy is the elephant?


    (2)、A:What size are your shoes?


    (3)、A:Your clothes are so beautiful.


    (4)、A:Why are you angry?


    (5)、A:Where are you going?
