2020年中考英语专题复习——动词语态 卷一(真题)

试卷更新日期:2020-03-12 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. Have you heard that the 2022 Winter Olympics ______________ in Beijing?
    A、held B、are held C、were held D、will be held
  • 2. In Chinese culture, children born in the Year of the Monkey ______ to be smart.
    A、say B、said C、will be said D、are said
  • 3. —Who's the little boy in the photo?

    —It's me. The photo           when I was six years old.

    A、takes B、took C、was taken
  • 4. —Oh, your room is too dirty, Mike!

    —Sorry, Mum. It      yesterday. I forgot to do it.

    A、didn't clean B、isn't cleaned C、was cleaned D、wasn't cleaned
  • 5. These cakes_________ with chocolate. Have one, please.
    A、fill B、filled C、are filled D、were filled
  • 6. It is said that one Greater Bay Area university ____ in Guangdong in the future.
    A、will be built B、build C、will build D、is built
  • 7. Gina went to the doctor's yesterday and she ______ about the importance of good living habits once more.
    A、told B、is told C、was told D、has told
  • 8. It's reported the medals for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo __________ from 100% recycled material.
    A、are making B、have made C、is made D、will be made
  • 9. —Lucy, what have you learnt from this history class?

    —Paper __________first __________about 2,000 years ago in China.

    A、is; invented B、was; invented C、is; inventing D、was; inventing
  • 10. Unluckily, Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) ______ this April. We felt so sad for that.
    A、was burnt B、is burnt C、has been burnt
  • 11. Around the world, 300 million tons of plastic _________each year, of which about 10 percent ends up in the sea.
    A、is created B、was created C、creates
  • 12. Some people think trees____ on Tree Planting Day only.
    A、should plant B、should be planted C、should be plant D、should be planting
  • 13. This book ________________ by children.
    A、loves B、loved C、is loved
  • 14. Look at the flowers on both sides of the streets. They____ last month.
    A、were planted B、are planted C、are planting D、were planting
  • 15. As we know, printing     during the Sui and Tang Dynasties in China.
    A、invented B、is invented C、was invented
  • 16. —Do you know the famous artist in red?

    —Sure. He     to the art festival in our city every year.

    A、invites B、invited C、is invited D、was invited
  • 17. National Day celebrations for China's seventieth birthday           in about three months.
    A、will be held B、will hold C、is held D、was held
  • 18. —Tom is always careless with his schoolwork. Could you help him?

    —No problem! I think he      to think twice before starting.

    A、should be told B、shouldn't be told C、should tell
  • 19. His car ____ five years ago, but it looks quite new.
    A、buys B、bought C、is bought D、was bought
  • 20. The Hong Kong—Zhuhai—Macao Bridge        in 2018. We are proud of it.
    A、is completed B、is completing C、was completed D、completes
  • 21. The Chinese traditional poems         to spread by popular singers.
    A、is singing B、are singing C、is sung D、are sung
  • 22. A hanfu show      in Museum of History next week.
    A、is held B、was held C、will be held D、has been held
  • 23. Our life _______ greatly by 3D printing technology in a few years.
    A、will influence B、influences C、will be influenced D、is influenced
  • 24. I learnt to swim when I was six. I ___________ by my mother.
    A、am taught B、was taught C、will be taught D、have taught
  • 25. With the rapid progress in high technology, 5G ________ around most parts of China in the near future.
    A、is used B、is using C、will use D、will be used
  • 26. The environment in my hometown is improving because many trees ________ every year.
    A、plant B、planted C、are planted
  • 27. It's reported that Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) ________ in April 2019.
    A、was burnt B、is burnt C、be burnt
  • 28. The Meitan Tea Museum, a famous building in Guizhou, ________ in the shape of a giant teapot.
    A、will be built B、should be built C、was built
  • 29. —Why did you leave that position?

    —I ______a better position in another factory.

    A、offer B、offered C、am offered D、was offered
  • 30. A baby's first month birthday is a special event in China and _____with a special Party.
    A、celebrates B、is celebrated C、was celebrated D、will celebrate