2020年中考英语专题复习——动词时态 卷一(真题)

试卷更新日期:2020-03-12 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. —What are you doing on Saturday morning?

    —Well, it's going to be sunny, so I ______a picnic with my friend.

    A、have B、had C、have had D、am having
  • 2. —Hi, Tom!       you ever       the Bird's Nest?

    —Yes, I have. It's fantastic.

    A、Have, been to B、Have, gone to C、Did, go to
  • 3. Tom won't go to bed until his father      back from work.
    A、will come B、came C、comes D、come
  • 4. Tom said he ____basketball with his classmates from 4:00 to 6:00 yesterday afternoon.
    A、is played B、was playing C、plays D、had played
  • 5. Could you tell me ____this morning?
    A、what time you had breakfast B、where have you been C、how did you get there D、why will you leave earlier
  • 6. —What did you learn in geography class yesterday?

    —I learned that the sun ______in the east.

    A、was rising B、rises C、rose
  • 7. —Oh! What's wrong with your finger?

    — I hurt it while I ___________ a model plane.

    A、made B、was making C、am making D、make
  • 8. Yao Ming, a basketball giant, ___________ water polo when he was young.
    A、is playing B、used to play C、is used to playing D、was playing
  • 9. —The drama series The Thunder (破冰行动) hits screens these days.

    —Oh. What a pity! I ____________ any of them yet,

    A、doesn't watch B、didn't watch C、won't watch D、haven't watched
  • 10. Each of us _____ a life goal, which will guide us to a bright future.
    A、has B、have C、will have D、had
  • 11. —         you ever        Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge?

    —Not yet.

    A、Did; visit B、Are; visit C、Have; visited
  • 12. —Linda, you weren't at home at five o'clock yesterday afternoon.

    —I        soccer with my classmates when you called me.

    A、play B、was playing C、was play
  • 13. —Have you ever ______the Terracotta Army in Xi'an?

    —Yes, I went there last year.

    A、gone to B、been to C、been in
  • 14. —Could you please tell me _______?

    —Next week.

    A、when he comes back B、when does he come back C、when he will come back D、when will he come back
  • 15. —Where is Catherine? I haven't seen her for days.

    —She       Wuhan. She'll be back next week.

    A、has gone to B、has been to C、have gone to D、have been to
  • 16. — Mary, I remember you      several years ago.

    — Yes, I      for 3 years.

    A、married, have married B、married, married   C、married, have been married D、have married, have been married
  • 17. He_________ me his name, but I can't remember it now.
    A、tells B、will tell C、told D、is telling
  • 18. Sorry, I didn't see you, because I_________ a picture.
    A、draw B、drew C、was drawing D、have drawn
  • 19. It_________. Please take an umbrella with you, Annie.
    A、rains B、is raining C、rained D、was raining
  • 20. My father ____ in a panda protection center for 10 years, so he knows a lot about panda.
    A、was working B、is working C、has worked D、will work
  • 21. —I've never seen Mr. Taylor before.

    —Don't worry. I ______ him to you before the meeting.

    A、will introduce B、introduced C、have introduced D、had introduced
  • 22. —Hurry up!

    —One moment. I ______ my e-mail and then I'm ready to go.

    A、read B、am reading C、was reading D、have read
  • 23. Be quiet! The students ______ an English exam.
    A、take B、are taking C、will take
  • 24. Melting ice (融冰) can cause sea levels to rise. Since 1993, sea levels _________at a speed of 3.2 cm every 10 years.
    A、rose B、have risen C、rise
  • 25. — I'm getting hungry. Do you know where we can get some good food?

    — Of course! There ____________ a restaurant around the comer.

    A、will be B、was C、is
  • 26. Are babies carefree (无忧无虑)? A new study from the US says that 2-year-old babies care about _________________.
    A、how other saw them B、how do others see them C、how others see them
  • 27. — I called you last night, but nobody answered. Where were you then?

    — Oh, I ____________ my pet dog in my yard.

    A、walked B、was walking C、am walking D、will walk
  • 28. —Steven had nothing for breakfast this morning,       ?

    —No. Because he had a fever.

    A、hadn't he B、had he C、didn't he D、did he
  • 29. —How many letters          you            to your mother?

    —109 in all, since 2016.

    A、has, written B、have, written C、did, write D、are, writing
  • 30. —Your new bike is so nice! When did you buy it?

    —In July. I _____it for two weeks.

    A、had B、have had C、have bought D、bought