2020年中考英语专题复习——代词 卷一(真题)

试卷更新日期:2020-03-09 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. — New kinds of morning exercise like doing dancing are becoming popular.

    — ____ can help us keep fit and have fun.

    A、We B、You C、They
  • 2. Tennis can exercise all of our muscles (肌肉) . And it requires _________to spend time with others. This is good for our health too.
    A、ours B、us C、we
  • 3. —Ed, do you like The Readers hosted by Dong Qing?

    —Yes. I watch ________ every week.

    A、one B、it C、them
  • 4. Many people find that listening to soft music helps ______ to sleep well.
    A、him B、her C、them D、it
  • 5. —Whose card is this?

    —It is    My brother Tom gave it to me on my birthday.

    A、my B、hers C、ours D、mine
  • 6. —Excuse me, may I use your dictionary? ______is at home.

    —Certainly. But remember to return it on time.

    A、I B、Me C、My D、Mine
  • 7. —My ruler is broken. Can I borrow_________?

    —Of course. Here it is.

    A、his B、hers C、mine D、yours
  • 8. I don't want to be         else. I just want to be          .
    A、anybody; myself B、somebody; myself C、everybody; me D、anybody; me
  • 9. —Jack, you swam very well. Who taught you?

    —Nobody. I taught____.

    A、I B、me C、myself D、mine
  • 10. Nobody taught the old lady how to use Wechat. She learned it all by ____.
    A、she B、her C、herself D、hers
  • 11. April 15 was a sad day for France. A large fire __________at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame.
    A、broke out B、carried out C、gave out D、ran out
  • 12. —May I help you with some jeans, sir?

    —Yes, I'd like to try on those blue _______.

    A、pair B、one C、two D、ones
  • 13. The book ____was written by him is very interesting.
    A、who B、whom C、which D、不填
  • 14. —What kind of movies do you like?

    —I prefer movies _____give me something to think about.

    A、which B、who C、what D、when
  • 15. Peppa Pig (《小猪佩奇》) is a British cartoon _________has been popular in China and is much loved by little children and their parents.
    A、who B、which C、/
  • 16. Learning is a lifelong journey because we can learn       every day.
    A、nothing new B、new something C、something new
  • 17. _________ needs one or two close friends to share his happiness and sadness with.
    A、Someone B、No one C、None D、Everyone
  • 18. —Helen, did you do         last weekend?

    —Yes, I visited my grandparents in the countryside.

    A、anything special B、something special C、special anything
  • 19. The sports meeting will be held in September, but ______knows the date for sure.
    A、nobody B、nothing C、anybody D、anything
  • 20. —Which is Mary's dictionary?

    —This one is____. That one is____.

    A、hers; mine B、her; mine C、hers; my D、her; me
  • 21. —I don′t have enough money for the T—shirt.

    —Don't worry. I can lend ______to you.

    A、any B、some C、many
  • 22. Lily sat on the sofa just now. Maybe the wool scarf is ________________.
    A、she B、her C、hers D、herself
  • 23. —Do you love your parents?

    —Yes, of course. ______in my life is more important than them.

    A、Something B、Anything C、Everything D、Nothing 
  • 24. —Who is the girl under the tree?

    —She is _________________ classmate, Annie.

    A、I B、me C、my
  • 25. The baby is too young. Don't leave her at home by_____.
    A、she B、her C、hers D、herself