外研版(一起点)小学英语五年级下册Module 1单元测试卷

试卷更新日期:2020-03-03 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 判断字母或字母组合的发音是否相同。

    work     walk

    music     flute

    shop     hospital

    worked     played

    school     foot


  • 2. 英汉互译。
    (2)、in the picture
    (3)、in a factory
    (5)、Chinese music
    (7)、in a shop
    (9)、in a hospital
    (10)、help children


  • 3. Lingling is in England ________ Sam and Amy.
    A、for B、to C、with
  • 4. Look at the picture. My grandma ________ young then.
    A、is B、was C、were
  • 5. The old woman is my grandma. The ________ woman is my mother.
    A、young B、old C、new
  • 6. My grandpa ________ a flute player before.
    A、is B、was C、were
  • 7. My grandma was a driver before. She________ a bus.
    A、drive B、drives C、drove
  • 8. Jasmine (茉莉花) is a famous ________ song.
    A、Chinese B、American C、Japanese
  • 9. —________ did your grandpa work?

    —In a factory.

    A、What B、When C、Where
  • 10. My mother is a doctor. She works in a big ________.
    A、office B、school C、hospital
  • 11. —Does your father work in ________ office?


    A、a B、an C、the
  • 12. —What was your grandpa before?

    —He was ________.

    A、a young man B、young and tall C、a flute player



  • 18. 补全对话(从方框中选择正确的一项,使下列对话内容完整)。

    A. What is he?

    B. She taught maths in a primary school.

    C. It's a nice photo.

    D. Who's the woman in yellow?

    E. She was a teacher before.

    Lucy: Alice, come and have a look at my family photo!

    Alice: Wow! Who's the man in the middle?

    Lucy: He's my father.


    Lucy: He's a doctor.

    Alice: Where does he work?

    Lucy: He works in a children's hospital.


    Lucy: She's my grandma.

    Alice: Was she a doctor before, too?

    Lucy: No. She wasn't.

    Alice: What did she teach?


    Alice: Oh, you have a happy family!


  • 19. 选词填空。

        Yesterday (is/was) Sunday. I (didn't/don't) go to school. I (does/did) my homework and (cleaned/clean) the room. Then I (go/went) ice-skating. It (was/were) very cold outside. I (wear/wore) warm clothes. I (was/am) very happy. I (had/have) a good time yesterday.


  • 20. 根据短文内容,判断正误。

        Bruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walked there and walked home. On his way to school, he had to pass a playground. It was very wet after it rained. One day, when he got home, his clothes were all wet. His mother became angry (生气的) and said, "Don't play in the water on your way home from school!"

    On the next day Bruno came home with wet and dirty (脏的) clothes. His mother became even angrier. "I'll tell your father if you come back wet again," said his mother. "He'll punish (惩罚) you, you know. "

        The third day the little boy was dry when he came home.

        "You're a good boy today", his mother said happily. "You didn't play in the water."

        "No," the boy said unhappily. "There were too many older boys in the water when I got there this afternoon. There wasn't any room (空地方) for me at all!"

    (1)、Bruno's parents worked in a cinema.
    (2)、Bruno often played on the playground when it rained after school.
    (3)、Bruno's mother wasn't happy to see him dirty and wet.
    (4)、Bruno was afraid of his father most.
    (5)、That afternoon, there was no water on the playground.


  • 21. 根据短文内容,从各题所给的选项中,选出最佳选项。

        Xiaoyong's grandfather was a policeman before. His grandmother was a doctor. Xiaoyong's father is an English teacher. He works in Yucai School. Xiaoyong's mother is a worker. She works in a big factory.

    (1)、What was Xiaoyong's grandfather?
    A、He was a farmer. B、He was a policeman.
    (2)、What was Xiaoyong's grandmother?
    A、She was a doctor. B、She was an English teacher.
    (3)、Where does Xiaoyong's father work?
    A、In a school. B、In a factory.
    (4)、Where does Xiaoyong's mother work?
    A、In a factory. B、In a hospital.


  • 22. 假如你是大明,正在金湖小学读书。作为交换生,你即将到英国学习一个学期。现在你需要提供一些家庭成员的信息。请你根据表格的提示,用英文写一个小介绍吧。

    My family













