
试卷更新日期:2020-02-26 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 请在句子中找出一个与例词划线部分含有相同发音的单词。

    例如: (toy) noise      You can see a toy bicycle on the desk.

    (1)、he     Jane doesn't like eating vegetables.
    (2)、bed          I think the bread is so delicious.
    (3)、pick         We should get back.
    (4)、think        Thanks for your help.
    (5)、book        The old woman took great care of the little girl.


  • 2. Do you have ______________ e-friends in other countries?
    A、some B、any
  • 3. ______________ there many blue whales in the sea before?
    A、Are B、Were
  • 4. There ______________ an egg and some bread on the table.
    A、is B、are
  • 5. What did you have ______________ breakfast this morning?
    A、of B、for
  • 6. I stayed with my friends ______________ the winter holiday.
    A、on B、during



  • 13. 选择方框内的句子,补全对话。

    A. Let's go to the countryside next summer holiday together.

    B. Over 100 islands make up (组成) Hawaii.

    C. Where did you go during the summer holiday?

    D. I stayed with my grandparents in the countryside.

    E. Where is it?

    Lisa: Hi, Anna! Long time no see!

    Anna: Hi, Lisa! I went to Hawaii.


    Anna: It's in the south of the US.

    Lisa: That's amazing!

    Anna: Yes! If you visit Hawaii, you can visit the volcano (火山) and a black sand beach.

    Lisa: Really? That must be so amazing!

    Anna: I think so! How was your summer holiday?

    Lisa: It was wonderful. I read newspapers for my grandfather and picked peaches with my grandmother.

    Anna: Wow! You're so helpful!

    Lisa: Thank you!

    Anna: Good idea!


  • 14. 阅读理解

        Salad is a kind of healthy food. Salad is the most healthy. It doesn't require (需要) reheating (重新加热). It can also maintain (保留) nutrition (营养). Many women choose salad as a healthy and convenient (方便的) lunch. In fact, there are three main types of salad. They are fruit salad, vegetable salad and other kinds of salad. You can make your fancy salad. First you can buy some washed and cut vegetables or fruit for salad in supermarkets. Next you can add some salad sauce (沙拉酱) and lemon juice to the vegetables or fruit. Now you can enjoy your salad with your family or your friends.


    (2)、Salad is ____________.
    A、unhealthy B、healthy C、sweet and sour
    (3)、Salad is the most healthy because ____________.
    A、it's fresh and green B、it's women's favourite food C、it doesn't require reheating but maintains nutrition
    (4)、There are ____________ main types of salad.
    A、one B、two C、three
    (5)、We can buy some ____________ for salad.
    A、bread or meat B、vegetables or fruit C、eggs and lemon
    (6)、We add some ____________ in the salad.
    A、salad sauce B、lemon juice C、A and B
    (7)、Many women think salad is ____________.
    A、unhealthy but convenient B、healthy and convenient C、not convenient but healthy
  • 15. 根据短文内容判断正误。

        The Arctic foxes (北极狐) live in Arctic. The weather is very cold but they can bear (忍耐) the cold weather there. They have brown or grey fur (毛皮) in summer. And the fur turns into thick white during the winter. So it's not easy to find them in winter. They like to eat lemmings  (旅鼠) and hares (野兔). But if there is nothing to eat, they will eat whatever (无论什么) they can get. Today, the Arctic foxes are in danger. It's hard for them to find food. And some people hunt and kill the Arctic foxes.

    (1)、The weather in Arctic is very cold.
    (2)、The Arctic foxes can't bear the cold weather here.
    (3)、It's difficult to find the Arctic fox in winter because of its white fur.
    (4)、The Arctic fox only eats lemmings and hares.
    (5)、The Arctic foxes are in danger now.
  • 16. 信息获取。阅读短文,补全信息,每空限填一词。

        Hello. I'm Lena. Mr and Mrs White are my neighbours. They are nice people. They are both doctors. They have busy lives. They don't have children, but they have a cute dog called Teddy. Sometimes they take Teddy for a walk. They are kind to me. They often give some advice about health to me. Sometimes we get together to cook or play cards. I like living next door to them.

    (1)、Mr and Mrs White are both .
    (2)、Mr and Mrs White have lives.
    (3)、Mr and Mrs White have a . Its name is Teddy.
    (4)、Sometimes Lena, Mr and Mrs White get together to or play cards.


  • 17. 参考下列图片,写出三句或三句以上与图片内容有关的、完整的英文句子。

  • 18. 良好的身体状况与健康的饮食、适量的运动以及其他一些相关因素是密不可分的。请以“Healthy body"为题,写一写你自己是怎么做的。60词左右。