牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语八年级下册Module 1 Unit 1同步练习

试卷更新日期:2020-02-25 类型:同步测试


  • 1. — What do you like to do when you are sad?

    — I like to play volleyball. It can bring joy to me.

    A、courage B、support C、happiness
  • 2. —The people in the village live a poor life. They don't have enough food to eat.

    —Let's organize a book fair to raise some money for them.

    A、collect B、produce C、win
  • 3. — What's the problem with you?

    — I have difficulty learning English. Can you give me some advice?

    A、trouble B、success C、power
  • 4. —Do you like to listen to country music?

    —Yes. It can bring me much peace.

    A、patience B、beauty C、quietness
  • 5. —Jim, you should express your feelings clearly so that your parents can understand you.

    — I know, but I don't know how to do it.

    A、hide B、show C、remember
  • 6. —Raise your spirits! There is so much trouble in front of us, but we can't give up.

    —You are right. We will succeed one day.

    A、Think about yourself B、Depend on yourself C、Make yourself have courage
  • 7. —His illness is serious. You must take him to see a doctor at once, or it will get worse.

    —OK, I will.

    A、special and difficult B、bad and dangerous C、different and challenging
  • 8. Do you have trouble learning English?
    A、difficulty B、decisions C、memory
  • 9. He left school and began work       twelve.
    A、at the age of B、at the beginning of C、at the top of
  • 10. I found         had changed a lot when I went to my home town again.
    A、there B、it C、he
  • 11. The children decide              their schoolyard this Friday afternoon.
    A、clean B、to clean C、cleaning
  • 12. It's reported that there are more than 300           smokers in China.
    A、million B、millions C、million of
  • 13. My uncle likes to work           a volunteer in the community.
    A、in B、over C、as
  • 14. — You never miss one minute in class.

    —You know, we must listen to the teacher carefully      .

    A、take notes B、taking notes C、to take notes
  • 15. Tell him          the window.
    A、to shut not B、not to shut C、to not shut


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。

        At first I didn't know what was happening to me. I started feeling sad,1and empty. My mum advised me to start 2others. I was confused (困惑的). But I decided to have a try. The next day, I went to a house.

        The house was for young girls. They were left behind by their 3. When I arrived, I felt 4. I didn't know how to talk to them. So I started helping them to do their homework. And I started going there very often and 5enjoying it.

        One day, I met a little girl in the house. She started asking me about my 6. She was interested while asking me questions about my family. I was really surprised because she seemed to 7 each of my answers. When I asked her if she knew her parents, she said no. This really broke my 8.

        When I left that day, the girl 9 me if I could visit her more often. I smiled and said yes. I was really happy to help this 10 girl. But in fact, this little girl helped me and taught me more.

    A、excited B、bored C、interested
    A、knowing B、meeting C、helping
    A、parents B、grandparents C、teachers
    A、nervous B、special C、popular
    A、hardly B、really C、correctly
    A、school B、office C、family
    A、hate B、enjoy C、make
    A、hand B、heart C、arm
    A、asked B、told C、replied
    A、tall B、funny C、little


  • 17. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。

        A new study found that people's lives are made shorter in North China. It showed the life expectancy (平均寿命)had been cut down by 5.5 years there. Scientists think that it is because of the heavy air pollution. It is really the truth. Our country has already done something. However, it doesn't seem to work so well.

        "Air pollution is bad for people's health. The harm is much more serious than we can imagine, said Chen Yuyu of Beijing University, one scientist of this study.

        There was serious smog and haze in Beijing in November 2016. The sky was gray and the air smelt strange. Heavy haze covered the city. Highways were closed and planes couldn't take off on time. People couldn't see things clearly even within 15 meters in some places. Some primary schools were closed for several days.

        We should all fight against air pollution and think of good methods to solve the problem. People should be encouraged to take buses, ride bicycles or walk instead of driving cars. The factories that pollute air heavily should be closed.

        "It might be expensive to improve our environment, but we must do it. Protecting our environment means protecting ourselves," Li Hongbin, another scientist, said.

    (1)、Why do people's lives become shorter in North China according to the scientists?
    A、Because the air is heavily polluted. B、Because it's too cold in winter there. C、Because there are too many cars there. D、Because it's too dry there.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "truth" mean?
    A、Fact B、Trick C、Method D、Idea
    (3)、What's the function (功能)of the third paragraph?
    A、To show different ideas of the scientists. B、To use an example to show the serious air pollution. C、To show what we should do to protect the environment. D、To give us some advice about living in Beijing.
    (4)、What can we NOT know from the passage?
    A、Air pollution is more harmful than we can imagine. B、Serious smog and haze can make traffic stop. C、Improving the environment is so expensive that we can't do it. D、People should change their ways of going out.
    (5)、What's the main idea of the passage?
    A、Air pollution in North China is caused by waste gas. B、To save the environment, we should do something more. C、The temperature becomes higher and higher in North China. D、How air pollution in North China has.


  • 18. 阅读下面文章用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。

        Uncle Li and Uncle Wang are good friends. They live next to each other and often help each other.

        But neither of them would like (use) their head. They're both poor though they work hard. Once Uncle Li went to town (take) some medicine for his wife.

        In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive (昂贵的). He told Uncle Wang about it.

        They decided (carry) some apples to the city. However, a lot of apples had already been carried there when they arrived. They didn't know what (do). They felt unhappy and returned to their village. They didn't understand why they couldn't make money, but they both agreed (buy) more apples and take them to the market because they thought they didn't bring enough. How foolish they were!


  • 19. 孩子们决定为希望工程筹集资金。

    The children decided to  Project Hope.

  • 20. 青少年经常不会表达他们的情感。

     often can't  .

  • 21. 患难见真情。

    A friend   is a friend indeed.

  • 22. 为了给需要帮助的孩子们募捐,我们打算做义务性工作。

    In order to    for children in need, we are going to  .

  • 23. 世界上大多数大城市都遭受交通堵塞的状况。

    Most of the large cities in the world  the traffic jam.