广东省深圳市龙华区2019-2020学年三年级上学期英语Module 3单元试卷

试卷更新日期:2020-02-25 类型:单元试卷




  • 12. Close ______________ door, please.
    A、/ B、a C、the
  • 13. This is ______________ big apple. It's red.
    A、an B、the C、a
  • 14. — Three peaches, please. How much ______________?

    — Four yuan.

    A、is it B、are they C、they are
  • 15. ______________ your rubbers?
    A、They are B、Is this C、Are these
  • 16. — Is this your schoolbag?

    — ______________

    A、No, it isn't. B、No, they aren't. C、Yes, they are.


  • 17. 你想买三根香蕉和一个橙子,你可以说:
    A、Three peaches and an orange, please. B、A banana and three oranges, please. C、Three bananas and an orange, please.
  • 18. 方老师叫Linda去擦黑板,Linda应该回答:
    A、Yes, Miss Fang. B、OK, Linda. C、Thank you, Miss Fang.
  • 19. 你想向别人介绍你的书本,你可以说:
    A、I like books. B、These are my books. C、Who are you?
  • 20. Peter来参观Joe的房间,Joe 会说:
    A、Welcome, Joe. B、What can you see, Peter? C、Welcome to my room, Peter.
  • 21. 你想问这个书包多少钱,你可以说:
    A、How much is the schoolbag? B、How much are the schoolbags? C、How many schoolbags?



  • 26. 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确。

        Hi, I am Jeremy. There are four people in my family. We all like fruits very much.

        My father and my mother like apples, because (因为) an apple a day keeps the doctor (医生) away (远离). My sister Coco likes oranges and pears. She thinks (认为) oranges and pears are yummy. I like watermelons. I think they are sweet and juicy.

    (1)、There are five people in Jeremy's family.
    (2)、Jeremy's father likes apples.
    (3)、Coco likes lemons and they are sour.
    (4)、Jeremy likes watermelons.
    (5)、They all like fruits.