浙江新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级下册Unit 8 Section A同步练习

试卷更新日期:2020-02-20 类型:同步测试


  • 1. There            a television and some apples on the desk.
    A、are B、has C、is D、be
  • 2. My house is            Fourth Avenue.
    A、in B、on C、between D、next to
  • 3. -Thanks for your wonderful dinner. I have to go now.

    -It's raining hard. Please __________ the umbrella with you.

    A、take B、took C、takes D、taking
  • 4. Sally sits between           and          .
    A、you; I B、I; you C、him; me D、me; him
  • 5. She wants to call the police. Is there a            near here?
    A、library B、supermarket C、pay phone D、restaurant
  • 6. Excuse me, is there a bank ________ here?

    A、in B、near C、from D、on
  • 7. There is a big tree _______ our classroom.

    A、in front B、in the front C、in the front of D、in front of
  • 8. — Is the schoolbag on the sofa?

    —No, it's_____ the sofa.

    A、under B、on C、of D、in
  • 9. ________ from the post office, there is a hotel.

    A、Across B、Cross C、Crossing D、To
  • 10. What's under the chair? __________ a cat under it.
    A、It's B、They're C、There's D、There're


  • 11.


        I'm Lucy.This is a map of our school.six buildings(楼房)in it.They are a dining hall,an art building,a sports hall,a science building,a classroom building and a library.Our classroom building is the science building.And it's  the library.In the middle of our school,a big playground(操场).We often play sports on it.Next to the playground is the art building.It'sthe dining hall and the sports hall.Our school is big,and it's nice.


  • 12.       Stuart and Steve were twin brothers. Stuart loved to play basketball. But Steve loved to read books.
          One day Stuart fell and broke his leg1 he was playing basketball. When they took him to the hospital, the doctor said he wouldn't be able to play for six months. Steve went 2 him and brought him books on basketball. At first Stuart wasn't going to read them. Then he began to read them and 3 that there were ways he could play basketball better. He began to think that books weren't so 4.
           When Stuart's leg started getting better, Steve would help him by going for walks with him. 5Stuart's doctor said he could start playing basketball again. Then Stuart showed Steve how to toss (投) for baskets. Steve found that he enjoyed it.
    Soon Stuart was ready to6 basketball games. Steve went to games and enjoyed himself. From then on they 7 practiced basketball and read books together.
          Now you can see, when 8 happens, something good may also happen. Steve showed Stuart about books and Stuart showed Steve about basketball. So please 9 showing others something that you like to do and they may show you something that they like to do. 10you can find new things to do.

    A、until B、when C、after D、where
    A、to see B、to call C、to visit D、to look
    A、saw B、looked C、read D、found
    A、good B、bad C、better D、worse
    A、But B、However C、Finally D、So
    A、take part B、win C、lose D、join in
    A、always B、never C、seldom D、much
    A、anything good B、something nice C、something bad D、anything wrong
    A、try B、practice C、enjoy D、like
    A、On the way B、By the way C、All the way D、In this way


  • 13.


    Welcome to our school. It's in Banquan Town. Let's look at the map here. Our school is on Garden Street. It's across from the library. Behind our school, there is a big market. You can go shopping in it. There is a bank near our school. How far is it? It's about two kilometers from our school. There is also a big hotel around here. It's far from our school. Our school is in big, clean and beautiful. It's quiet, too. All of us study hard in it.

    (1)、Our school is on _____________.

    A、Center Street B、Garden Street C、North Street D、Green Street
    (2)、Our school is _____________ the market.

    A、near B、behind C、in front of D、between
    (3)、You can go shopping in the _____________.

    A、market B、hotel C、bank D、library
    (4)、The library is _____________ the school.

    A、behind B、in C、across from D、next to
    (5)、This passage (短文) is mainly about _____________.

    A、the bank B、the school C、the hotel D、the library


  • 14. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。
    (1)、图书馆离这儿不远, 我可以陪你走过去。

    The library is    here. I can walk with you.


    There is a park    my home.


       restaurants near here?

    (4)、让我们直着向前走, 然后左拐弯。

    Let's go  and then  .


     for  me the way to Center Street.


  • 15. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。
    (1)、There is a free pay p in my school.
    (2)、When my father goes out on business(出差), he often stays in a h.
    (3)、Do you live on Center S?
    (4)、First turn left and then turn r.
    (5)、The bank is a from my home.