牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语四年级下册Module 4 Unit 11同步练习

试卷更新日期:2020-01-18 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 根据图片和首字母提示填单词,补全短文

        On Children's Day we have a P in the morning. I s  a song . I go to the Z  with my parents in the afternoon. After dinner, we go to the c . I'm very happy. I love Children's Day!


  • 2. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、cinema B、zoo C、day
  • 3. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、museum B、happy C、park
  • 4. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、sing B、dance C、song
  • 5. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、India B、Chinese C、Thailand
  • 6. 选出下列单词中不同类的单词(   )
    A、skate B、June C、November


  • 7. 让我们唱首歌吧。可以说:

    A、Let's sing a song. B、Let's have a party. C、Let's play football
  • 8. 我爱儿童节!可以说:

    A、I love Children's Day! B、I love you, mum! C、I love you, dad!
  • 9. 我和家人一起去电影院了。可以说:

    A、I go to the zoo with my dad. B、I go to the cinema with my family. C、I go to the museum with my family.
  • 10. 你儿童节去动物园了吗?可以说:

    A、Do you go to the zoo on Children's Day? B、Where are you? C、Do you go to the park on Children's Day?
  • 11. 今天是教师节,你应该对老师说:

    A、Happy New Year! B、Happy Teachers' Day! C、Happy birthday!


  • 12. 连线。

    ①When's Children's Day in China?         A. It's cold and snowy.

    ②Do you like Children's Day?                 B. I like playing football.

    ③What do you do on Children's Day?    C. Yes, I do.

    ④How is the weather in December?       D. I go to the zoo.

    ⑤What do you like doing?                       E. It is in June.


  • 13. 选词填空,完成下列对话,每词限用一次。

    on    for    to    at    in

    (1)、—How many months are therea year? —There are twelve.
    (2)、—Do you often gothe cinema? —Yes, I do.
    (3)、—What time do you go to school every day? —eight o'clock.
    (4)、—When is Children's Day in China? —It's the first of June.
    (5)、—What do you wantChildren's Day? —I want a new dress.


  • 14. 连词成句。

    (1)、you, on, Day, do, Children's, football, play (?)

    (2)、Day / Children's / in / in / India / is / November (.)

    (3)、cinema / On / Children's / Day / I / to / go / the (.)

  • 15. 连词成句。

    (1)、love Children's I Day


    (2)、with I to the go park parents my
