新目标英语七年级下册Unit 3 How do you get to school?Section A

试卷更新日期:2016-03-07 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子

    (1)、Thirty m is half an hour.

    (2)、One k is 1000 meters(米).

    (3)、Mary wants to buy a n computer. Her old one is broken(坏的).

    (4)、He gets up early e morning.

    (5)、—How do you get to work, Emma?

    —I get to work b bike.

    (6)、—How f is it from his home to school?

    —About 500 meters.

    (7)、My father d his car to work every day.

    (8)、Tom and Jerry r their bikes to Uncle Ma's farm twice a month(一个月两次).

    (9)、—What's twenty and sixty?

    —It's e.

    (10)、100 means (意思是)a h.

  • 2. 用所给词的适当形式填空

    (1)—How does Jim get to school?

             —He (take) the subway.

    (2)My sister usually (go) to school by train.

    (3)Yang Lei needs about 10 minutes   (get) to school.

    (4)How far your aunt (live) from here?

    (5)How long does it take you (walk)to the train station?


  • 3. It takes us ________ hour to go there by ________ bus.

    A、an, a B、a, an C、an; / D、a, /
  • 4. What nice paper fish! Can you show us ________ you make it?

    A、whether B、how C、why D、what
  • 5. —How many people were invited to the meeting?

    —About six ________.

    A、hundred B、hundreds C、hundred of D、hundreds of
  • 6. — ________ is it from here to the city(城市) ?

    —It's about l,200 kilometers.

    A、How far B、How long C、How old D、How much
  • 7. They usually ________ to go home.

    A、takes ships B、makes ship C、take ships D、by ship
  • 8. There are ________ people in the hall.

    A、one hundred-five B、one hundred and five C、one-hundred-five D、one hundred five
  • 9. Her mother goes to work ________ bus every morning.

    A、by B、at C、on D、in
  • 10. —Please ________ slowly (慢地) when you pass(经过) a school.


    A、drive B、runs C、walks D、rides
  • 11. It takes ________ two hours ________ the English story.

    A、I; read B、me, read C、I; to read D、me, to read
  • 12. —________ can you finish this English examination?

    —In about one and a half hours.

    A、How far B、How often C、How soon D、How long


  • 13. 按要求改写句子

    (1)、Does Lisa walk to school?(作否定回答)

       , .

    (2)、I often get to school by bike.(对划线部分提问)

       often to school?

    (3)、It takes about 15 minutes to get to the park.(对划线部分提问)

    it to the park?

    (4)、It is five kilometers from the school to the park.(对划线部分提问)

      from the school to the park?

    (5)、Mr. Green goes to work by car every day.(同义句转换)

    Mr. Green his car work every day.


  • 14. 根据汉语完成句子


    I have to go to school because my home is the school.


       Mr. Wei his to go to work?



    is it here to the train station?

    —About .




       your friend or to school?


  • 15. 用特殊疑问词或短语填空

    (1)— do children of migrants(流动人员子女) go to school?

             —By school bus or walk.

    (2)— does it take you to get home from work every day?

             —About twenty minutes.

    (3)— is it from your uncle's home to your grandma's?

             —It's about three kilometers.

    (4)— is twenty and fifty?

             —It's seventy

    (5)—I walk to school. about you, Jane?

             —I ride my bike.


  • 16. 根据上下文补全对话

    A. How do we get there?

    B. Where are we going?

    C. How long does it take to get there?

    D. How far is it from here to Uncle Wang's house?

    E. Which bus do we need to take?

    A: Hi, Mary! Do you want to go out with us this afternoon?

    B: Yes.

    A: To Uncle Wang's house.

    B: Really? But it's far from here.

    A: We can get there by bus.

    B: Good idea.

    A: The No. 35 bus.


    A: About 20 minutes.      


    A: About 5 kilometers.

    B: When are we going to meet?

    A: At 3:30.             

    B: OK. See you then.


  • 17. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。

    Train No.



    Departure Time


    Arrival Time























    (1)、The train from Beijing to Shenyang leaves (离开) at ________.

    A、5:05 B、6:35 C、8:35 D、17:50
    (2)、It takes ________ from Beijing to Shenyang by train.

    A、17 hours and 50 minutes B、24 hours and 25 minutes C、6 hours and 35 minutes D、11 hours and 15 minutes
    (3)、The No.186 train arrives in (到达) Taiyuan at ________.

    A、10:50 a.m. B、10:50 p.m. C、5:05 p.m. D、5:05 a.m.
    (4)、It takes ________ from Tianjin to Beijing by train.

    A、about two hours B、half an hour C、about three hours D、over two hours
    (5)、If you want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan, you can take the ________ train.

    A、No. 11 B、No. 185 C、No. 186 D、No. 271