外研(新标准)版七年级英语下册Module 10 A holiday journey评估试题

试卷更新日期:2017-07-25 类型:单元试卷


  • 1.


    A.     B.     C.

    D.     E.


  • 2. Where is the boy going on holiday?    

    A、To the country. B、To the beach. C、To the mountain.
  • 3. How long did the boy stay there?    

    A、For three days. B、For five days. C、For seven days.
  • 4. What did the boy do last Sunday?    

    A、He went fishin9. B、He rode along the river. C、He took a boat tour.
  • 5. When did the boy go to the zoo?    

    A、On Saturday. B、On Thursday. C、On Wednesday.
  • 6. Why did the boy go to New York?    

    A、To take a holiday. B、To visit his friend. C、To study English.


  • 7. 听第一段对话,回答小题.

    (1)、How was Amy's weekend?

    A、Good. B、Boring C、Tiring
    (2)、What did Amy see on Saturday?

    A、A friend B、A film. C、A library.
  • 8. 听第二段对话,回答小题。

    (1)、How does Tom feel?    

    A、Busy. B、Sad. C、Excited.
    (2)、How long is Tom going to stay in Beijing?    

    A、Four days. B、A week. C、Two weeks.
    (3)、When is Tom going to leave?    

    A、On 6th July. B、On 6th June. C、On 6th May.


  • 9. 选择最佳答案。

    (1)、How did Helen and her sister go to the countryside?    

    A、By bus. B、By car. C、By train.
    (2)、What time did Helen and her sister arrive on Friday?

    A、At 3:30pm, B、At 4:30pm. C、At 5:30pm
    (3)、What did Helen and her sister see in the mountains?

    A、Flowers. B、Horses. C、Birds.
    (4)、Who told stories on Saturday evening?    

    A、Helen's sister. B、Helen's grandfather. C、Helen's grandmother.
    (5)、What did Helen think of the trip?    

    A、It was boring. B、It was expensive. C、It was great.


  • 10. They went to Shanghai during the winter holiday and everyone had    good time.    

    A、the B、an C、a D、不填
  • 11. He stayed    America      two weeks last year.    

    A、in;for B、with;for C、in;at D、with;at
  • 12. 一Where are you from?

            are from England.

    A、They B、Their C、Our D、We
  • 13. 一It's a little dark in the room.

    一Why not turn on the         ?


    A、tables B、lights C、books D、doors
  • 14. 一I heard you went to the concert on Saturday.

    一That's right.It was really      .I enjoyed it a lot.

    A、strange B、wonderful C、difficult D、lucky
  • 15. No one answered the phone.      what were you doing at that time?    

    A、Again B、Also C、So D、Even
  • 16. 一Why don't you drive to the village?

    一Well.I       my car last week.


    A、sold B、took C、saw D、found
  • 17. How     you win the match yesterday?    

    A、do B、did C、are D、were
  • 18. 一       did you go last night?

    一To Jerry's party.

    A、Where B、Why C、When D、How
  • 19. 一We had a picnic on Sunday.        !

    一Send some photos to me.please.


    A、Excuse me B、I'm not sure C、Let's go D、It was great


  • 20. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        I like travelling.Last year I1myself during the May Day holiday.I went to Beijing with my parents.

        That was2first visit to Beijing.Everything was new to me.We went there3train on 1st May.There were too many people on it.It4us about three hours to get there.After lunch,we went to Tian'anmen Square and Wangling Dajie.At the square,we saw many people 5 the great ceremony(仪式).we did some6 Wangfujing Dajie and I bought some presents for my friends.And my parents bought me a7coat.I like blue best.We went to the Great Wall on 2nd May.It was 8to stand on the Great Wall!I also tried lots of famous9in Beijing,such as Beijing duck.They were delicious.We10home on 3rd May.What a great tour!

    A、helped    B、taught   C、washed D、enjoyed
    A、my  B、your  C、her D、his
    A、in   B、on C、at D、by
    A、spent B、saved C、took D、needed
    A、waiting for    B、hearing from C、getting on D、picking up
    A、sightseeing  B、shopping    C、cooking D、swimming
    A、blue  B、green C、red D、purple
    A、clear    B、difficult  C、exciting D、silly
    A、games B、foods C、phones D、jobs
    A、cleaned    B、found C、left D、returned


  • 21. 根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

    A:I went to Hawaii on holiday.


    A:Sure,I love it.I want to live there.


    A:The island(岛)is so green,and the water is so blue.


    A:Yes.I went to the beach every day.

    B:How was the weather?


    B:What did you do at night?

    A:At night l went out to eat.

    B:People in Hawaii are lucky.

    A.Where did you study?

    B.Did you go swimming?

    C.Do you like it?

    D.There were many markets there.

    E.The food was delicious.

    F.What do you like?

    G.It was hot and sunny every day.


  • 22. 阅读理解

        There was a small river near Xue Yong's town.It went through several villages.The water was clean and there were lots of fish in it.

        Women would like to wash clothes along the river.It was a good place for them to talk about interesting things in their daily(日常的)life.Xue Yong liked eating noodles.So his mum often asked questions about how to cook noodles with different vegetables when she washed clothes there.

        It was also a good place for children.They caught fish and played water games there.At that time,Xue Yong had a small black dog.Every time he caught fish in the river,the dog followed(跟着)him.A fish was a good present for its work.

    Now,Xue Yong lives in a city with his parents.

    4..They are interested in his town.Last Friday,Xue Yong and his parents watched a programme about some towns.Their town was one of them.


    (1)、Women often         along the river near Xue Yong's town.    

    A、took walks B、collected litter C、did some washing D、did some cooking
    (2)、What did Xue Yong like eating?    

    A、Noodles. B、Hamburgers. C、Rice. D、Fruit.
    (3)、Xue Yong's       often followed him to the river.

    A、cat B、pig C、duck D、dog
    (4)、Who does Xue Yong like to talk about his town with?

    A、His classmates. B、His grandparents C、His cousins. D、His teachers:
    (5)、When did Xue Yong and his parents watch a programme about some towns?    

    A、Last Tuesday. B、Last Friday. C、Last Saturday. D、Last Sunday.
  • 23. 阅读理解

        I'm Li Ming.The holidays always make me happy.Last summer holiday,I went to Paris with my mother by plane.We went there to visit my uncle.He met us at the airport.

        My uncle took us to visit the Louvre Museum by underground.I saw a lot of famous things.I enjoyed many old pictures in it.The pictures were very creative(有创意的).We also visited the Eiffel Tower.It is the famous symbol(标志)of Paris.One evening,my uncle took us to eat good food and go shopping.My mother bought many clothes-some for her,and some for my sister.

    We stayed in Paris for about half a month.The trip gave me lots of fun.I will remember it.


    (1)、Who did Li Ming go to Paris with?

    A、His mother. B、His father. C、nice. D、His sister.
    (2)、How did Li Ming go to the museum?       

    A、By bike. B、By bus. C、By train. D、By underground
    (3)、Li Ming did NOT    in Paris.    

    A、visit the Eiffel Tower B、visit his uncle C、go to a big library D、have something delicious
    (4)、How long did Li Ming stay in Paris?    

    A、For a bout a week. B、For about two weeks. C、For about a month. D、For about two months.
    (5)、What's the best title for the passage?    

    A、My holiday B、A famous tower C、A big city,Paris D、My plan


  • 24. A)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词壤空,有的需要变换形式。

    on; guess; excited; till; French

    (1)、Heher age,but his answer wasn't fight.

    (2)、They becamewhen the football player walked towards them.

    (3)、Mr Smith is talking with thoseteachers.

    (4)、一Is there anyone else here?

    一Oh, my robot is

    (5)、She waitedthe film was over.

  • 25. B)根据句意及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。

    (1)、What's on the(顶端)of the tower?

    (2)、I (到达)at the station ten minutes ago.

    (3)、Just(放松)and enjoy the book.

    (4)、Here is the information about that(举世闻名的)doctor.

    (5)、Who built those(宫殿)in Europe?


  • 26. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。


    Where did she go  ?


    He  his friends last night.


    She lives  


    We often go to the  


    He usually us the farm then.


  • 27. 假如你上周末和家人游览了无锡。请根据下面表格的提示内容,写一篇60词左右的英语短文介绍你们的周末游,并分享在你所在英语俱乐部的微信群里。









    提示词汇:灵山大佛Grand Buddha at Lingshan

        太湖Taihu Lake

        水浒城Shuihu Town

    三国城Sanguo Town


  • 28. 阅读理解

        Gordon stands in the hallway.No one is there.He looks at his watch.It's 8:10 am.He is 10 minutes late for class.He has to go to the music room, but he doesn't know where it is.

        He knows the music room isn't on the first floor.His classroom is on the first floor.So Gordon goes up the stairs(楼梯).He knows he has to walk quickly.The teacher will be worried(担心的).

        Gordon goes to the second floor and he turns to the right.He goes down the hallway.On the left.he sees a door."It may be the music room."he thinks.No!It is the art room.A young teacher is in it.Gordon asks the teacher,"Sorry,I'm new here.Do you know where the music room is?"

        "Sure."the teacher says."It's on the third floor.Go up the stairs and turn left.On your right.You'll see a door like this one.That is the music room."

        Gordon thanks her and goes up the stairs.Gordon' s class teacher,Mr Lewis,is outside the music room.

        "There you are!"Mr Lewis says."Your music teacher Mr Green asks me to find you."

        Gordon smiles."I find you first!"


    (1)、When does the music class begin?    

    A、At 7:50 am. B、At 8:00 am. C、At 8:10 am. D、At 8:20 am.
    (2)、Gordon can't find the music room because    

    A、the school is too big B、he is a new student in the school C、the school has a new music room D、there is something wrong with his eyes
    (3)、Who tells Gordon where the music room is?    

    A、His class teacher. B、His now friend. C、A maths teacher. D、An art teacher.

    Look at the picture of the third floor.Which is the music room?


    A、 B、 C、 D、
    (5)、What subject does Mr Green teach?    

    A、Art. B、English. C、Music. D、Maths.