(浙江)新目标(Go for it)版初中英语九年级上册期末复习(题型专练):完形填空

试卷更新日期:2019-12-10 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 完形填空

        Mulin is a boy from Hubei. He is a(n) 1 boy. His parents divorced(离婚)when he was two years old. He lived with his 2 and grandmother. 3 the age of 5, his father died of heart disease. He had to live with his grandmother. Unfortunately, there was 4 wrong with his grandmother's head. He 5 his grandmother well. At the same time, he got 6 grades at school. When he was ten, he took his grandmother to see a 7 in Wuhan with some people's help. They lived in Wuhan for a month. He had 8 time to go out because he had to look after his grandmother.

        He called 9 a "Sunshine Boy". He 10 happy every day. But when the reporter asked him 11 he was really so happy,he said he wasn't. He didn't want to show his unhappiness to his grandmother. He told the 12 that when he was unhappy,he wrote the unhappy things on the paper with which he folded a model 13.When the plane flew away, he felt relaxed.

        When the reporter asked him if he felt sorry to 14 so many lessons because of going to Wuhan, he said the lessons he missed could be learned later, but if his grandmother missed the best time to cure, there would be nothing to get the chance 15.

    What a good boy! We should learn from him.

    A、lucky B、unlucky C、polite D、impolite
    A、mother B、father C、sister D、brother
    A、At B、In C、For D、To
    A、something B、anything C、nothing D、everything
    A、looked at B、looked up C、looked for D、looked after
    A、good B、bad C、big D、small
    A、film B、program C、doctor D、friend
    A、few B、much C、many D、little
    A、he B、himself C、she D、herself
    A、smelt B、tasted C、looked D、felt
    A、that B、if C、where D、why
    A、writer B、reader C、teacher D、reporter
    A、bike B、train C、plane D、ship
    A、get B、catch C、miss D、forget
    A、back B、up C、off D、down
  • 2. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D)四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        One day an angel (天使) came across three peas. She said she could help each of them 1 a dream.

        The first pea wanted to fly in the sky, and the second one's 2 was to swim in the sea. The third one said it had been 3 going to a place where it could bring happiness to others. The angel 4 them where they wanted to go. The first pea fell onto the5 after a long flight and was eaten by a hen. The second one sank into the sea and had to stay in the darkness alone all its life. The third one flew into a flower pot (花盆) whose 6 was a poor little girl. Having been ill for a long time, she was very 7 and couldn't go outside.

        One day, when the girl was walking as usual in the house, she 8 a small pea plant in the flower pot. 9 the plant only had two tiny leaves, it seemed to be cheerful. When a light 10 came, it danced and seemed to be encouraging the girl to cheer up. "I will grow up like this plant and I will be better soon," she said in a confident voice. From then on, the girl stayed beside the little pea plant, watched it and talked with it. Day by day the plant grew taller and taller, and 11 the little girl became better and better. Finally, the pea plant flowered and the girl returned to her 12.

        Then the angel came. The pea plant waved its leaves to her and said, "Look! My 13 has come true and I feel I'm the 14 pea in the world!" The angel smiled, "Only the dream that can 15 others will bring happiness in return!"

    A、explain B、design C、have D、achieve
    A、wish B、plan C、game D、prize
    A、catching sight of B、coming up with C、taking part in D、looking forward to
    A、sent B、brought C、showed D、imagined
    A、mountain B、ground C、river D、building
    A、owner B、volunteer C、maker D、player
    A、sad B、weak C、fat D、serious
    A、looked B、noticed C、knocked D、grew
    A、When B、Since C、Though D、If
    A、wind B、rain C、storm D、cloud
    A、suddenly B、certainly C、normally D、gradually
    A、activities B、health C、studies D、job
    A、joke B、decision C、dream D、suggestion
    A、best B、proudest C、bravest D、happiest
    A、support B、protect C、help D、understand
  • 3. 完形填空

        Billy is a boy of fifteen. His parents died three years ago. One day when he was walking in the street, he 1a wallet. He returned it to the owner,Mr. Baker. He gave his2to the boy. As the boy had no job,Mr. Baker made him work for him in his 3.Billy worked so hard that Mr. and Mrs. Baker were4with him.

        Mr. Baker loved planting5. The week before last, he brought a few trees home,planted them in the6himself and watered them every day. Several days7 , he had to leave for another city. Before he started,he said to Billy “Take good care of the trees. Some boys near our house always want to steal them. “

        “Don't 8about them.“ answered Billy. Six days passed and Mr. Baker came back. He asked,“9anyone ever come to steal the trees?”“No,sir. “ said Billy,”To stop someone from stealing the trees,I 10them up six days ago. I have hidden them for almost a week. “

    A、found B、brought C、carried D、wanted
    A、walked B、pity C、thanks D、excuses
    A、factory B、office C、town D、home
    A、pleased B、angry C、strict D、popular
    A、flowers B、grass C、vegetables D、trees
    A、garden B、office C、city D、room
    A、ago B、later C、before D、after
    A、think B、talk C、learn D、worry
    A、Did B、Does C、Has D、Will
    A、sent B、pulled C、put D、picked
  • 4. 完形填空

        My father was sick badly,so he needed a lot of help to do the everyday things.

        Dad was sitting in his old armchair and listening to the radio when I arrived.He 1and smiled.

        “What's new,Jim?”he said,2 I sat down on the sofa.

        I wanted to tell him all about my problems at work,3I couldn't seem to find the works.4 he think that I was a failure,out of work at 58?”Nothing much,”I said,finally.He told me lots of family news.He was in 5 spirits.Then it was time for Dad to 6 his medicine.

        “I'll get it,”I said.I went into the kitchen and7a glass of water from the fridge.I found a red apple in the kitchen.I cut it into small slices,put them on a plate.He was very 8 and looked as if he were going to cry.

        “Dad?What's the matter?”I asked.

        “9 has cut me an apple like that since your mother died,”he said.”it's just like what she used to do.”I shut and opened my eyes quickly to bring 10 the tears.I couldn't let myself cry in front of him.

    A、lay B、rose C、turned
    A、as B、since C、until
    A、so B、or C、but
    A、Could B、Must C、Need
    A、poor B、good C、low
    A、buy B、make C、take
    A、boiled B、dropped C、poured
    A、surprised B、bad C、angry
    A、Somebody B、Nobody C、Everybody
    A、out B、back C、down
  • 5. 完形填空

        Many Chinese students think American students enjoy more freedom than them at school. 1 American schools also have their rules. If the students 2 the rules, they will be punished, too.

        On the first day of a new term, 128 students of Morton High School were 3 home for wearing the wrong clothes. The number of the students in the school is 1,200. Usually only around 20 students break the school 4 rule. So the headmaster, Theresa Mayerik, said it was the 5 new term she had ever seen.

        At Morton High School, students' 6 clothing such as baggy(宽大的) trousers, low necked shirts and tank tops (紧身背心) are not allowed in classrooms. Some students think they have the right to choose what to 7, but the headmaster doesn't think so."I still agree even half the students in our school were sent home, because 99% will get the 8 that our school is for education," the headmaster said.

        "Freedom" does not 9 "being free without restrictions(约束)". That is to say, there is no complete freedom in the world, 10 in the US and in China. Everyone should obey the rules, or he will be punished.

    A、When B、But C、Or D、So
    A、plan B、obey C、break D、remember
    A、went B、showed C、sent D、brought
    A、dress B、traffic C、exam D、room
    A、most exciting B、more boring C、best D、worst
    A、nice B、comfortable C、favorite D、new
    A、put on B、wear C、dress D、be in
    A、punishment B、prize C、advice D、message
    A、mean B、need C、want D、like
    A、both B、whether C、if D、either
  • 6. 完形填空

        James Dyson is a famous British inventor. One of his well­known inventions is the bagless vacuum cleaner (真空吸尘器).He 1 it in 1978. Today Dyson still2that day. “...I was the only man in the world with a bagless vacuum cleaner!” he said.

        Dyson, 65, wasn't a(n) 3at first.When he studied art at the Royal College of Art in London, he began to show an interest in design. There he invented his first product, the Sea Truck. It was a boat for4anything between islands.

        Then he started his first company to make and sell5invention. The Ballbarrow is a kind of vehicle (交通工具).But later Dyson left his6He didn't agree with his partners.

        After that Dyson began to improve on the vacuum cleaner. In 1985, Dyson took his product to Japan and7the Japanese to sell it. However, he didn't make much money. Several years later Dyson decided to8and sell the machine himself. By 2005, Dyson controlled both the European and American 9.

        Along the way, Dyson discovered the secret of10 “People will buy products if they're better”.

    A、discovered B、invented C、produced D、found
    A、remembers B、forgets C、notices D、tastes
    A、engineer B、teacher C、listener D、soldier
    A、taking B、fetching C、carrying D、bringing
    A、other B、the other C、another D、others
    A、company B、circle C、country D、research
    A、hoped B、made C、allowed D、supported
    A、produce B、divide C、create D、throw
    A、baskets B、markets C、websites D、organizations
    A、happiness B、success C、failure D、sadness
  • 7. 完形填空

        Wang Ling,a middle school girl,felt angry with her parents after getting a boy's phone call.“A classmate called me to discuss homework.We talked for just a few minutes 1 my parents got mad,”said the girl.“They asked 2 I liked the boy.I said I didn't,but they wouldn't believe me.”

        Wang's trouble is not 3 at all because puppy love(早恋) becomes a big headache for both parents and schools.They 4 that puppy love will be bad for study.

        Many students say they understand 5 parents and teachers are so nervous about puppy love.But some think they are going too far.“We have our own thoughts and we know what to 6with it,”said Wang Ling.

        Another girl,Jiang Ting,liked making friends with boys.“Boys and girls can 7 from each other,”she said.“My mother ask me to study hard.However,she 8 stops me from making friends with boys.”Once Jiang told her mother she 9 fall in love with a boy.Her mother let Jiang make her own 10Soon Jiang found that she didn't like him any more because the boy was not as good as what she had thought before.

    A、before B、until C、since
    A、that B、how C、whether
    A、common B、strange C、clear
    A、show B、imagine C、worry
    A、why B、what C、who
    A、play B、do C、deal
    A、speak B、learn C、stop
    A、never B、often C、sometimes
    A、need B、should C、might
    A、answer B、problem C、decision
  • 8. 完形填空

        It was such a beautiful day that I drove to go for a look in the country. On the way back home, my car 1.

        It was out of gas on a lonely road far from a town, I decided to walk 2 I got help. I had walked almost a mile before I finally found a house near the road. I was glad to see it 3 it was getting dark.

        I knocked at the door and a little old lady 4 long gray hair came out. She said. "I've been 5 for you for a long time, Come in, 6 is almost ready."

        "But I only come for some gas," I answered. I couldn't understand 7 she was talking about.

        "Oh, Alfred! Gas? You used to like tea," she said.

        I quickly explained my problem, 8 she didn't seem to hear me. She just 9 calling me Alfred and talking about how long it had passed 10 she had seen me. She acted very strangely and I felt very 11. As soon as she went to get tea, I ran out of the house as fast as I could.

        12 ,there was another house down the road and I was able to buy the gas I needed. When I told the man about my 13 , he said, "Oh, that's Miss Bronte. She lives by herself in that big house, She's strange. She's out of her mind. But don't worry. She won't hurt anybody. She is still 14 the man she was supposed to marry thirty years ago. The day before their wedding he left home and 15 came back because of the war."

    A、jumped B、stopped C、moved D、arrived
    A、until B、when C、so D、because
    A、if B、and C、because D、though
    A、with B、of C、had D、wore
    A、cooking B、looking C、calling D、waiting
    A、Gas B、Coffee C、Tea D、Lunch
    A、when B、what C、why D、that
    A、but B、and C、or D、so
    A、suggested B、kept C、stopped D、enjoyed
    A、while B、after C、before D、since
    A、excited B、worried C、happy D、sad
    A、Fortunately B、Suddenly C、Truly D、Carefully
    A、incident B、surprise C、experience D、adventure
    A、picking up B、staying with C、waiting for D、worrying about
    A、soon B、often C、never D、hardly
  • 9. 完形填空

        Many years ago in a village, Harlem, Holland, there lived a young boy. His name was Hans and he was eight years old. One 1 day, Hans went across the reservoir(水库) to visit an old blind man. He gave the man some biscuits and stayed there for a while, Then, Hans decided to 2 his home.

        "The water in the reservoir usually gets 3 in autumn," said the old man. "Be 4, Hans." On his way home, Hans sang a song, watched the rabbits run around and picked some flowers for his mother, 5, the sky got dark and heavy rain began to fall. Hans felt afraid and started to 6 . Just then, he heard the sound of water running away. He looked around carefully, and then 7 a very small hole in the dam(水坝).

        Hans felt scared 8 he knew what could happen. The 9 could get bigger and bigger. Then the dam could break and the whole Harlem would be covered by the water. Hans knew what to do. He put his finger into the hole, 10 no more water could come through it. "Please, someone, help me!" Hans 11 , But there was no one to help him. After some time, he began to feel very cold and tired, but he could not 12 the dam. All night long, Hans waited and waited...

        The next morning, a farmer walked by and heard Han's cries. I am trying to stop the 13 ,"the boy said. "Can you help me?" The farmer called some other people and they quickly 14 the hole. Then, they took Hans home. Everyone was very proud of that 15 boy.

    A、spring B、summer C、autumn D、winter
    A、clean B、find out C、return to D、draw
    A、dirtier B、colder C、quieter D、higher
    A、careful B、kind C、clever D、helpful
    A、Surely B、Suddenly C、Finally D、Normally
    A、jump B、wait C、run D、work
    A、made B、noticed C、dug D、felt
    A、because B、even if C、before D、so that
    A、dam B、finger C、hole
    A、unless B、when C、so D、but
    A、regretted B、expected C、imagined D、shouted
    A、leave B、believe C、see D、build
    A、rabbits B、people C、water D、river
    A、discovered B、repaired C、developed D、protected
    A、brave B、patient C、active D、cute
  • 10. 完形填空

        We kids have different ways to get in touch with each other now. And 1 the old, they'd like to go to the market or 2 each other's houses, but for the young, we kids needn't follow the ways of doing so, The 3 way for us to get in touch and make 4 is to use the communication tools like QQ. So we can make friends 5 through the Internet. Maybe we do not 6 all these "friends" well. We add friends only 7 we seem cooler with more friends online.

        Then how do we kids 8 in touch with friends online? We make it by sending messages to each other. At times," friends" 9 "be missing" for months 10 a message. Is this the friendship in the 21st century?

        Of course, using these communication tools is not  11 for saying "Hi, what's up?". Some of us have found long-lost classmates and friends 12 these tools. And at times we go to a movie or get together to kill time. What's more, we kids can 13 our friends' favorite music when we are on the Internet.

        Believe it or not, these communication tools will be 14 for a while, and it is 15  a convenient way for us to keep in touch.

    A、for B、about C、of D、with
    A、visit B、enjoy C、like D、build
    A、friendliest B、easiest C、worst D、slowest
    A、quarrels B、friends C、sentences D、jokes
    A、easily B、loudly C、late D、early
    A、learn B、know C、hear D、teach
    A、if B、when C、because D、how
    A、have B、tell C、want D、keep
    A、must B、will C、may D、shall
    A、with B、without C、on D、of
    A、already B、also C、just D、yet
    A、through B、for C、onto D、into
    A、listen to B、hear from C、look at D、feel like
    A、difficult B、popular C、dangerous D、polite
    A、very B、real C、really D、much