
试卷更新日期:2019-12-10 类型:期中考试

一、Listen and choose听录音,选出你听到的句子。(共5小题,每小题1分)

  • 1. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A、I'd like to visit China. B、I'd like to visit Vietnam. C、I'd like to visit Japan.
  • 2. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A、I eat dumplings in China. B、I eat spicy food in Thailand. C、I eat sushi in Japan.
  • 3. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A、I'd rather see a waterfall. B、I'd rather sleep in a tree house. C、I'd rather sleep in the house.
  • 4. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A、I prefer visiting Australia to playing tennis in the resort in Malaysia. B、I prefer playing tennis in the resort in Malaysia to visiting Australia. C、I prefer playing table-tennis in the resort in Malaysia to visiting Australia.
  • 5. 听录音,选出你听到的句子(   )
    A、I am a member of Gardening Club. B、I am a member of Camping Club. C、I am a member of Drama Club.


  • 6. 听问句选答句,听答句选问句(   )
    A、I like doing bungee jump. B、I'd like to do a bungee jump. C、I like to jump.
  • 7. 听问句选答句,听答句选问句(   )
    A、What would you like to do? B、What did you do? C、What would you rather do?
  • 8. 听问句选答句,听答句选问句(   )
    A、Cinderella is hard-working and beautiful. B、Cinderella's stepsister are greedy and selfish. C、Snow White is kind and pretty.
  • 9. 听问句选答句,听答句选问句(   )
    A、We take members on outdoor camping trips. B、We train students to do first-aid. C、We invite professional actors.
  • 10. 听问句选答句,听答句选问句(   )
    A、There are four rings on the Olympic flag. B、There are five rings on the Olympic flag. C、Tee are fifty-five rings on the Olympic flag.


  • 11. Are mascots real animals?
    A、Yes, they are real animals. B、No, they are not fictional characters. C、No, they are fictional characters.
  • 12. When did the first modern Olympic Games take place?
    A、It took place in Athens, Greece. B、It took place in 1896. C、It took place in China.
  • 13. What does the man like doing?
    A、He likes map reading and acting. B、He likes map reading and campfire building. C、He likes acting.
  • 14. What did Cindy do in Australia?
    A、She did a bungee jump. B、She fed a kangaroo. C、She rode on a banana boat.
  • 15. Where would Emma like to go?
    A、She would like to go to Japan. B、She would like to go to Thailand and Japan. C、She would like to go to Thailand.

四、Listen and judge. 听短文,判断句子正误。(共5小题,每小题1分)

  • 16. 听短文,判断句子正误。
    (1)、Mascots have been part of the Olympic Games since 1967.
    (2)、The mascots are the same for each Olympic Games.
    (3)、Mascots are fictional characters.
    (4)、They are fish, pandas, tigers and swallows.
    (5)、When you put the names of mascots together, they mean Welcome to Beijing.


  • 17. 听录音,补全短文中所缺的单词。

        Her name was Beauty. The other two daughter were greedy and . Beauty wanted a rose and her father saw a . He climbed into it and the beast out. The beast let the man go, but he wanted one of his daughters to live with him. He told his daughters and Beauty went to live with the beast .Finally, the beast turned into a prince. I like this tale.

六、Read and write找朋友,请在句子中找出一个含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词。(共5小题, 每小题1分)

  • 18. 找出含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词:creative

    Riding banana boats is a positive activity.

  • 19. 找出含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词:rulers

    She played the flute.

  • 20. 找出含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词:fears

    They have trained so hard for years.

  • 21. 找出含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词:flew

    She drew some beautiful pictures.

  • 22. 找出含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词:blue

    I bought some pens and glue yesterday.

七、Read, choose and write根据内容,选词填空。(共5小题,每小题1分)

八、Look and complete看图,完成句子。(共6小题,每小题2分)


  • 34. I would rather_______ swimming than_______ hiking.
    A、going; go B、go; going C、go; go
  • 35. I prefer______ computer games to _____ toy cars
    A、playing; play B、play; playing C、playing; playing
  • 36. _____ it was very hot in Thailand, we had a great time there.
    A、Because B、Although C、So
  • 37. The beast wanted Beauty______ with him.
    A、to live B、live C、living
  • 38. The bear let the man _______.
    A、go B、to go C、going
  • 39. When we are eating breakfast, our teacher ______ in.
    A、came B、comes C、come
  • 40. Many students take part ______ the camping club.
    A、on B、in C、at
  • 41. The torch relay ______ an Olympic tradition since 1936.
    A、has been B、be C、is
  • 42. You can go to school either by bus ______ by car.
    A、nor B、or C、and
  • 43. Do you know how to deal ______ a burn or a wound?
    A、for B、of C、with

十、Read and choose补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分)

  • 44. 补全对话

    A. How often should I take the medicine?

    B. Yes, I do.

    C. I have a bad cold.

    D. Good afternoon, young man.

    E. About two days.

    A: Good afternoon, Doctor Huang,

    B: What's wrong with you?


    B: Do you have a cough?

    A: I cough now and then.

    B: How long have you been like this?

    A: And I'm feeling terrible now.

    B: Let me check you over. Oh, you have a fever, too.

    A: Is it serious?

    B: Nothing serious. Take this medicine and drink more water.


    B: Three times a day. Have a good rest and you'll be all right soon.

    A; Thanks a lot.

    B: Not at all.

十一、Read and answer阅读理解(20分)

  • 45. 阅读理解

        My name is Jack. This is my home. I live in a cave.

        This is our living and dining room. My family share stories and eat here. Look! My father is telling us about his hunting today. My mother is setting up the fire. We cook here, so there is our kitchen too!

        We have a garden outside. My sister is picking up branches for our fire.

        We have two small caves inside our cave. They are our bedrooms. I share(分享)a cave with my sister.

        What is this? Oh, a bear is sleeping in my cave! It happens all the time in winter!

    (1)、阅读短文,根据文章介绍顺序,用A,B, C,D,E给下列图画重新排序。

    (2)、Jack lives in a cave with his family.
    (3)、Jack's father is setting up the fire.
    (4)、Jack's sister is picking up branches for our fire.
    (5)、Jack shares a cave with his sister.
    (6)、A bear always sleeps in Jack's cave in winter.
  • 46. 阅读理解

        What are you going to do during your winter vacation(寒假)? Watching the 2018 Winter Olympic Games might be a good choice. South Korea (韩国) will hold the Games from Feb 9 to 25 in the city of Pyeongchang (平昌)。

        They will be the first Winter Olympic Games in South Korea. The county has done a lot for the Games. For example, there will be 85 robots working for the Games. They will help with security (安保) , information services and cleaning, CCTV News reported.

        There will be four new events for this year's Games. They are curling mixed doubles(冰壶混合双人赛) ,Alpine skiing team event (高山滑雪混合团体赛) ,speed skating mass start (速度滑冰集体出发) and snowboard big air (单板滑雪大跳台) .

        Chinese team members are working hard for the Winter Olympics. They'll compete with strong teams from countries like South Korea and Canada.

        World champion figure-skating pair (花样滑冰) Han Cong and Sui Wenjing may win big.

        China's short-track speed skating (短道速滑) team is also hoping to take the gold.

    (1)、Where will the 2018 Winter Olympic Games take place?
    A、In the United States. B、In South Korea. C、In Canada.
    (2)、The robots will help with the following EXCEPT
    A、security B、reporting news C、information services
    (3)、The 3rd paragraph mainly introduces___ for the 2018 Winter Games.
    A、the use of robots B、some new sports events C、skating and skiing
    (4)、The last paragraph(段落) shows      .
    A、Han Cong and Sui Wenjing are popular stars B、Chinese team will win all the gold. C、China may take the gold in short-track speed skating
    (5)、What's the best title (题目) of this passage?
    A、Summer Games are coming B、Happy winter vacation C、New events coming to Winter Games
  • 47. 阅读短文,补全信息,每空一词。

        What are you going to do during your winter vacation(寒假)? Watching the 2018 Winter Olympic Games might be a good choice. South Korea (韩国) will hold the Games from Feb 9 to 25 in the city of Pyeongchang (平昌)。

        They will be the first Winter Olympic Games in South Korea. The county has done a lot for the Games. For example, there will be 85 robots working for the Games. They will help with security (安保) , information services and cleaning, CCTV News reported.

        There will be four new events for this year's Games. They are curling mixed doubles(冰壶混合双人赛) ,Alpine skiing team event (高山滑雪混合团体赛) ,speed skating mass start (速度滑冰集体出发) and snowboard big air (单板滑雪大跳台) .

        Chinese team members are working hard for the Winter Olympics. They'll compete with strong teams from countries like South Korea and Canada.

        World champion figure-skating pair (花样滑冰) Han Cong and Sui Wenjing may win big.

        China's short-track speed skating (短道速滑) team is also hoping to take the gold.

    (1)、South Korea (韩国) willthe Games from Feb 9 to 25 in the city of Pyeongchang
    (2)、The country has a lot for the Games.
    (3)、They will help with security (安保), information services and .
    (4)、There will be four new for this year's Games.
    (5)、China's short-track speed skating (短道速滑) team is also hoping to take the.


  • 48. 看图写话。写出三句或以上与图片内容有关的英文句子。

  • 49. 以'School clubs'为题目,写一写你们学校有哪些俱乐部以及你能在这些俱乐部所做的活动,不少于60个单词。