浙江省新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解

试卷更新日期:2019-12-07 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 阅读理解

        My name is Frank. I have two cousins. They are Helen and Peter.

        Helen is my aunt's daughter. She is a nice girl. She is in Red Star Middle School. She has five friends in the school. Her favorite color is blue, She always carries(携带) a blue schoolbag. And her pens, pencils and erasers are all blue. Her telephone number is 516-7296 and you can e mail her at helen2016@163.com.

        Peter is my uncle's son. He is in Red Star Middle School, too. He has many friends in the school. His favorite color is black. His hat, schoolbag and watch are all black, His telephone number is 536 - 9832 and you can e-mail him at peter88@163.com. Peter is my good friend. He always watches basketball games with me.

    (1)、Peter and Helen are Frank's ______.
    A、classmates B、parents C、grandparents D、cousins
    (2)、Helen has ______ friends in the school.
    A、3 B、5 C、7 D、9
    (3)、Peter's telephone number is ______.
    A、516-7296 B、516-7269 C、536-9832 D、536-9823
    (4)、Peter always watches basketball games with ______.
    A、Frank B、Helen C、his aunt D、Helen and Frank
    (5)、What's the best title for this passage?
    A、My family B、My friends C、My sisters D、My cousins
  • 2. 阅读理解

    (1)、How much is a sweater?
    A、It's¥120. B、It's¥45. C、It's¥40. D、It's¥60.
    (2)、Li Hong has¥70. How many pairs of socks can she buy?
    A、Twenty. B、Fourteen. C、Twenty-five. D、Thirty.
    (3)、Lisa wants to buy a backpack and a T-shirt. She needs     .
    A、¥159 B、¥180 C、¥105 D、¥90
    (4)、Where can you buy these things?
    A、In a. bookstore. B、In a clothes store. C、In a vegetable store. D、Ina fruit store.
    (5)、You have¥130. You can buy     .
    A、a sweater and a backpack B、two T-shirts and two hats C、two pairs of shorts and a hat D、a pair of trousers and a T-shirt
  • 3. 阅读理解

        My name is Nick. My friends and I eat well. Here is the list(清单) of my four friends' meals.






    milk, eggs

    rice, chicken

    salad, fruit


    milk, eggs

    jiaozi, rice, chicken

    jiaozi, vegetables


    bread, eggs, milk

    rice, vegetables

    carrots, oranges



    bread, ice-cream


    (1)、________ has salad for dinner.
    A、Sally B、Lucy C、Mike D、Maria
    (2)、Sally, Lucy and Mike don't have ________ for breakfast.
    A、eggs B、milk C、eggs and milk D、vegetables
    (3)、Mike usually has ________ for lunch.
    A、fruit salad B、ice-cream C、rice and vegetables D、chicken
    (4)、________ doesn't have a healthy eating habit.
    A、Sally B、Lucy C、Mike D、Maria
    (5)、Which of the following is RIGHT?
    A、The girls eat healthily.    B、Lucy doesn't have vegetables. C、We don't know Nick's eating habits. D、Mike doesn't have eggs for breakfast.
  • 4. 阅读理解








    8:10 a.m.






    9:00 a.m.












    10:40 a.m.






    12:20 p.m.


    1:10 p.m.




    Self- study


    2:00 p.m.






    (1)、How many subjects do they have?
    A、2. B、3. C、4. D、6.
    (2)、They have a(n) _________ lesson at 9:50 on Wednesday morning.
    A、art B、biology C、Spanish D、P.E.
    (3)、They begin their math lesson at _________ on Thursday morning.
    A、8:10 B、9:00 C、9:50 D、10:40
    (4)、What lesson do they have at 1:10 p. m. on Monday?
    A、English. B、Spanish. C、P.E. D、Biology.
    (5)、On Friday morning, students don't have _________.
    A、biology B、Spanish C、math D、English
  • 5. 阅读理解

        My name is Cindy. I'm thirteen years old this year, I'm a middle school student. I'm in Class Three, Grade Seven, I have two new subjects this year. They are science and history. My favorite day is Thursday because I have science on that day.

        I have a twin sister. Her name is Sonia. She is also a middle school student. She is in Class Six, Grade Seven, She likes English. Her favorite day is Monday because she has English on that day.

        My father is Mr. White. He is a math teacher. His favorite day is Sunday because he can go to the baseball club. He likes playing baseball.

        My mother is Mrs. White. She is a clerk(店员) at Huaxing Clothes Store. Her favorite day is Saturday because on that day she doesn't go to work(.上班). And she can play tennis with her friends. Oh, my mother likes playing tennis.

    (1)、Cindy's favorite subject is _________.
    A、science B、history C、math D、English
    (2)、Sonia is _________years old this year.
    A、seven B、nine C、thirteen D、fourteen
    (3)、Mr. White has two _________.
    A、sons B、sisters C、brothers D、daughters
    (4)、On _________, Mr. White usually goes to the baseball club.
    A、Saturday B、Monday C、Thursday D、Sunday
    (5)、Mrs. White works at a _________.
    A、club B、hotel C、school D、store
  • 6. 阅读理解

        Mr. Smith is a teacher of English. He comes from America. He teaches English in China. He speaks Chinese quite(非常) well.

        He reads a lot of books and his wife often writes books for students at home. Mr. Smith gets up at five in the morning. He leaves home at 5:50. He begins the first lesson at eight. He teaches English every day except(除....之外) Saturday and Sunday. At 11:50 he finishes his lessons. Ten minutes later he has lunch. In the afternoon, he often plays games with his students. Sometimes he teaches his students in his office. Supper time is at about six. After that, he reads newspapers and watches TV. At about 10:50 he goes to bed.

    (1)、Mr. Smith is ________.
    A、a teacher B、a student C、free D、fun
    (2)、He leaves home at ________.
    A、6:10 B、5:50 C、7:10 D、6:50
    (3)、He doesn't have any English classes on ________.
    A、Monday B、Wednesday C、Friday D、weekends
    (4)、He has lunch at ________.
    A、12:30 B、12:00 C、13:30 D、13:00
    (5)、He watches TV and reads newspapers ________ supper.
    A、before B、after C、at D、in
  • 7. 阅读理解

        Li Ting is a Chinese girl. She is fourteen years old, and she is in No.8 Middle School. From (从....始) Monday to Thursday(周四), she has seven classes a day. On Friday, she only has six classes. Her favorite subject is English, because she thinks it's interesting and useful(有用的). But her favorite teacher is not her English teacher. Mr. Lee is her favorite teacher. He teaches history in the school. He is 24 and he looks cool(酷的). His classes are fun and he is welcome in the school.

        Li Ting is free on Saturday and Sunday. She always plays ping pong with her friends on Sunday. What does she do on Saturday? She must finish her homework for sure!

    (1)、How old is Li Ting?
    A、8. B、12. C、14. D、16.
    (2)、Li Ting studies at school for ________ days a week.
    A、four B、five C、six D、seven
    (3)、Li Ting's favorite subject is ________.
    A、English B、math C、history D、art
    (4)、Mr. Lee is a      teacher.
    A、music B、Chinese C、math D、history
    (5)、Li Ting always with ________ her friends on Sunday.
    A、plays sports B、watches TV C、buys clothes D、cooks
  • 8. 阅读理解

        Hello, boys and girls! I'm Helen. The Student Art Festival starts in our middle school. Today is December 13th. There is a photo show(展览). Students take many photos. All of them are great. I love one of the photos a lot. It's a photo of a big family. It's named "Happy Birthday, Grandpa!" I think this student must have a happy family, just like me.

        In the next two weeks, we have other fun things-the talent(才艺) show, Chinese painting show and the DIY show. I like the talent show very much. The talent show is on the afternoon of December 19th. My classmate Tony and I will play the piano in the show. Our parents will come and watch the show. I hope we can do well. Do you have time? Please come and watch our show.

    (1)、There is a(n) ________ in Helen's school.
    A、sports meet B、art festival C、English party D、book sale
    (2)、The underlined word "them" refers to(指的是) ________.
    A、students B、shows C、photos D、schools
    (3)、Helen will play the piano with ________.
    A、her classmate B、her mother C、her teacher D、her cousin
    (4)、What can we know from the passage?
    A、There is a photo show on the second day. B、There is a basketball game. C、Helen likes the DIY show very much. D、There is a talent show on the afternoon of December 19th.
    (5)、What is the best title for this passage?
    A、A photo show B、A happy family C、The Student Art Festival D、A talent show
  • 9. 阅读理解

    This is Ann.

    What's in Ann's schoolbag?

    ●A yellow pen      ●A blue ruler

    ●A green cup       ●An orange

    This is Cindy.

    What's in Cindy's schoolbag?

    ●A purple pen    ●A red cup

    ●A key           ●A CD

    This is Frank.

    What's in Frank's schoolbag?

    ●A green jacket      ●A black pen

    ●An English book    ●A map

    (1)、Ann's pen is ___________.
    A、yellow B、blue C、red D、purple
    (2)、You can see a ___________ in Cindy's schoolbag.
    A、ruler B、jacket C、map D、key
    (3)、___________ has a map.
    A、Frank B、Cindy C、Ann D、Eric
    (4)、Everyone has a ___________.
    A、book B、pen C、CD D、cup
    (5)、___________ are green.
    A、Ann's cup and Frank's map B、Cindy's pen and Frank's jacket C、Ann's cup and Frank's jacket D、Cindy's key and Ann's ruler
  • 10. 阅读理解

        I look at Grandma, and I don't know what to do.

        "Go! Go! But come back with some wood and some fruit," she says.

        "Ok!" I say, and I run out of the door and down the street out of the town. I follow an old track and it leads me towards the hills. Suddenly I see the nursery in front of me. It is like a sea of green. There are all kinds of trees and a very big vegetable garden. I step inside the gate. It is quiet here, safe from the wind and it smells so good.

    (1)、Grandma asks the writer to come back with_______.
    A、some trees B、some bags C、some wood and fruit D、some trees and vegetables
    (2)、What leads the writer towards the hill?
    A、A dog. B、A girl. C、A map. D、A track.
    (3)、What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word "nursery" in the passage?
    A、海洋 B、苗圃 C、幼儿园 D、托儿所
    (4)、What's in the nursery?
    A、Flowers. B、Trees. C、Vegetables. D、Trees and vegetables.
    (5)、The writer feels_________ inside the gate.
    A、happy B、bad C、bored D、worried