浙江省新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(一)

试卷更新日期:2019-12-07 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. —Is that ______ apple?

    — Yes. It's ______ red apple.

    A、a; a B、an; an C、a; an D、an; a
  • 2. —I'm Frank. What's your ______?


    A、color B、number C、name D、sport
  • 3. —Where ________ the apples?

    —______ in the bag.

    A、is; It's B、is; They're C、are; It's D、are; They're
  • 4. Jack is not a(n) ______ boy. His things are always everywhere.
    A、tidy B、good C、nice D、English
  • 5. —Hi, Julia.______?

    —They are maps.

    A、Are they maps B、What are those C、Where are the maps D、What's this
  • 6. — ________ ?

    — Yes, please. I want some apples.

    A、How are you B、Where are you C、Who are you D、Can I help you
  • 7. —Mary, you ________ so nice in the new skirt.

    —Thank you, Lucy.

    A、think B、say C、look D、see
  • 8. I have ________ balls, seven basketballs and five volleyballs.
    A、eleven B、twelve C、thirteen D、fifteen
  • 9. —What is the         of the pen?

    —Five dollars.

    A、size B、color C、price D、style
  • 10. —            ?

    — Yes, please. I want a hat.

    A、How much? B、Can I help you? C、Excuse me. D、What will you take?
  • 11. How much          do you want?
    A、tomatoes B、bananas C、hamburgers D、meat
  • 12. —How much are those shorts?

    —They're          .

    A、twenty dollar B、$ twenty C、20 $ D、twenty dollars
  • 13. —How much is the skirt

              20 dollars.

    A、Yes, it's B、These are C、They are D、It's
  • 14. —How much are the black trousers?


    A、It's 100 yuan B、It's 100 yuans C、They're 100 yuan D、They're 100 yuans
  • 15. —Do you like the trousers?

    —Yes.         .

    A、I'll take it B、I like it C、I'll take them D、I don't like them
  • 16. — _______ your grandmother watch TV in the evening?

    —_______. She doesn't like watching TV.

    A、Does; No, she doesn't B、Doesn't; Yes, she doesn't C、Does; Yes, she does D、Doesn't; No, she does
  • 17. —Let's have some ice-cream.

    —No, it isn't _______.

    A、nice B、healthy C、interesting D、easy
  • 18. I _________ one pen, and my brother Jim _________ three.
    A、have; have B、has; has C、have; has D、has; have
  • 19. —Do you like ping-pong?

    — No, I think it's _________.

    A、interesting B、fun C、boring D、relaxing
  • 20. —Do you always play _________ Frank after class?

    — Yes.

    A、in B、to C、on D、with
  • 21. —Is this your hat?

    —No, it isn't. I ________ it's Tom's.

    A、say B、call C、find D、think
  • 22. —Is your brother's room ________?

    —No, you can see his books, pens and toys everywhere.

    A、tidy B、big C、tall D、good
  • 23. — ________ is your brother?

    — He is in the room.

    A、Where B、What C、How D、Who
  • 24. —Is his hat ________ his head?

    —No, it isn't. It's ________ his schoolbag. You can't see it.

    A、on; on B、in; on C、on; in D、in; in
  • 25. Mrs. Wang is _________ art teacher._________ class is very interesting.
    A、our; His B、our; Her C、we; His D、we; Her
  • 26. My classes finish _________ 3:00 p.m. every day. After that, I play soccer with my friends _________ an hour.
    A、at; to B、in; for C、at; for D、in; to
  • 27. —_________ you late for school, Jane?

    —Because I miss(错过) the school bus.

    A、Why do B、Why are C、How do D、How are
  • 28. This is     useful dictionary. I often use it.
    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 29. —Is Eric a ________ boy?

    —No. But he can speak ________.

    A、China; Chinese B、Chinese; China C、China; China D、Chinese; Chinese
  • 30. Meimei is going to be an older sister. Her parents are planning to have their ________ child.
    A、one B、two C、first D、second