
试卷更新日期:2019-12-06 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

        One day, when I was 1 on my computer in the computer class, a monster jumped out of the monitor screen. The monster 2 his finger to point to Mr Morgan, our computer teacher, and made him 3. The whole class screamed(尖叫)!

        Then, the monster started 4 all kids disappear in the class. I didn't know where I was sent to. I shouted, "Help!" Suddenly, my classmates showed up. Sam shouted, "Ah! There 5 a monster here! "That is not a monster!" said Emily. "It's' a motherboard(主板) inside a computer."

        It got hotter and 6. Mary asked, "Where are Brant, Julie and Clarie?" We heard a scream. We looked up and 7 a leg. We climbed up to have a 8 look. Brant, Julie and Clarie were in the fan. When we helped them out, Mat said," What about 9 the computer? ""We may get lost here forever, "said Sam. "But we can't stay here and do nothing. So we broke the computer together. Then amazingly, we were all back to our classroom.

        We found that the monster was still in our classroom, eating our lunch.

        Seeing us, the monster ran away 10. The monster was never seen again. I believed it went back inside the computer.

    A、typing B、types C、to type
    A、use B、uses C、used
    A、disappearing B、disappear C、disappears
    A、make B、makes C、making
    A、am B、is C、are
    A、hot B、cool C、hotter
    A、see B、sees C、saw
    A、better B、good C、nice
    A、break B、breaking C、breaks
    A、quickly B、happily C、quietly
  • 2. 完形填空

        Nora was 16 years old. Her little brother Jim was sometimes naughty, but he made Nora1a lot. One afternoon2she was walking in the street, she saw a small boy3very fast to her. When he came near her, she was4to see it was Jim. "Hi, Jim," Nora shouted at him. "5are you running so fast?"6Jim didn't stop. He waved to his sister and shouted, stop two boys7fighting. Again. She laughed and 8important job for a little boy, isn't it? You don't do things like that very often. 9are the two boys?" "They are Tom and me," answered Jim when he10down the street very quickly.

    A、to laugh B、laugh C、laughing
    A、after B、before C、when
    A、running B、run C、ran
    A、surprising B、surprised C、surprise
    A、What B、Why C、Who
    A、Or B、But C、And
    A、in B、to C、from
    A、said B、saying C、says
    A、What B、Who C、How
    A、run B、runs C、ran
  • 3. 完形填空

       "Jane, please let me borrow a dollar," Jenny asked as they stood in the school lunch line." I have one in my jacket, but I don't want to1and lose my place."

       "OK," agreed Jane.

        Jane waited all day for Jenny to2back the dollar she borrowed, but Jenny always seemed to be3."She just forgets about it," thought Jane." I don't want to make her angry." Still, her money didn't go4. Some classmates, like Jenny, were5five dollars a week.

        Weeks went by. At last Jane got enough courage to ask her about the money.

       "Oh Jane, I6!" Jenny said." I'll bring the dollar tomorrow." The next day Jenny seemed to have forgotten again. During the noon hour, Jane saw her buying sweets for Mary and Ann. Jenny saw Jane looking at her.7she said something in a low voice to the other two girls. Jane felt8and asked her teacher if she could go back to the classroom.

        In the classroom, Jane saw two new pencils on Jenny's desk. An9came to her," Jenny's not10recently, and anyway, she really owes (欠)me. Besides, she has money to buy more. A dollar doesn't mean anything to her, but it means a lot to me."

    A、stay B、wait C、leave
    A、pay B、lend C、take
    A、busy B、happy C、free
    A、up B、back C、far
    A、losing B、getting C、finding
    A、used B、forgot C、understood
    A、Even B、Again C、Then
    A、alone B、bad C、hungry
    A、end B、answer C、idea
    A、busy B、pleased C、kind
  • 4. 完形填空

        Mr Black loved his daughter Helen very much. Every day he spent all of his free time1with her. One night, he had much work to do,2couldn't play with his daughter. In order to keep her3, he found a map of the world in a magazine and cut it into pieces. When he4, Helen came to him and was ready to play. Mr Black said he had5time to play with her. He told her to put the pieces of paper back together to a map of the world, and then they could both play.

        About half an hour later, Helen came to her father and said, "Okay, it's finished. Can we play now?"Mr Black was surprised, saying, "That's 6Let's go and see. "And sure enough, there was the map of the world, all put together, every7sin its place.

        Mr Black said, "That's surprising!8did you do that?" Helen said, "It was9. On the back of the page was a picture of a10. When I put the man together, the whole world fell into place."

    A、working B、running C、playing
    A、or B、and C、however
    A、sleepy B、warm C、busy
    A、left home B、got home C、left the office
    A、no B、enough C、much
    A、right B、impossible C、possible
    A、map B、picture C、piece
    A、How B、Why C、When
    A、hard B、simple C、difficult
    A、boy B、girl C、man
  • 5. 完形填空

        Nick is a 14— year— old schoolboy. His life is full of exams and studies on weekdays. He has1free time. He thinks playing computer games2the best way to make him relax. When he has free time, he sits in front of the computer. Just3that, he doesn't eat or drink for several hours.

        Last weekend, he played games on the computer again. He was too4and didn't want to move. He didn't have5for six hours. When he had to go to the bathroom, he found he could not move. He 6to the hospital. The doctor told him he should have a good rest and7exercise.

        After coming back from the hospital, Nick follows the doctor's8. He often plays soccer with his friends.9sometimes he still plays computer games at weekends, he10does it for long. Now he lives a happy and healthy life.

    A、few B、a few C、little
    A、is B、are C、be
    A、on B、for C、like
    A、excite B、excites C、excited
    A、something B、anything C、nothing
    A、is taken B、was taken C、was taking
    A、pay attention to B、look out C、take care of
    A、dreams B、advices C、advice
    A、Unless B、Although C、Because
    A、ever B、often C、never
  • 6. 完形填空

        In some science fiction films, people in the future have their own robots. These robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do the most1 jobs.

        Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years, Scientists are now trying to make robots look like people and2 the same things as us. Japanese companies have already made robots walk and dance. This kind of robot will also be fun to watch.

        But robot scientist James White disagrees. He thinks that it will be3 for a robot to do the same things as a person. For example, it's easy for a child to4and know where he or she is. Mr White thinks that robots won't be able to do this. But other scientists disagree. They think that robots will be able to talk to people.525 to 50 years.

        Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people. For example, there are already robots 6 in factories. These robots look more like huge arms. They do simple jobs over and over again. People don't like to do such jobs and will get bored, But robots will7 get bored.

        In the future, there will be more robots everywhere, and humans will have8 work to do. New robots will have many different9. Some will look like humans, and others might look like10 , After an earthquake, a snake robot can help look for people under buildings. That may not seem possible now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed impossible a hundred years ago. We never know what will happen in the future!

    A、unpleasant B、pleasant C、interesting
    A、to do B、doing C、do
    A、easy B、impossible C、exciting
    A、lookup B、wake up C、turn up
    A、in B、before C、about
    A、work B、working C、to work
    A、no B、ever C、never
    A、less B、a little C、fewer
    A、names B、shapes C、sizes
    A、turtles B、snakes C、monsters
  • 7. 完形填空

        A young man went to visit a wise man living deep in the mountain for the wisdom of life.

        "Excuse me! Could you please tell me what the most1day in our lives is? Is it the day when we were born or the day we2? Is it the day when we fall in love or the day we succeed?" the young man asked.

        "3. The most important day in our lives is today, "the wise man replied calmly." Why?" The young man felt more than4. "Is it because there is a moving event taking place today?" "No. Nothing has happened today. ""Is it because of my visit?" "Even if nobody visits me today, today is5very important because today is the only wealth we have. No matter how memorable yesterday is, it has gone just like a ship going down into the sea. No matter how bright tomorrow may be, it is yet to come. But no matter how common today is, it is6our control."

        The young man still wanted to ask something, while the wise man7him and said, "When we are talking about the meaning of today, we have8a lot of it."

        The young man nodded and then went down the mountain.

        Actually, today is the only 9we have. So, what we should do now is10yesterday and tomorrow and seize today!

    A、important B、necessary C、comfortable
    A、miss B、die C、grow
    A、Nothing B、None C、No one
    A、awful B、pleased C、surprised
    A、still B、already C、ever
    A、for B、under C、on
    A、stopped B、refused C、encouraged
    A、treasured B、handed C、wasted
    A、excuse B、way C、wealth
    A、forget B、remember C、call
  • 8. 完形填空

        Can you imagine trying to write music if you are deaf? Most of us can't imagine it. But for the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven, there was no1at all.

        Beethoven wasn't born deaf. He was2on December 16, 1770 in Bonn, Germany. He lived a3life, and faced much sadness. One of his piano pieces, Fir Elise(《致爱丽丝》),was written for a failed love interest—a woman4Therese Malfatti.

        At the5of about 28, Beethoven began to lose his6. Yet he was7to go on writing music through hearing vibrations(振动). After the performance of his famous Symphony NO. 9(《第九交响曲》),people cheered and clapped(鼓掌). Beethoven could not hear them clapping, and when he turned8and realized, he began to9.

        Before Beethoven, most music was very controlled(克制的). He10this and created a powerful, violent sound. At first, many people hated his music, saying it was too emotional(情绪化的). But today, his name is a symbol for passion(热情)and genius(天才).

    A、dream B、problem C、wish
    A、out B、ill C、born
    A、simple B、difficult C、happy
    A、called B、written C、done
    A、year B、age C、season
    A、seeing B、feeling C、hearing
    A、able B、interested C、excited
    A、around B、off C、on
    A、bow B、shout C、touch
    A、did B、changed C、made
  • 9. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

        September is the time for students to go back to school! For Chinese students, most schools start on the same day. We will share summer stories with the same classmates 1 the first—year students. But in American schools, students get ready for classes a little 2.

        First of all, American schools don't all start on the same day. Classes begin any time between August and September. Every 3 decides when to begin its classes. If summer is too 4 then schools will usually start a little later.

        Every year we usually see the same teachers and classmates, but American students have some big changes. In American high schools teachers divide 5 into different levels. Students can choose their favourite teachers and courses according to their abilities and 6. This means that every year American students will 7 different classrooms or different classes. They will meet 8 classmates and teachers in each one. Also, students will go to school a few days early to get their 9 so that they can know the classes every day.

        For first—year students, the first day of school also means they finally get their own lockers. Primary school students in the USA have to share lockers with their 10.

    A、including B、except C、besides
    A、early B、late C、differently
    A、school B、city C、town
    A、dry B、cool C、hot
    A、students B、classes C、subjects
    A、ages B、interests C、habits
    A、see B、enter C、build
    A、new B、special C、unfriendly
    A、homework B、books C、schedule
    A、classmates B、teachers C、owner
  • 10. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

        A poor young man named Liang lived in a small Chinese town. One night, an old man visited Liang in a dream. He gave Liang a brush.

        "Use this magic brush to help the 1." he said," but don't use it to help people who are rich and greedy (贪婪地), or the skill will leave your 2 and you will never paint again."

        When Liang3, he found the brush lying on the table by his bed. He painted a butterfly and was 4 to see it fly off the paper.

        Liang went out of his house and started to paint for the people in need. He painted food for 5 people and clothes for the people who were cold.

        However, a rich man heard about the brush and asked Liang to paint some gold for him but Liang didn't 6.

        "If you don't paint for me, I'll cut your fingers off," the rich man said, "Then you will never 7again."

        So Liang painted an island of 8 in the middle of a blue sea.

        "How will I 9the island?" asked the rich man. Liang painted a boat for the rich man, who got in it and went on his way toward the island.

        But when the rich man was halfway there, Liang painted a 10 in one side of the boat. The boat sank into the water and nobody ever saw him again.

    A、young B、poor C、old
    A、arms B、face C、fingers
    A、woke up B、grew older C、was born
    A、surprised B、angry C、unhappy
    A、strong B、brave C、hungry
    A、understand B、agree C、leave
    A、write B、paint C、cook
    A、gold B、animals C、trees
    A、get down B、get off C、get to
    A、hole B、picture C、line