外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 10 On the radio评估试题

试卷更新日期:2017-07-20 类型:单元试卷



  • 6. 选择最佳应答语(  )

    A、It'll be sunny. B、I'll be there. C、It was cold.
  • 7. 选择最佳应答语(  )

    A、Great news. B、Me neither C、It doesn't matter.
  • 8. 选择最佳应答语(  )

    A、I'm sure. B、Yes,she does. C、Maybe a director.
  • 9. 选择最佳应答语(  )

    A、You're welcome. B、It's a pity. C、What's wrong?
  • 10. 选择最佳应答语(  )

    A、Well done. B、Thank you. C、I don't think so.


  • 11. What would the girl like?

    A、A model car B、A toy clock. C、A model plane.
  • 12. How long has Mrs Brown had the computer?

    A、For one year B、For three years. C、For four years
  • 13. Who is a director?    

    A、Sam's uncle. B、Sam's brother. C、Sam.
  • 14. What does Jim think of his car?    

    A、Clean. B、Expensive. C、Cool.
  • 15. How long does Jane spend on her hobby every day now?    

    A、About two hours. B、About an hour. C、About half an hour.


  • 16. 选择最佳答案。

    (1)、How long has Candy's mother been away?    

    A、7 days. B、9 days. C、11 days.
    (2)、What does Candy do every evening?     

    A、She plays the piano. B、She does he,homework C、She draws pictures.
    (3)、What's the weather like in Candy's city?

    A、Cool. B、Warm C、Hot.
    (4)、Where did Candy and her father go last Sunday?    

    A、To the park. B、To the Z00. C、To the museum.
    (5)、Where is Candy's mother now?    

    A、In China. B、In Canada. C、In America.


  • 17. My interest      football began when I was 9 years old.    

    A、to B、for C、at D、in
  • 18. —Linda has a beautiful      

    —Yes.She sings really well.


    A、answer B、shape C、voice D、trip
  • 19. Tomorrow we'll have a class meeting.Its    is to talk about how to learn English.    

    A、lesson B、result C、purpose D、trouble
  • 20. Mr Wang is a presenter and he has many chances to    with famous people.    

    A、take messages B、do interviews C、make a choice D、have a journey
  • 21. Mum asked me to avoid    out alone at night.    

    A、go B、to go C、going D、went
  • 22. Jack,thank you for     me with my maths.    

    A、help B、helping C、helped D、to help
  • 23. Jerry needs         the airport before 9:00 am.    

    A、get to B、got to C、getting to D、to get to
  • 24. Tom told me that he    a bus to the museum.    

    A、takes B、took C、is taking D、will take
  • 25. You'd better keep     exercise to keep

    A、to do;health B、doing;health C、to do;healthy D、doing;healthy
  • 26.      that they can't find the way to the library.

    A、It seems B、It seemed C、They seem D、They seemed
  • 27. Mr Smith often walks in the playground,     the radio.    

    A、listen B、listening C、listen to D、listening to
  • 28. —Do you know    Mary has been to England?

    —Yes, she has been there several times.


    A、whether B、when C、why D、how
  • 29. —Can you tell me when     to China?

    —Next month.

    A、will Ann go B、Ann will go C、did Ann go D、Ann went
  • 30. —I'm not sure       I can go to your party next week.

    —Well.        you come,I'll be very glad.


    A、If;whether B、whether;that C、mat; if D、whether;if
  • 31. —My sister won the tennis match yesterday.



    A、Here you are. B、What a pity! C、That's great news! D、Here it is.


  • 32. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        Radio presenters are the voice of a station or a programme,whether they work in music radio or speech radio.They1the style(风格)of radio programmes and connect with listeners.They may work for the BBC or at local radio stations in England.

        2 most radio presenters want to work in London or the southeast of England.They finally have to work in all parts of the UK.Working 3 are different and may include early mornings and late nights,as well as weekends and holiday.In some programmes, 4 have to travel to work both in the UK and in foreign countries.

        Some presenters in music radio 5 for different stations and programmes,so they must provide different kinds of 6 . Some presenters in speech radio have different programmes,from talk shows to documentaries(纪录片).

        Radio presenters must understand how important the rules(规则)are,7 the time.They should work closely with other members of a team,and they should listen to a director because the director's work is very 8 . Also,they need to review(评论)their own programme and 9 the advice from others.So it's not 10 to be a radio presenter.

    A、create B、forget C、stick D、avoid
    A、Because B、Although C、Whether D、Since
    A、places B、groups C、hours D、lunches
    A、presenters B、listeners C、directors D、managers
    A、study B、search C、wait D、work
    A、art B、music C、sports D、games
    A、suddenly B、possibly C、especially D、quickly
    A、patient B、humorous C、private D、important
    A、think about B、pass on C、make up D、count down
    A、helpful B、polite C、right D、easy


  • 33. 根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

    A:Jack.have you ever visited a radio station?

    B:No,I haven't.

    A:I have been to Radio Guangzhou once.

    B:That's great!

    A:Last month.I went there with my classmates.


    A:We talked to the presenters and learned a lot from them.


    A:Yes,I'd like to.That's my dream.


    A:Thank you.

    A.Would you like to work as a presenter in the future?

    B.What about you?

    C.Come this way,please.

    D.What did you do there?

    E.When did you go there?

    F.What will you do to be a presenter?

    G.I'm sure your dream will come true one day.


  • 34. 阅读理解

    Lisa was a lovely girl.When Lisa was 9,her family decided to move across the country to California because Lisa's father found a good job in California.Before they moved,Lisa's parents had to take a trip to California to find a house where they would live.

        "We will be gone for two weeks."Lisa's mother said."While we are gone.you will stay with Aunt Betsy?"

    Aunt Betsy lived several hours away.in a big city.Lisa had never stayed with Aunt Betsy,so she didn't know what to bring for her visit.The weather was warm,so she put some shorts and T-shirts in a bag.She put some books in another bag because she liked reading.Mostly she read books about horses.

        When the day came.Aunt Betsy drove to Lisa's house to pick her up.Lisa hugged her parents and said goodbye.

        Several hours later,they got to Aunt Betsy's home.Lisa found Aunt Betsy lived in a beautiful apartment(公寓).Aunt Betsy led Lisa to her room.

        It was a small but clean room.Then Lisa noticed something on the wall.She saw a picture of a tall,reddish—brown(红褐色的)horse.The horse was very beautiful.Aunt Betsy was in the picture.standing beside the horse.

        "That's Ruby,"Aunt Betsy said.

        Lisa asked,"Is that your horse?"

        Aunt Betsy said,"No,I ride her sometimes.She lives in a stable(马厉)not far away."

        Lisa put her book bag onto the bed.She said,"I love horses.I read a lot of books about horses."She asked."Can we visit Ruby?"

        Aunt Betsy smiled.She Said."Of course.We can even go out riding."

        Lisa couldn't be happier.She and her aunt had something in common.It was going to be a great adventure(冒险)!


    (1)、Lisa's family.decided to move to California     

    A、when Lisa was 8 B、when Lisa was 10 C、because houses there were cheaper D、because Lisa's father"got a new lob there
    (2)、How did Lisa go to Aunt Betsy's home?    

    A、By train. B、By car. C、By underground. D、By bike.
    (3)、Aunt Betsy's home was        .    

    A、small but clean B、in a small town C、far from a stable D、in a beautiful apartment
    (4)、How might Lisa feel at the end of the story?    

    A、Sad because she missed her parents. B、Excited because she could go horse riding. C、Excited because she would move somewhere warm. D、Sad because she would have to leave all of her friends.
    (5)、From the passage,we can know that         .    

    A、Lisa and Aunt Betsy had little in common B、Lisa once had a reddish—brown horse like Ruby C、Lisa brought some books for her stay with Aunt Betsy D、Lisa's parents planned to find a house in California in one week
  • 35. 任务型阅读,根据材料内容从方框中选择合适的句子填入材料空缺处,使材料内容完整、正确,其中有一个句子是多余的。

        Michelle Giaquinto is from Australia.She is working as a cook in a restaurant in Italy.She has travelled to over 30 countries.She is having a talk with a presenter about her travels.


    Q:What's the most beautiful place you've ever been to?

    A:It's difficult to choose"the most beautiful"place I've visited,because every place is beautiful in its own way.But I have very good memories(回忆)of the Himalayan mountains in Nepal.


    A:I stayed in a beautiful hotel in Marrakech.Morocco.It wasn't very big,but it had a green yard with a fountain(喷泉)in the middle.The colourful tiles(瓷砖)everywhere were fantastic.


    A:Fried erickets(油炸蟋蟀l on the street in

      Bangkok.Thailand.And they weren 7 t bad.


    A:I have always been very lucky in my travels.but someone stole(偷)my bag on a train when I was in India.Getting very ill in a lonely part of Pakistan wasn't very nice either.


    A:Indonesia.a country with a very interesting culture.I plan to go there next year.


    A:Australia has so many interesting places to visit,as it's so large.But my favourites are the sights along the Great Barrier Reef,North Queensland.I also love the big,open spaces of our national parks,especially Uluru National Park.


    A.What's the most interesting place you've visited in your own country?

    B.Which country have you always wanted to visit?

    C.Have you ever made any friends while travelling?

    D.What's the nicest hotel you've ever stayed in ?

    E.What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten in your travels?

    F.Have you had any bad experiences while travelling?


  • 36. A)根据句意及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。

    (1)、He usually gets(国内的)and international news on the radio.

    (2)、Please tell me something about the(背景)music.

    (3)、There are some interesting(文章)in the magazine.

    (4)、A lot of famous(导演)will take part in the Movie Festival.

    (5)、The radio programme was so excellent that thousands of(听众)loved it.

  • 37. B)根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式,每个限用一次。

    make noise,in person,one day,look down,on air

    (1)、Our head teacher took part in the meetingbecause it was very important.

    (2)、The girlat the dog and smiled at it.

    (3)、You can'tin some public places,for example,the library.

    (4)、—What does it mean when the red light is on?

    —It means we're

    (5)、I believe that your dream will come true


  • 38. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。


    Welcome to our school ! I willin the afternoon.


    If youthe window,you'll see beautiful sights.


    Li Hua foundyesterday.


    That'stoday's programmes.Goodbye l


    The children arethe holiday plans.


  • 39. 根据材料内容及首字母提示填空,使材料通顺、意思完整。

        It was Tom's father's 60th birthday.Long before that day,Tom had decided to hold a special birthday part for h . He had secretly sent invitations(请帖)to his father's f . Early that morning,I'm and his wife carefully arranged(安排)everything fme party.They made a birthday cake and cooked delicious food.After all the guests a , Tom brought out the birthday cake and walked to his father."Happy birthday,Dad,"Tom said.Then all the people in the house began to sing the birthday song h . The father started to cut the cake,but suddenly he stopped—shard was ill the cake.It was a key(钥匙)."Dad,let's go into the grange(车库),"Tom said to his father. In the garage there was a new car.His father could not bhis eyes."Oh,my God! That's my dream car."Tom hugged his father and said,"when I was 8,I pI would

        buy you a car on your 60th birthday.Do you sremember?"The father got into the driver's seat and said,"Thank you,my son.Now I know you weren't j . "


  • 40. 校广播电台正在招聘一名英语节目主持人,假如你叫Andy,14岁,8岁时喜欢上了广播电台,小学时曾在校广播电台当过两年的英语节目主持人。请你根据以上提示,给广播电台的负责人Mr Black写一封80词左右的求职信。信的格式已给出,不计入总词数。

    Dear Mr Black.





  • 41. 阅读理解。

        I'm David.Not long after I started my college course(课程),I began to look for some work experience.It was a busy course,but I had a free day each week.I wanted to do all I could to make myself employable(具备受雇条件的).Like many students,I was worried about leaving college with no job to go to.And this encouraged me to go out and look for placements(实习职位).

        I had several different placements.I decided I wouldn't let any chances go.I quickly realised (意识到)that the way to impress possible employers is to show them mat you are ready to work hard.Employers don't want someone who just does what they are asked and makes tea.What's more,I took every placement I was offered even if it didn't have to do with my course.

        Among the things I did was to work at a radio station and at a newspaper.I think it's been more helpful than just reading books.You do need to study of course,but college doesn't teach you everything.I have much more confidence(信心)now.I'm ready to deal with anything.While I was working at the radio station,I met a lot of interesting people and they helped me a lot.Some of them may help me find work in the future.I certainly advise getting some work experience while you're in school.


    (1)、David looked for placements in order to              

    A、do some research B、make some friends C、make some money D、get some work experience
    (2)、What does the underlined word"impress"in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?    

    A、使……无言以对 B、使……犹豫不决 C、使……保持谨慎 D、使……印象深刻
    (3)、In Paragraph 3,David talks about     .    

    A、the best way to get a placement B、the reason he missed some placements C、me things he got from doing placements D、me difficult things he met when finding placements
    (4)、As for his future,David now         .    

    A、feels hopeful B、feels worried C、doesn't care about it D、is looking for advice
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE about David according to the passage?    

    A、He is good at communicating with others. B、He dreams of being a presenter in me future. C、He got a lot of help when working at the radio station. D、He only tried placements that had to do with his course.