外研版(三年级起点)英语三年级上册Module 8 Unit 2Where’s the cat?同步检测

试卷更新日期:2016-01-30 类型:同步测试

一、Read and choose单项选择。

  • 1. Where  ____________ the bag?
    A、are B、am C、is
  • 2. Is it  _________ the green bag?
    A、of B、in C、with
  • 3. — Is it in the box?

    — _______________.

    A、Yes, it is B、No, it is C、Yes, it is hat
  • 4. —Where is the box?

    — ______________.

    A、It's in the green bag B、It's a green bag
  • 5. _____ is the pen?
    A、What B、Where C、Why D、That
  • 6. — What's this?


    A、It is Amy . B、I am nine. C、It is a chair.

二、Read and choose根据情景选择合适的答案

  • 7. 当你找不到你的钢笔时,你该怎么说?(  )

    A、What's this? B、Where is my pen? C、What's your name? D、Is it a pen ?
  • 8. 当你对一个物体(狗)不确定时,你会怎么问?(  )

    A、How old are you? B、Is it a dog? C、What's your name? D、Good morning.
  • 9. 当你想确定你的铅笔是不是在盒子里时,你应该怎么说?(  )

    A、Is it a pencil? B、Is it a box? C、Is it in the box? D、Where is my pencil?

三、Read and choose根据问题选择正确的回答。

  • 10.



    — What's this?                —

    — How many girls?          —

    — What's your name?     —

    — Is it a dog?                  —

    — Where's the book?      —

四、Read and Write看图 ,判断句子是否正确并修改。

  • 11.



     - Is it a panda?

     - Yes,it is.

  • 12.

    看图 ,判断句子是否正确并修改


    The present is in the desk

  • 13.

    看图 ,判断句子是否正确并修改

     Is it a pencil?

  • 14.

    看图 ,判断句子是否正确并修改


    She is my brother.

  • 15.

    看图 ,判断句子是否正确并修改

    - Is it a desk?

    - Yes, it is.